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Federal Election

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  • #16
    Originally posted by zac View Post
    rudd never had a power base inside the federal parliamentary labor party but albo does. plus the rules of the party have changed so it's not just up to the fplp to decide who is leader - if there was a mood for change they have to take it to the rank and file members. albo is the overwhelming favourite to take the labor party to the next election.

    people whinging about labor's low primary vote need to look at the scoreboard. australia has a preferential voting system and parties plan their campaigns accordingly. would it be fairer for a government to be elected with most of the people not wanting them elected? of course not.
    Well...7 out of 10 voted against Albo. So we do have that scenario.
    #We Stand with ourJewish community#


    • #17
      Originally posted by Jacks Fur Coat View Post

      If it's a hung parliament it would be chaos and Labor would be completely hamstrung. We definitely need a majority government.
      Yep its going to be real mess if we don't get a majority government, still scratching my head how Labor got this seat so wrong with the general demographic of the population in the seat.


      • #18
        Originally posted by redwhiteblue View Post

        LOl...I thought I'd had one too many Lady Grey teas...its because Andy asked Jack a question in one of the footy threads so that post got moved and created a new thread...anyway my contribution is that I had a dream this week that Allegra Spender would win in my area (Horrie Hastings is my witness) and looks like I was right..maybe it was because her posters are all over my one hour walking trail over Vaucluse..
        Aah that explains it. I thought I was suffering from election hangover.


        • #19
          It’s going to be interesting to see how Albo implements his reforms at a time when the economy is becoming increasingly under pressure from recent global and climate events.


          • #20
            Originally posted by horrie hastings View Post

            Yep its going to be real mess if we don't get a majority government, still scratching my head how Labor got this seat so wrong with the general demographic of the population in the seat.
            They certainly stuffed up there. KK is hardly popular. The Libs on the other hand completely misread how much anger there was in Victoria with the Covid lockdown situation. Frydenberg and all those who lost their seats to the independents wore the brunt of that anger. People power at its best.


            • #21
              Originally posted by Andrew Walker View Post

              Good too much alcohol is very bad. Can I be so bold as to recommend tea as an alternative. Our resident tea expert says Lady Grey is a wonderful drop. Personally I’ve found this wonderful Sri Lankan tea which a box of 50 sells for $2.19
              Oh that is so 2021...I've moved on...Orange Pekoe is where it's at..strong and robust..

              I'm not entirely attached to Lady Grey, sometimes the smell of it can make me ill and so can her husband Earl Grey..and it's not that overly special..I can go for days, weeks or even up to a month without drinking it as I have many others to choose from:


              Last edited by redwhiteblue; 05-22-2022, 08:20 PM.
              "Those who care about you can hear you, even when you are quiet" - Steve Maraboli


              • #22
                Originally posted by mightyrooster View Post
                They certainly stuffed up there. KK is hardly popular. The Libs on the other hand completely misread how much anger there was in Victoria with the Covid lockdown situation. Frydenberg and all those who lost their seats to the independents wore the brunt of that anger. People power at its best.
                Well, in fairness MR the Covid crazy and over policing in Vic were the State Govts directions not Feds.
                #We Stand with ourJewish community#


                • #23
                  Funny to watch the dinosaur anchors of the bullshit factory Sky News Australia blow a gasket over the election results.They spent 3 years character bashing Albo and Labors state premiers for zero result.

                  In particular they took aim at Mark McGowan. You would have thought after the absolute flogging the Libs got in that state election they could see the writing on the wall for the federal election.....but no they kept up the rubbish reporting on McGowan thinking that those who voted Labor in the state election would vote Liberal in the federal election.....and last nights bloodbath in WA was the result.

                  Now they seem to think that Peter Dutton is going to be their saviour. Good luck with that


                  • #24
                    Originally posted by Jacks Fur Coat View Post

                    Well, in fairness MR the Covid crazy and over policing in Vic were the State Govts directions not Feds.
                    I was thinking more of the Feds ‘you need to follow Gladys’ way’. Being lectured that NSW were doing things the right way and Victoria should follow suit. I think the Victorian electorate were fed up with being dictated to by the Feds (NSW ScoMo and Victorian traitor Frydenberg) and felt let down with the supply of vaccines etc. Victorians are very touchy when it comes to being lectured by NSW. I’m a member of an online parenting forum also (mostly women) and the feelings of Victorian women towards Morrison and Frydenberg over the handling of covid vaccines are an extreme level of hatred.


                    • #25
                      Originally posted by mightyrooster View Post
                      They certainly stuffed up there. KK is hardly popular. The Libs on the other hand completely misread how much anger there was in Victoria with the Covid lockdown situation. Frydenberg and all those who lost their seats to the independents wore the brunt of that anger. People power at its best.
                      You have summed it up pretty well mightyrooster the punters were angry and lashed out. Misdirected anger I believe, hardly the federal government's fault the pandemic and lockdowns etc . And they want 'change' well we've got that , be careful what you wish for . Time will tell ...


                      • #26
                        Originally posted by Crab View Post

                        You have summed it up pretty well mightyrooster the punters were angry and lashed out. Misdirected anger I believe, hardly the federal government's fault the pandemic and lockdowns etc . And they want 'change' well we've got that , be careful what you wish for . Time will tell ...
                        Hi Crab, read my post above. I’m not Victorian but I’ve certainly experienced their hatred for Morrison and Frydenturd (as these posters call him) on an online parenting forum. I also married into a Victorian family and the rivalry and distaste they have fur anything NSW is full on.


                        • #27
                          Originally posted by Jacks Fur Coat View Post

                          Well...7 out of 10 voted against Albo. So we do have that scenario.
                          nah. 52% of australians preferenced albo ahead of scomo, the libs lost fair and square. stop the whingeing.
                          why combine the nats and libs vote but not combine the labor and green vote? after all the greens hate the libs more than the nats hate labor.

                          but albo will be alright and he's a genuine league fan unlike the other bloke who only turned his back on his beloved randwick rugby union team when he was preselected for cook.


                          • #28
                            Albo is now ''king'...all is now well, the 'climate emergency' is over, everyone will be getting a 5.1% pay rise, all the prices in the supermarkets will go down immediately, there'll be electric cars everywhere immediately, all coal-fired power stations will be closing 'next week', replaced by wind mills and solar panels.
                            Coal exports will cease immediately, no more coal trains to the ports will there be.
                            The people-smuggling boats have already started arriving again, none will be towed back, the Left cannot be so harsh, lAlbo is quoted as saying.
                            Won't take long for the public to see whether the so called "Independents" are Left or Right leaning.

                            The hospitals will be better, Labor will be hiring "hundreds of thousands" more nurses.
                            Ditto aged care...Albo will be fixing that too.
                            Albo is now 'king'...Utopia is here!


                            • #29
                              Originally posted by bondi.boy View Post
                              Albo is now ''king'...all is now well, the 'climate emergency' is over, everyone will be getting a 5.1% pay rise, all the prices in the supermarkets will go down immediately, there'll be electric cars everywhere immediately, all coal-fired power stations will be closing 'next week', replaced by wind mills and solar panels.
                              Coal exports will cease immediately, no more coal trains to the ports will there be.
                              The people-smuggling boats have already started arriving again, none will be towed back, the Left cannot be so harsh, lAlbo is quoted as saying.
                              Won't take long for the public to see whether the so called "Independents" are Left or Right leaning.

                              The hospitals will be better, Labor will be hiring "hundreds of thousands" more nurses.
                              Ditto aged care...Albo will be fixing that too.
                              Albo is now 'king'...Utopia is here!
                              You left out the eye rolling sarcasm emoji BB.


                              • #30
                                Originally posted by zac View Post

                                nah. 52% of australians preferenced albo ahead of scomo, the libs lost fair and square. stop the whingeing.
                                why combine the nats and libs vote but not combine the labor and green vote? after all the greens hate the libs more than the nats hate labor.

                                but albo will be alright and he's a genuine league fan unlike the other bloke who only turned his back on his beloved randwick rugby union team when he was preselected for cook.
                                Just giving some facts to correct you that's all, not whinging. And interestingly, Labors primary vote was actually less than the Libs.
                                #We Stand with ourJewish community#

