What's with the health report? Are you delirious? It's the drink mate. You been givin' that liver a caning again. The mull's far better for ya I'll give ya the tip.
No announcement yet.
Minus Russian propaganda, what's the real story on the Ukraine?
[QUOTE=Paddo Colt 61;n970806]Originally posted by King Salvo;
You can see why and how you get confused especially as now you are quoting another alleged author in AJP Taylor who claimed that " [UHitler always wanted to avoid war[/U], although he was ready to threaten it in order to get his way, and that he did not really want territorial expansion, [U]but only a zone of friendly satellite states in Eastern Europe"
Commentary is a Jewish right wing periodical closely connected to the Republican Party and the focus of the article is to debunk any suggestion that Hitler didn't bear the sole responsibility for WW2. Importantly the article was published in 1962 at the height of the Cold War so the wider thesis that Hitler was encouraged by the Brits and French to move East (they and Hitler were implacably anti Communist) is studiously avoided. It is the Western rule of the rich paradigm that has always been the nub of anti Communism. Don't worry AJP was widely rejected in the West except in universities. Universities V the Capitalist media, which would you favour? (it's rhetorical King, I'm not asking your preference).
Re the use of the cane in Singapore. My reference was general allusion to how some deal with anti social, tax payer draining misbehaviour. That chewing gum is not a cane-able offence is interesting but pedantic. My "error", however, is pretty much in the same league as adding a possessive apostrophe to "commos".
Hitler was always going to go East under the German concept of Lebensraum (Living Space )
What was Operation Sea Lion then a German ruse/feint to make it look like they were intending to invade Great Britain.
It would make absolutely no sense at all for the Germans to try to Invade Britain and use up valuable time and resources if in your words they were "encouraged" to head East by the West and what about later on with the V1 and V2 rockets - more of that German ruse I suppose
Britain/Commonwealth and American bomber crews pounded German Industrial Facilities/Railways/Harbours /Cities etc so hardly an act of folk supposedly "encouraging" someone to head east and defeat the commies is it.
The Germans never recovered from the Aircraft and Aircrew losses in the Battle of Britain - Lost over 1700 aircraft and over 2600 aircrew either KIA/Missing or captured. These resources ( Plane/Aircrew) would have been invaluable to the Germans in Operation Barbarossa and beyond.
'Never in the field of human conflict was so much been owed by so many to so few'- Winston Churchill
The Luftwaffe were virtual a token air force by 1945 with insufficient and outdated planes and pilots - ditto the Kriegsmarine
And oh what about the Arctic Conveys though from 1941 to 1945 that delivered tanks, fighter planes, fuel, ammunition, raw materials and food to the Soviet Union's northern ports under the US Lend Lease Program - mmm a West ruse this time perhaps "Pretending" to help the Soviets.
The Nazi's like your Soviet Commies both hated Capitalism with a passion - The Nazi Party’s chief propagandist, Joseph Goebbels even said that he’d sooner live under Bolshevism than Capitalism.
The Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact on 23 August 1939 included a secret protocol that divided territories of Poland between Germany and the Soviet Union.
The Soviets agreed to aid Germany in the event of France or Britain going to war with Germany over Poland and, in a secret protocol of the pact, the Germans and the Soviets agreed to divide Eastern Europe, including Poland, into two spheres of influence; the western 1/3 of the country was to go to Germany and the eastern 2/3 to the Soviet Union.
Interesting video of your Soviet Commo mates meeting up with their German Nazi pals in dividing up Poland as per the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact
Last edited by King Salvo; 11-26-2022, 08:15 PM.
Originally posted by Paddo Colt 61 View PostWhat's with the health report? Are you delirious? It's the drink mate. You been givin' that liver a caning again. The mull's far better for ya I'll give ya the tip.
Back to my temporary diet of Gatorade, Panadol and sleep. If you must know... I haven't had a drop of booze since our season ended. I've been running 20km around some local mountains/trails most days (loving it!) and am in top shape.
Hint: the fresh air's much better for me than intentionally sucking tar, ash and brain-cooking drugs into my system.
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[QUOTE=Rooster1908;n970796]Originally posted by mightyrooster View Post
We are in Brisbane and have been for 7 months. Its like that a big country town and has everything close by. Was hoping to be back on the south coast by now but that hasn't panned out as yet . Waiting for the right property to come up . Worst thing up here is the humidity .Have to get up and walk the dog at 5:30 before the heat sets in . Winter is great but
Originally posted by Rooster1908 View Post
We are in Brisbane and have been for 7 months. Its like that a big country town and has everything close by. Was hoping to be back on the south coast by now but that hasn't panned out as yet . Waiting for the right property to come up . Worst thing up here is the humidity .Have to get up and walk the dog at 5:30 before the heat sets in . Winter is great butLast edited by horrie hastings; 11-26-2022, 10:03 PM.
Originally posted by ism22 View Post
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Originally posted by horrie hastings View Post
So are you officially retired now 1908 ? i remember having a discussion with you about retirement just before you were heading up to Brisbane. I have had a couple of curve ball thrown at me in the last three months, used up 7 weeks of my sick leave and still haven't touched the sides of it yet, had another curve ball thrown at me last night, not a totally unexpected one but still one i didn't really want, it has me questioning WTF life is even about and why am i am still working, i left work today not expecting to be having probably the next week off ( i could have have worked tomorrow but thought stuff it, i have to get the balance right and taking time for myself ). I already am having time off in January and taking most of February off next year so really thinking about pulling up stumps now but will wait and use up some more of my entitlements and try to sneak my super up that little more.Either way i know i'm looking at the finishing line very shortly one way or the other.
Originally posted by Rooster1908 View Post
Yes pulled the pin about 2 months ago as did the wife about a month earlier. Like you by the sounds of it health is average and Im only 60 so am aiming to make the most of wants left and whats to come . Bugger it im going out under my terms but hopefully a fair few year to go but who really knows. We just can't figure out where to retire with 2 daughters on sunshine coast and 1 on south coast nsw . Hope your issues reslove themselves for the better but my advice is if you can start retirement and enjoy yourselves then just do it .
Hope you do find the right place to settle down and retire soon.
If yez enjoy, or can even tolerate, what you do you're far far better off continuing to work as long as you can because retirement is not what it's cracked up to be. Feelings of irrelevancy come on quickly and, really, there's not a lot to do that is sustainable day after day. Worst of all is the rapidity with which the day goes and the groundhog sense of sameness that quickly sets in. The French call it ennui - the boredom of life.
It's also a time when the women comprehensively take over. They're much better at planning and organising their days which, in retirement become your days and they've usually networked for yonks so they have plenty of friends to keep in touch with while you, in all probability, have none (most are dead from lifelong self abuse - be warned Izzy) and you have become, in a lot of cases, marital deadweight.. Naturally, after the procreation imperative has been satisfied, the sex has gone and is now just a Roman numeral so, being irrelevant on that score you seek usefulness in providing breakfasts in bed and any other form of step'n'fetchit-ism that presents itself. It's a lot like being back with mum who, if truth be known, is who we see when, hormones in youthful chaos, we select our female partners.
Apart from the moolah, work provides a welcome diversion and you're less of a burden as well. Late life divorce is not uncommon so relationship longevity depends on how unobtrusive you can conduct yourself while being handy for food shopping and the aforementioned breakfasts in bed.Last edited by Paddo Colt 61; 11-27-2022, 05:54 PM.
Originally posted by Paddo Colt 61 View PostIf yez enjoy, or can even tolerate, what you do you're far far better off continuing to work as long as you can because retirement is not what it's cracked up to be, Feelings of irrelevancy come on quickly and, really, there's not a lot to do that is sustainable day after day. Worst of all is the rapidity with which the day goes and the groundhog sense of sameness that quickly sets in. The French call it ennui - the boredom of life.
The inability to do things that used to come easily add to the feeling of irrelevancy.
Days do indeed have a sense of sameness, and it takes a big effort to think beyond the circle. I try to keep learning.
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Originally posted by Rooster1908 View Post
Seems you havnt been in bed all day or you wouldn't have seen the car today
Haven't run into Bateman's Bay Rooster yet but we love your town mate. Visited the construction site for our new beach house (replacing the bushfire burned one) and swam out to croc rock as it was high tide.
[QUOTE=King Salvo; Interesting video of your Soviet Commo mates meeting up with their German Nazi pals in dividing up Poland as per the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact.
You and your "commo" bullshit and your inability to see any contradictions. The "allies" invade the newborn Soviet Union violating a new nation's sovereignty? That's okay, they were protecting their national security by safeguarding munitions standing idle in Russia (bullshit in itself - they wanted to deprive the revolutionaries of the means to defend themselves). Russia invades Ukraine after serious concerns about its own national security because the US is in the process of militarising the joint but that's not good, that's very bad, evil in fact. Same circumstances though but brainwashing is the difference.
When we eventually join the US in a China invasion can just you US patriots fill the ranks and leave those of us who aren't at all patriotic for a foreign country, or indeed our own, stay out of it? You'd happily send youth off to their deaths for the sake of some platitude like those stay at home arseholes who voted for conscription in 1917. Tory to their bootstraps.
Re your "History" lessons. Germany (The Nazis) pointed out that the Treaty of Brest- Litovsk ceded the Ukraine to them after the Soviets made good on their promise of "Peace, Land and Bread" which it did and that they (the Nazis), therefore, had a right to move East and reclaim what had been ceded. It had become, after Germany's defeat later in 1918, part of Soviet Russia. That was the movement east that Western security services were angling for.
I'll bet the disappointment is palpable chez Salvatore after "Dictator Dan" swept home comfortably yesterday in Victoria. Another dud outcome for Newscorp which, as far as dud outcomes are concerned, is looking more and more like the USA. Apparently another big majority thought that it was Newscorp that is divisive and not good ol' DD.
Last edited by Paddo Colt 61; 11-27-2022, 03:23 PM.