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Minus Russian propaganda, what's the real story on the Ukraine?

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  • [QUOTE=ism22; Haven't run into Bateman's Bay Rooster yet but we love your town mate. Visited the construction site for our new beach house (replacing the bushfire burned one) and swam out to croc rock as it was high tide.

    Enough already with the health progress reports...what an ego! Have you noticed? There's never a shark around when you really need one.

    Craft beer, beach houses, private schools, rugger point in listening to you for a reasoned discussion about communism my friend - luxury! Housewives of the South Coast!

    And yet you keep rattling on about the universal common man, his thoughts and hopes, as though you have some connection - give us a break buddy.
    Last edited by Paddo Colt 61; 11-27-2022, 05:53 PM.


    • Associated Press (AP) has fired the reporter (a Mr. La Porta) who disseminated the lie last week that Russia had attacked Poland. LaPorta’s firing looks like this is yet another instance where the least powerful person involved in a debacle is being made to take the fall for it. A powerful intelligence official will suffer no consequences for feeding false information to the press — thereby ensuring that it will happen again — and no disciplinary action will be taken against LaPorta’s superiors, despite the absolute buffoonery on their part that subsequent reporting has revealed.

      In an article titled “Associated Press reporter fired over erroneous story on Russian attack,” The Washington Post reports the following:

      LaPorta shared the U.S. official’s tip in an electronic message around 1:30 p.m. Eastern time. An editor immediately asked if AP should issue an alert on his tip, “or would we need confirmation from another source and/or Poland?”

      After further discussion, a second editor said she “would vote” for publishing an alert, adding, “I can’t imagine a U.S. intelligence official would be wrong on this.”

      “I can’t imagine a US intelligence official would be wrong on this”. Can you imagine not being able to imagine a US intelligence official being wrong? Well Issy and King might not be able to but it would be an unacceptable position for any educated adult to hold, much less a journalist, still less an editor, and still less an editor of one of the most influential news agencies on earth.

      These are the people who publish the news reports we read to find out what’s happening in the world. This is the meat headed level of thinking these people are serving the public interest with.


      • Wow Paddo you're really making hay with the incorrect reporting regarding the bomb that landed in Poland.

        Vlad didn't have the balls to show up to the G20 summit in Bali. Heck he didn't even have the balls to participate via video link. Did anyone really believe he would have the balls to attack a NATO aligned country like Poland?

        At least Xi showed up to the summit and didn't refuse any requests from leaders asking to meet with him......including those who had blamed the Covid breakout entirely on China


        • "Incorrect reporting" - hilarious! The implication s that we can believe everything/anything else. The report was a lie begun by a ranking intelligence source who has not been exposed and is now free to keep on disinforming.

          It's a lesson to those on here who put complete faith in US "reporting" on the war or on anything that involves an "enemy" of the Empire.
          Last edited by Paddo Colt 61; 11-28-2022, 10:09 AM.


          • [QUOTE=Paddo Colt 61;n970898][QUOTE=King Salvo; Interesting video of your Soviet Commo mates meeting up with their German Nazi pals in dividing up Poland as per the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact.

            You and your "commo" bullshit and your inability to see any contradictions. The "allies" invade the newborn Soviet Union violating a new nation's sovereignty? That's okay, they were protecting their national security by safeguarding munitions standing idle in Russia (bullshit in itself - they wanted to deprive the revolutionaries of the means to defend themselves). Russia invades Ukraine after serious concerns about its own national security because the US is in the process of militarising the joint but that's not good, that's very bad, evil in fact. Same circumstances though but brainwashing is the difference.

            When we eventually join the US in a China invasion can just you US patriots fill the ranks and leave those of us who aren't at all patriotic for a foreign country, or indeed our own, stay out of it? You'd happily send youth off to their deaths for the sake of some platitude like those stay at home arseholes who voted for conscription in 1917. Tory to their bootstraps.

            Re your "History" lessons. Germany (The Nazis) pointed out that the Treaty of Brest- Litovsk ceded the Ukraine to them after the Soviets made good on their promise of "Peace, Land and Bread" which it did and that they (the Nazis), therefore, had a right to move East and reclaim what had been ceded. It had become, after Germany's defeat later in 1918, part of Soviet Russia. That was the movement east that Western security services were angling for.

            I'll bet the disappointment is palpable chez Salvatore after "Dictator Dan" swept home comfortably yesterday in Victoria. Another dud outcome for Newscorp which, as far as dud outcomes are concerned, is looking more and more like the USA. Apparently another big majority thought that it was Newscorp that is divisive and not good ol' DD.


            Your should get a job at the Kremlin spreading the propaganda of old little Legs Putin and associated cronies.

            mmm I wonder if your China Commie mates still have this " 96% Approval " rating

            What happened to the Ukraine is full of Nazi's reason for invading Ukraine - The German - Soviet pacts tells a different story of how pally they really were - mmm you now say "that they (the Nazis), therefore, had a right to move East and reclaim what had been ceded" i.e Ukraine.

            The name Russia was derived from the Rus people who were apparently Norse and mainly from present day Sweden - Rus(men who row) - In that case Sweden should hold a referendum on whether Russia becomes part of Sweden as Historically it is Swedish.

            Russia’s nuclear program

            Russia invaded Ukraine over security concerns!!!! - mmm Russia has almost 6000 nuclear warheads compared to 0 the Ukraine has.

            Russia has an estimated 5,977 nuclear warheads. About 1,588 warheads are currently deployed which means they are on intercontinental missiles and at heavy bomber bases. About half (2,889) of Moscow’s warheads are not deployed on launchers but in storage.

            Soviet Union History

            Is the following this so called "sovereign state" you mention - mmm no wonder the West were wanting to curb the spread of this evil empire and ideology- the poor folk living under this evil system could not wait to leave it as they do remember the mass executions/forced famines and deportations to gulags across the Soviet Union - same as what happened in China under your Comrade Mao

            In 1917, the Soviet authorities formally repealed all Tsarist legislation and established a socialist legal system. This system abolished Western legal concepts including the rule of law, civil liberties, the protection of law and guarantees of property.

            The regime immediately placed itself above the law and gave the head of the Communist Party powers similar to those enjoyed for centuries by the Tsars

            The new government replaced elected officials with its own leaders; it decreed that suspected enemies of the revolution should be eliminated without trials; it expropriated land, banks, insurance companies, and large factories; and it promulgated its ideology and suppressed opposing speech.

            The Soviet Union was a one-party totalitarian state from from 1917 until 1990.

            What a job and pure Evil Employer to have

            Russian leader Joseph Stalin also had a food taster nicknamed "the Rabbit," real name Sasha Egnatashvili, who worked with his chef. As Stalin became more suspicious of his inner circle, he executed the wives of several of his closest aides, including Egnatashvili's wife. But "the Rabbit" remained as his taster.

            Right up to his death your Comrade Stalin was working on another of his infamous purges list

            Even one of your Hero's in Comrade Lenin said not to give the top job to Stalin as after all a Dictator knows another Dictator when they see one.


            • So what King? What has all this ranting got to do with anything? I mean really? Russia is NOT communist.


              • Originally posted by Paddo Colt 61 View Post
                "Incorrect reporting" - hilarious! The implication s that we can believe everything/anything else. The report was a lie begun by a ranking intelligence source who has not been exposed and is now free to keep on disinforming.

                It's a lesson to those on here who put complete faith in US "reporting" on the war or on anything that involves an "enemy" of the Empire.
                Ultimately your beloved Russia and old little legs Putin are responsible as Ukraine were defending themselves from the consent Russian Missile attacks and Military aggression

                If Russia dd not invade Ukraine then this would never have happened.

                You seem to get some joy from this though as somehow in your mind it justifies your beloved Russia's actions in Ukraine and the disdain that you have for the West and Capitalism.

                I have asked this before in why are you still living in the West when your heart and mind is East wired - Surely you would better off living with fellow comrades under regimes you have long admired.


                • Originally posted by Paddo Colt 61 View Post
                  So what King? What has all this ranting got to do with anything? I mean really? Russia is NOT communist.
                  You love commies though and you would have been heartbroken when your beloved Soviet Union Collapsed.

                  It might not be called a Communist country but it does share a lot of similarities with the old USSR

                  Putin's Russia has nothing in common with democracy and Russia is a "Managed Democracy" with a authoritarian/autocratic government - Also known as Putinism

                  1. A strong presidency and weak institutions
                  2. State control of the media
                  3. Control over elections allows elites to legitimize their decisions
                  4. Visible short-term effectiveness and long-term inefficiency
                  The result is an “unstable stability” based on the president’s personality. He is actually a hostage of the system.
                  Last edited by King Salvo; 11-29-2022, 01:46 AM.


                  • Yeah..yeah..if you've nothing further to add to that demented refrain then that might hopefully be it? Whadya say?


                    • Originally posted by King Salvo View Post

                      Ultimately your beloved Russia and old little legs Putin are responsible as Ukraine were defending themselves from the consent Russian Missile attacks and Military aggression

                      If Russia dd not invade Ukraine then this would never have happened.

                      You seem to get some joy from this though as somehow in your mind it justifies your beloved Russia's actions in Ukraine and the disdain that you have for the West and Capitalism.

                      I have asked this before in why are you still living in the West when your heart and mind is East wired - Surely you would better off living with fellow comrades under regimes you have long admired.


                      - It's entirely Russia's war and you need to go through some pretty twisted logic to get to a point where it's anything but the wicked plan of an expansionary dictator.

                      - As noted, I'm the one who's about to go spend a few months living in Vietnam (which is nothing like you think BTW Paeddo... not even close). Seriously, travel Paddo!!! I say it for your benefit that you would learn SOOOO much and (hopefully) realise the world's not as grim as you think it is. We are VERY lucky not to share a border with Russia or China, that's all I can say.

                      Honestly I don't wanna be a d!ck but Paddo mate, you said it in another post. You're retired, smoking a heap of weed, bunkering down with an alt-right opinions blog and feeling irrelevant.

                      News to you... you don't HAVE to be relevant. We're all mere mortals. It's relationships and hobbies that keep us going. You're at a turning point where you can become COMPLETELY irrelevant (just like John Menadue has been since the 80's) or you can turn a page and realise the world around you aren't all clueless sheep. Neither are people living within dictatorships BTW (vast amounts of whom fall within the 'I have no mouth but I must scream' category - so see it as a privilege that you can say whatever you want, don't wear it out!!!)

                      That is all for now. Again... is batshyte crazy alt right stuff. Like all 'everybody wake up!!!' material... it's pretty obvious to most people of average intelligence of above that it's gonna be complete bollocks from an alt-right monkey.


                      • Originally posted by Paddo Colt 61 View Post
                        "Incorrect reporting" - hilarious! The implication s that we can believe everything/anything else. The report was a lie begun by a ranking intelligence source who has not been exposed and is now free to keep on disinforming.

                        It's a lesson to those on here who put complete faith in US "reporting" on the war or on anything that involves an "enemy" of the Empire.
                        The Associated Press came out with the headline that Russia had fired 2 missiles into Poland.....and quoted an unnamed American intelligence source. Obviously Joe Biden didn't get the same intelligence report because he said the next day it was unlikely that the missiles were fired from Russia. Id say the Associated Press American intelligence informer was just a Joe Blow....but we will never find out. The Associated Press removed the reckless headline within 24hrs.

                        No one believes that you can trust everything you read and see


                        • [QUOTE=Random Rooster; ......No one believes that you can trust everything you read and see.........

                          Ya think that? They believe enough - WMDs, Gulf of Tonkin, A- bombing of civilians was okay, Ukraine innocent, US is the world policeman protecting us all, China loosed Covid on the world the Libs are better money managers etc, etc, etc..You, Randy believe bullshit. Been swallowing it all your life.


                          • Originally posted by Peddo Colt 69 View Post
                            Originally posted by Random Rooster
                            ......No one believes that you can trust everything you read and see.........
                            Ya think that? They believe enough - WMDs, Gulf of Tonkin, A- bombing of civilians was okay, Ukraine innocent, US is the world policeman protecting us all, China loosed Covid on the world the Libs are better money managers etc, etc, etc..You, Randy believe bullshit. Been swallowing it all your life.
                            Dude consolidate your thoughts. Your diction is way too scattered and there's no clear message. In short...

                            1. No system is perfect. If you think people are saying the US / Europe / Japan...etc can do no wrong then you're smoking some really hard shyte.

                            2. That said when the absolute worst you can find is an editorial error for which a guy was (IMO quite harshly) sacked in the context of Russia disgracefully bombing the shyte outta Ukraine as part of a farking weird campaign to rebuild the Soviet Union, then you need to be proportionate. On one hand you have a guy jumping the gun with an editorial error... the other you have what is now considered blanket state-sponsored terrorism against a neighbouring democracy (none of which will be fact-checked, edited, redacted or lead to sackings) then to call the former 'propaganda' is just farking stupid.

                            3. The 'examples' that you chain together from what has 'gifted' you are not well researched, connected or even solid examples to support your opinion that Europe, the USA, Japan and all their allies are pieces of shyte when compared to Russia and China. Much the opposite! The fact you need to rely on obtuse readings of such obscure, relatively insignificant examples is telling in itself. Repeating them over and over does not achieve anything and merely demonstrates you're not comfortable addressing the elephant in the room about Russia acting as a terrorist state by illegally killing a neighbouring country, in an attempt to ethnically cleanse it of its (vast majority) native Ukrainians who do not identify as being of 'Russian' descent. Russia's argument that 'we are all Soviets' is ludicrous. Mark my word, Vlad is a modern day Hitler. If you can't see it you're either blind or on their payroll.

                            PS - I fixed yer quoting, ya farking dunce! You are certainly NOT the smartest man in this room. You're a frigging moron who's high on weed and trying to be relevant by saying bullshyte that you probably know makes no sense, which you'll keep repeating as you get attention from it.
                            Last edited by ism22; 11-29-2022, 04:15 PM.


                            • Ooooh he's losin' it again. The fever's back (maybe it never left). Where do you get the time man? Thought you was off to fight for freedom somewhere. Maybe there's commos in Bateman's Bay?

                              It's a truism that when ya do ya block in such a fevered way, you've lost the argument - Yay! I win, I've done ya all over the shop pal. Can you just fcuk off now?
                              Last edited by Paddo Colt 61; 11-29-2022, 04:45 PM.


                              • Originally posted by Paddo Colt 61 View Post
                                Ya think that? They believe enough - WMDs, Gulf of Tonkin, A- bombing of civilians was okay, Ukraine innocent, US is the world policeman protecting us all, China loosed Covid on the world the Libs are better money managers etc, etc, etc..You, Randy believe bullshit. Been swallowing it all your life.
                                Thought you had a issue with personal attacks?

