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Minus Russian propaganda, what's the real story on the Ukraine?

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  • [QUOTE=Paddo Colt 61;n971552][QUOTE=Andrew Walker; The meagre fact that Zelensky is looking into the banning of the Orthodox Church or any religion that has ties with Russia is not the act of a man who supports freedom.

    Oh yeah. And banned the opposition party and imprisoned opposition politicians and closed down media outlets. His is a fascist/nationalist government brought to power through US meddling.


    What nonsense that is as that is what Neo Stalinist Putin does - jails opposition party leaders/opposition folk and or has them executed/ closed down independent news outlets so all news/information is only from state owned or pro Kremlin sources/ Changed the constitution to allow him to run twice more ( 6 year terms ) in 2024 and 2030 for president keeping him in office till 2036 when aged 84. Longer than his Hero Stalin's 29 year reign of terror.

    Quite rightly Zelensky is looking at such Institutions and Groups that are Pro-Russian and have strong links to the Kremlin- are you familiar with the term 5th Columnists by chance.

    Having seen Russian State TV through this period you have to say many of the people on these debate type shows (if you can call them that as they all have same views ) have some serious mental health issues.

    They say things such as the (Russian Military) should bomb Ukraine and wipe every Ukrainian from the earth and the latest one that all Ukrainians and those sympathetic to Ukraine should all be rounded up and sent to the furthermost place in Russia - mmm sounds like a precursor to another gulag archipelago system or the forced starvation of Ukraine under Stalin

    And oh I forgot another one that the US/ West don't have ICBM that can travel more than 3000 Km's or Heavy Bombers than can fly more than 3000 km's and this was from a Military spokesperson - mmm deluded comes to mind


    • Originally posted by Andrew Walker View Post


      Zelensky is in good company though after all Hitler 1938 and Stalin twice 1939-42 both were awarded Times man of the year

      Why even Ayatollah Khomeini 1979 was a Time Man of the year winner
      Yes Richard Nixon won it did "The Computer"one year.

      I should point out every American president has won it including Trump. Tuckers meltdown happened with Thunberg won it when he was pushing for Trump for a second time.


      • Comrade Paddo denies the Gulag archipelago even existed in the Soviet Union - US/West propaganda to undermine his beloved Soviet Union/Russia.

        So he is not going to believe this either what his beloved China Commo Regime is doing in the Xinjiang Region and will always find some crank anti west site to support his pro-communist China regime views- Ditto for the Soviet Union/Russian Federation.

        mmm working papers it say - amazing fictional ones to say the least

        Ah yes the " Break their lineage, break their roots, break their connections, and break their origins. Completely shovel up the roots of “two-faced people,” dig them out, and vow to fight these two-faced people until the end" from the 2014 CCP directive - People's War on Terror - "Strike Hard Campaign against Violent Terrorism"

        These so called "vocational and re-education" camps not only hold Uyghurs but also Kazakhs, Kyrgyz and other ethnic Turkic Muslims and even Christians and the detainees suffer prison like conditions , executions, torture , sleep deprivation and interrogation and sexual abuse and rape

        Detainees are forced to pledge loyalty to the CCP and renounce Islam and Christianity, as well as sing praises for communism and learn Mandarin and are only allowed to leave these camps when they "graduate"

        Sounds very similar to what they endured under another monster in Mao during the so called Great leap forward and the cultural revolution times and beyond

        There is no doubt this is happening as has been reported countless times by more than credible sources I might add and the satellite evidence of all these camps in the Xinjiang Region more than backs this up - see map/satellite image and link to other satellite images below.

        Last edited by King Salvo; 12-09-2022, 08:20 PM.


        • Yeah I think Paeddo's cries that an authoritarian take-over of global affairs is inevitable are farfetched.

          Russia's economy is the size of Australia's, but with 150 million mouths to feed. China's economy is smaller than the USA + Europe, but with 1.5 billion mouths to feed. Further, its growth has slowed to the point where they delayed publishing their YoY growth figures because they didn't want the fact they'd significantly under-shot their 5.5% target to detract from their dictator's re-appointment ceremony (where he booted the previous leader out, citing false 'health' concerns despite media showing a clear confrontation, with security confiscating his papers & marching him out).

          China is not the new world leader (and Russia's nowhere close - Australia's a more likely candidate, if you'll take a minute to think about how farcical that would be). China is SIGNIFICANTLY poorer than the USA, Europe and Japan on a per capita basis & its population is falling quickly (which will further slow down its growth). However it centralises all its money and weaponises it as part of 'Chinese influence'. Whereas we watch Hollywood movies, travel to Europe for holidays and play Nintendo games because we LIKE these things!!! They're not government propaganda, they're voluntary forms of entertainment!

          Nobody LIKES a big red flag, an oversized picture of a dictator, forced compliance and constant threats that they'll be invaded unless they embrace authoritarian politics. While such countries can get the world to notice them by (for example) starting a war with their neighbour. Long-term this doesn't lead to mutual respect or any sort of leadership.


          • Originally posted by Paddo Colt 61 View Post
            No credibility whatsoever and he gets an ABC platform. No wonder that guys like Eddie form the views that they hold.
            Fair dinkum.
            What have I done to raise your ire this time?

            I don't even watch the ABC, and I am far too cynical to swallow msm rubbish.


            • No ire raised Eddie. I was, presumptuously perhaps, using you as an example of the everyman who has firm right wing views on a range of issues. Such unshakeable opinions usually originate in the MSM. If not, from whence do they come? Mum and Dad? The MSM is where they got their ideas. Blokes at the club? Ditto. I mean fear of a pretty conservative Social Democratic political party must come from somewhere?


              • I think books about such Totalitarian and Authoritarian regimes should be included in School Curriculum's / Relevant University Courses whether communism or fascism.

                I remember when the Gulag Archipelago first came out as we had a few Teachers who were sympathetic to communist ideology to say the least who would say it's fiction etc.

                Aleksandr Isaevich Solzhenitsyn told the truth about the evil communist system and ideology being a victim of it in being imprisoned for 8 years for a remark he made about Stalin's Military ability in a letter to a friend whilst serving in East Prussia in WW2.

                No matter where evil communism was and is whether the Soviet Union/North Korea/China/Cuba/Vietnam/Cambodia etc they all had their Gulag Archipelago along with mass executions/ torture and imprisonment/mass starvation/mass deportation with 100's of Millions perishing.

                There is something wrong with people who like or advocate for such systems to be the system people should live under one has to say.

                Amazing story in how the Gulag Archipelago was able to be written behind the iron curtain and published in the West

                Last edited by King Salvo; 12-10-2022, 03:21 PM.


                • Stalinist Little Legs Putin's favourite propagandist - Vladimir Solovyov - poor chap had his 2 mansions in Lake Como Italy confiscated by the Italian Government

                  Not sure if he is the Russian Federation's version of Baghdad Bob or not ?

                  Others include him wanting to wipe Ukraine Cities off the face of the earth instead of the Russian Military fighting like 5th year School Girls plus Bomb Britain and Seize Stonehenge and targeted bombing of UN Diplomats.

                  Here he is praising the Soviet Camps ( Gulags Archipelago) vs Nazi Concentration Camps- " In Soviet Camps they knew your name / you were an individual/ you knew under what law you were imprisoned/ you were there to be re-educated" he says

                  Ah yes more rehabilitation of Lenin and Stalin and evil communism ideology and the already debunked illusion for the invasion that Ukraine is full of Nazi's who want to turn Russia into some sort of concentration camp.

                  That was and is Communism one great big illusion in which 100's of millions suffered under and still suffer today.

                  Stalinist Little Legs Putin would love Communism to return for certain - greatest tragedy in history was the collapse of the Soviet Union he said

                  Last edited by King Salvo; 12-10-2022, 04:57 PM.


                  • Stalinist Little Legs Putin's favourite propagandist - Vladimir Solovyov -" Bombed" by a rather Large Seagull


                    • Originally posted by Paddo Colt 61 View Post
                      No ire raised Eddie. I was, presumptuously perhaps, using you as an example of the everyman who has firm right wing views on a range of issues. Such unshakeable opinions usually originate in the MSM. If not, from whence do they come? Mum and Dad? The MSM is where they got their ideas. Blokes at the club? Ditto. I mean fear of a pretty conservative Social Democratic political party must come from somewhere?
                      Presumptuous is the word.
                      "unshakeable opinions " ? Even in this thread you have given me food for thought.
                      You'll find I am more middle of the road than right wing. Your presumptions seem to stem from one comment I made criticizing the labour party.

                      Seeing as I am not an investor, one thing that hurts me is constant rising of interest rates. Perhaps you can tell me why the reserve bank only seems to do this under a labour government?


                      • I'm no great fan of the ALP. In many ways it's Lib Lite. Current foreign policy is dangerous as we continue to forfeit independence on our way to being a client state. Climate policy has also been disappointing though there are signs that it is being taken more seriously. Minns, the State ALP leader is, like the branch itself, right wing and seemingly more inclined to please the right wing media than asserting Labor principles. The ALP is, however, preferable to a party of the rich which, over time, has been hijacked by a cabal of religious sects.

                        Interest rates are set by Reserve Bank as you say and they began to rise under the Libs who blamed, possibly correctly, the governor, Phil Lowe, for the Bank's insouciance in the face of early signs of rising overseas inflation. The current hikes are a legacy of all that and, presumably, America's war in Eastern Europe. Was/is Lowe's Board too close to the Libs in that period?
                        Last edited by Paddo Colt 61; 12-11-2022, 10:09 AM.


                        • Originally posted by Paddo Colt 61 View Post
                          I'm no great fan of the ALP. In many ways it's Lib Lite. Current foreign policy is dangerous as we continue to forfeit independence on our way to being a client state. Climate policy has also been disappointing though there are signs that it is being taken more seriously. Minns, the State ALP leader is, like the branch itself, right wing and seemingly more inclined to please the right wing media than asserting Labor principles. The ALP is, however, preferable to a party of the rich which, over time, has been hijacked by a cabal of religious sects.

                          Interest rates are set by Reserve Bank as you say and they began to rise under the Libs who blamed, possibly correctly, the governor, Phil Lowe, for the Bank's insouciance in the face of early signs of rising overseas inflation. The current hikes are a legacy of all that and, presumably, America's war in Eastern Europe. Was/is Lowe's Board too close to the Libs in that period?
                          1. Who's saying your an ALP dude? My reading is that you're alt-right.

                          2. So to be clear, you're opposed to independent monetary policy that's linked to inflation targets?


                          • Originally posted by ism22 View Post

                            1. Who's saying your an ALP dude? My reading is that you're alt-right.

                            2. So to be clear, you're opposed to independent monetary policy that's linked to inflation targets?
                            Comrade Paddo would be and is still heartbroken that the ALP didn't fully implement Marxist and Leninist ideology.

                            Lucky for us that is as we all know what happened and is still happening in the other countries that adopted this failed and evil Marxist and Leninist Ideology.

                            mmm the illusion of the so called workers paradise which of course never eventuated under this evil socialist/communist system

                            Labor's constitution has long stated: "The Australian Labor Party is a democratic socialist party and has the objective of the democratic socialisation of industry, production, distribution and exchange, to the extent necessary to eliminate exploitation and other anti-social features in these fields

                            A socialist party whose principles included a guaranteed minimum standard of living for everyone, nationalisation of industry, and heavy taxation of large incomes and of wealth.

                            Would Comrade Paddo be against his fellow Socialist Comrade Keating "floating" of the AUD - Some of those South American Countries got into a lot of bother when they pegged their currency against the US greenback one has to say.

                            Currency exchange rates are subject to market forces - supply and demand and other factors such as Inflation which devalues currency exchange rates.

                            CPI Inflation rates are still determined by the value of a basket of goods in a given month against the previous months as per the list below
                            • Food and non-alcoholic beverages
                            • Alcohol and tobacco
                            • Clothing and footwear
                            • Housing
                            • Furnishings, household equipment and services
                            • Health
                            • Transport
                            • Communication
                            • Recreation and culture
                            • Education
                            • Insurance and financial services.
                            Last edited by King Salvo; 12-11-2022, 03:07 PM.


                            • I think Comrade Paeddo's message is mostly that...

                              - Authoritarian domination of global markets is inevitable. Democracy was a failed experiment and we should not have close relationships with the USA, Japan, Europe...etc because China will one day be bigger than all 3 combined and punish us for not siding with them against the rest of the world.

                              - China will 'continue' its growth of 6% YoY (though it has already delayed and then fudged its growth figures after growing by ~3% rather than its target of 5.5%... which was already a concession that 6% was not possible). This will bulldoze all other economies and lead to China being bigger and more developed than the rest of the world. Skeptics are just jealous muppets who devour the mainstream consensus that growth's slowing down and it's unlikely to have a highly developed GDP per capital within our lifetimes.

                              - Free market economies have failed. The RBA should adopt a policy of furthering the influence of China rather than setting inflation targets that give us a STABLE economy where the dollar and interest rates don't fluctuate wildly.

                              - Western sanctions are to blame for the current circumstances... not Russia invading Ukraine. Thus, we should not put sanctions on dictatorships in an attempt to stop them from attacking people.
                              Last edited by ism22; 12-11-2022, 09:02 PM.


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