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Minus Russian propaganda, what's the real story on the Ukraine?

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    Another example of the dirty, corrupt, far-right leaning, western media concocting a false story in an attempt to smear the world's most honest, gentle and progressive government.

    Appalling the amount of misinformation being distributed by our radical, far-right leaning, state-controlled media outlet.


    • Originally posted by Random Rooster View Post

      I'd like to know why it was necessary to impose martial law in areas that 93% of residents voted in favour of being under Russia rule over Ukraines?? Why does the military need the power to do whatever they like when you got compliant citizens that have got your back?
      Well that’s a very good question but I’m sure the Russian propaganda machine has a very good answer.


      • Originally posted by ism22 View Post

        Another example of the dirty, corrupt, far-right leaning, western media concocting a false story in an attempt to smear the world's most honest, gentle and progressive government.

        Appalling the amount of misinformation being distributed by our radical, far-right leaning, state-controlled media outlet.
        In the old days under Chairmen Mao he would have been taken out the back and shot and or at least deported for life to one of their many gulags/re-education concentration camps.

        He hasn't been seen since his removal though
        Last edited by King Salvo; 10-25-2022, 03:10 PM.


        • Originally posted by mightyrooster View Post

          Well that’s a very good question but I’m sure the Russian propaganda machine has a very good answer.
          Cue Comrade Paddo the RPM substitute - mmm let me guess the response it's the Americans and or the West


          • * I think that you're right Andy. For their safety.

            * To King Cliche:
            - Google Brookings Institute voter satisfaction or some such.
            - I joined this thread to argue that Russia has a valid case and is being monstered by the Land of the Free as is China and anyone else not conforming to the Empire's "rules based order" that they themselves do not conform to. See International Court of Justice and Law of the Sea. Communism doesn't come into it. I've said this several times now. The "Commo" thing is just a crude, anachronistic attempt to muddy the waters and detract from the basic argument. It's a well worn right wing Aussie put down.
            * Jeez we're sick of this US propaganda drivel. Not everyone in the east is part of the Russian ethnic majority. Might not there be elements spying, sabotaging and assassinating? Fascist militia have been active in the East since 2014 and 40,000 civilians have died there. I always wonder who is really responsible for the mass graves found. The US assures us that it is the work of the Russians and we should believe them with their track record?
            * Who are the "Human Rights activists"? They never seem to bob up when the US is blasting the shit out of some hapless community like now in the Yemen but they're onto Russia and China for its reasonable treatment of a UN proscribed terrorist/separatist/Islamic fundamentalist mob which has often attacked the Chinese state.
            * Old Oleksandr 53, is clearly a CIA plant or maybe just like our sheeple who would't vote except for the fine. You're becoming as tedious as Izzie with all these eye witnesses. Were any fisher folk involved?
            * Do the "armed militia" come at midnight and break down your door even if you're like the average Rooster fan or an old Oleksandr who just wants to get pissed and bet with his mates?
            * Give it a rest. You sound like the Tele, The League of Rights or Quadrant back in the 50s. You're a canceller and an apoplectic one at that.


            • Originally posted by Andrew Walker View Post

              I am sure it is for their safety
              For the safety of these compliant supportive residents, they strip them of civil law and install martial law? What am i missing??


              • Originally posted by Paddo Colt 61 View Post
                * I think that you're right Andy. For their safety.

                * To King Cliche:
                - Google Brookings Institute voter satisfaction or some such.
                - I joined this thread to argue that Russia has a valid case and is being monstered by the Land of the Free as is China and anyone else not conforming to the Empire's "rules based order" that they themselves do not conform to. See International Court of Justice and Law of the Sea. Communism doesn't come into it. I've said this several times now. The "Commo" thing is just a crude, anachronistic attempt to muddy the waters and detract from the basic argument. It's a well worn right wing Aussie put down.
                * Jeez we're sick of this US propaganda drivel. Not everyone in the east is part of the Russian ethnic majority. Might not there be elements spying, sabotaging and assassinating? Fascist militia have been active in the East since 2014 and 40,000 civilians have died there. I always wonder who is really responsible for the mass graves found. The US assures us that it is the work of the Russians and we should believe them with their track record?
                * Who are the "Human Rights activists"? They never seem to bob up when the US is blasting the shit out of some hapless community like now in the Yemen but they're onto Russia and China for its reasonable treatment of a UN proscribed terrorist/separatist/Islamic fundamentalist mob which has often attacked the Chinese state.
                * Old Oleksandr 53, is clearly a CIA plant or maybe just like our sheeple who would't vote except for the fine. You're becoming as tedious as Izzie with all these eye witnesses. Were any fisher folk involved?
                * Do the "armed militia" come at midnight and break down your door even if you're like the average Rooster fan or an old Oleksandr who just wants to get pissed and bet with his mates?
                * Give it a rest. You sound like the Tele, The League of Rights or Quadrant back in the 50s. You're a canceller and an apoplectic one at that.
                I would give you 10 for effort in attempting to argue a case for your beloved Russia/China/North Korea but 0 for any real substance behind your arguments though- Rather Westernophobia based one has to say and in reality from another era.

                Seriously though why do you still live in the West as surely for your health and wellbeing you would be better off living under political systems/regimes/leaders you truly admire and with other like minded comrades i.e Russia/China/North Korea.

                Commo/Socialist basically the same thing as after all it was called the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics governed centrally by the Communist party of the Soviet Union in Moscow or by Despot Stalin and his main henchman Beria head of the NKVD(Forerunner of the KGB) for over 20 years

                You are just not able to go that extra mile/one step further as deep down you know West is best.

                Last edited by King Salvo; 10-29-2022, 03:16 AM.


                • Originally posted by Paddo Colt 61 View Post
                  The west is barbaric... China and Russia are the good guys... all of you sheep need to step reading the Tele and watching Fox.
                  Honestly I think the biggest flaw in your mental reasoning (which is scattered at best) is that you're locked into this dichotomy of 'Russia/China = good... all who oppose their regimes are evil'.

                  That's fine but it's led to you trying to justify an expansionary invasion of a young democracy. Such behaviour, when combined with a functional understanding of how oppressive Russia/China are from an internal human rights perspective (hint: both are 'very high risk' countries on the Human Rights Index), really makes me question how much weed you've been smoking lately.

                  FYI - I don't read the tell-u-cr@p or have a Fox subscription. My opinions about what countries do are case-by-case. In this situation I'm opposing an expansionary invasion and you're backing it 100%, while running an argument that the country doing the invading and annexing cannot be held responsible for its own actions. Try running that line in an international court!!! Try it, mate.


                  • OMG another doctored quotation? You sure know how to manipulate that quotation function.

                    Elements of the Democratic Party and the Republicans are now calling for a political settlement in the Donbass. The Republicans for isolationist reasons but the Dems argue that Russia has a legitimate case. The majority of nations do not support the Western line on China or Russia. Only the Anglophone lot - white, settler nations are so strident (but probably not as strident as you two old Cold Warriors).

                    No doubt the ICJ would uphold he principle that you mention. Trouble is that the USA hasn't signed up to be subject to that avenue of Justice so the principle can't be applied to the many invasions that it has undertaken and it doesn't have to "try it mate!".

                    Who compiles this "Human Rights Index"? Blacks in the US and indigenes here might have something to say about whitey's view of human rights. We don't even have a Bill of Rights - essential in any "democracy" one would think.


                    • Originally posted by Paddo Colt 61 View Post
                      OMG another doctored quotation? You sure know how to manipulate that quotation function.
                      Hey if you've got it then flaunt it, baby!

                      Serious note - clearly I jest (i.e. my 'quotes' are full of so much sarcasm that they are quite obviously doctored for entertainment purposes - though in all seriousness, they summarise your thinking in a more succinct manner).

                      However, I'm doing this because you don't even bother responding to people's replies in a meaningful way. Instead you just go to SenileExMandarin.con, paste a massive dump of anti-US/west rhetoric and move-on as if there's no need to defend your original argument (despite the fact it's lying on the ground without a pulse, half-eaten by maggots).

                      If you want a discussion and a bit of respect from your audience, then you've gotta engage with them rather than just spewing out irrelevant, 10 page opinion pieces from an anti-western website that we're all aware of by now.
                      Last edited by ism22; 10-26-2022, 02:27 PM.


                      • Mmmm...pot calling the kettle. The details of my posts are seldom if ever addressed except with generalisation, emotional claptrap and a sort of generic right wing offence at any questioning of the motives of the USA as though your world views are etched in stone and they probably are here in Oz where critical thinking by the masses is not a long suit.
                        Mostly though, I'm happy to say, all of the noise comes from a pair of craft beer swilling, Opus Dei lightweights, law qualifications notwithstanding.

                        In a way I'm a little ashamed, I was trained to be encouraging towards dullards. My bad....


                        • Originally posted by Paddo Colt 61 View Post
                          Mmmm...pot calling the kettle. The details of my posts are seldom if ever addressed except with generalisation, emotional claptrap and a sort of generic right wing offence at any questioning of the motives of the USA as though your world views are etched in stone and they probably are here in Oz where critical thinking by the masses is not a long suit.
                          Mostly though, I'm happy to say, all of the noise comes from a pair of craft beer swilling, Opus Dei lightweights, law qualifications notwithstanding.

                          In a way I'm a little ashamed, I was trained to be encouraging towards dullards. My bad....
                          One thing for sure you almost always add a personal jibe into your posts- usually at the end of a rant that is completely off tangent.

                          The toys go flying out of the cot when the personal jibes are returned!!


                          • Do they indeed? Please cite just one instance Randy.


                            • Originally posted by Paddo Colt 61 View Post
                              Do they indeed? Please cite just one instance Randy.
                              Which part? The personal insults or going completely off tangent? Read your own own posts, it's all there


                              • Don't believe ya Randy. Paddo Boys don't cry.

