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Election Media coverage. Disgraceful as usual.

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  • #31
    The proper label for libs since 1910 is anti Labour/anti Union. Universally "Tory" is the pet name for Conservative, Capital in other words. So what anyway? You well know whom I'm talking about. But why do I respond? You're a tiny irrelevant bleating rump - the far Right everywhere was creamed, the scare mongering rejected. We don't have to listen to that (Murdoch) anymore, you're done buddy.

    You gotta lotta emotional hatred going on there as well man, long time spear carrier by the looks, just like mum and dad with their inherited house and deep hatred of Whitlam for having the temerity to challenge wealth.


    • #32
      You're off on your tangent again Colt.
      We all know "scare mongering" is a favorite tactic of the far left.
      What does it take to prove to you that people who have different opinions to yourself aren't necessarily half-wits?????


      • #33
        [QUOTE=Carlos Parra;n936472]
        Originally posted by Paddo Colt 61 View Post

        I see, it's still all the fault of the 'Tories'. A little hint, there are no Tories in Australia. I get that you're an uncritical thinker, but to believe that the Libs starved the ABC of funds is hilarious. They still got their $1bn+ each and every year, yet they still advertise and promote product and do everything in their power to criticise the Libs. When they have a go at Labour, it's always from the left side of the argument. There's absolutely zero counter-view and everyone agrees with everyone else on their news and current affairs programs. Oh no...Bananas in Pajamas is under threat...what a load of absolute rubbish.

        How un-ABC of you to label Stan Grant as an Uncle Tom. That's the typical sort of racism I expect from the left. Also typical of ABC luvvies is their complete inability to do research or back up their hyperbolic claims. Patricia Karvelas managed to get educated despite the death of her parents before she was 10. She completed High School and eventually graduated from RMIT University. She actually worked for the ABC and SBS before going to work for Murdoch. So, no, she is not a Newscorp lightweight like you suggest. As it is, you've named only two ABC personalities who in your mind lean right. I could name more than a dozen flagrant lefty presenters and regular guests on the ABC and back it up with facts to prove it...but I'd probably be wasting my time on you...but here goes anyway: Emma Alberici (thank God she's gone), Leigh Sales, Barrie Cassidy, Louise Milligan, Michael Roland, Lisa Millar, Laura Tingle, Raf Epstein, Richard Glover, Antony Green, Jane Caro, Josh Szeps, Paul Barry, Benjamin Law, Jonathan Holmes, Kerry O'Brien (thank God he's gone as well), Annabel Crabb and so on and so forth.

        Maybe you could name the stacked 'Tory board' members of the ABC....I'll wait!

        What shrill nonsense you speak. Nothing to back up what you said - just a complete lack of facts mixed with plenty of emotional hatred.
        i like karvelas. not sure about stan grant but wouldn't call him an uncle tom.
        are those people you name dyed in the wool lefties? lisa millar is the daughter of a nationals mp and laura tingle the daughter of a shooters and fisher mp.
        the abc online news is the best free source of news in aust. even if you think it's biased it's less biased than other news sources and if you read it critically it's useful. the only paper i buy these days is the weekend oz - it has its own bias but it's also useful


        • #34
          [QUOTE=eddie; You're off on your tangent again Colt.
          We all know "scare mongering" is a favorite tactic of the far left. What does it take to prove to you that people who have different opinions to yourself aren't necessarily half-wits?????

          Nonsense. And just who are the far Left? "We all know" - rot!

          What I find bewildering is how an arse out of the strides pensioner could possibly sign on to a Right Wing Neo Con philosophy, the practitioners of which would snatch away that pension (as in the USA) in a heartbeat if it was electorally feasible (as it well may be in the future - those Tradies are greedy buggers). Ditto Medicare.

          Statistics tell us that wages have fallen in proportion to the decline of Unions so we're already on a US trajectory and we have a lying dumb arse Right Wing to see things through. Thank Christ they're gone if only temporarily. Do any of their names resonate in terms of competence - Stuart Robert, Marise Payne, Dutton etc, that dill in charge of Aged Care etc, etc right up the Chief God Botherer Scummo.

          I mean Dutton wants to reinvent himself (with News' assistance) as a family man as, at the same time he shrieks in outrage at the return of the anti refugee hostages, the Biloela family - some family man right there. And a prime goose to boot - doesn't want to rely any more on big business for support, likewise the inner city Woke. Sees the future of Conservatism in the suburbs (Look in the mirror Eddie and Parra - that's you) and wants to unite small and micro business as the new base. Please Baby Cheeses let all that be true. If so Edmund, your pension is safe for a while yet.

          Just who is off their tangent FGS? Not gonna talk to you any more, you're a dope.


          • #35
            Originally posted by Paddo Colt 61 View Post
            Just who is off their tangent FGS? Not gonna talk to you any more, you're a dope.
            My loss?????
            At least I won't be called a halfwit or a dope all the time.
            Trying to debate with a narrow minded political zealot like yourself is an exercise in frustration anyway.
            I'll leave it to Carlos.I think he has your measure.


            • #36
              [QUOTE=Paddo Colt 61;n936624][QUOTE=eddie; You're off on your tangent again Colt.
              We all know "scare mongering" is a favorite tactic of the far left. What does it take to prove to you that people who have different opinions to yourself aren't necessarily half-wits?????

              Nonsense. And just who are the far Left? "We all know" - rot!

              What I find bewildering is how an arse out of the strides pensioner could possibly sign on to a Right Wing Neo Con philosophy, the practitioners of which would snatch away that pension (as in the USA) in a heartbeat if it was electorally feasible (as it well may be in the future - those Tradies are greedy buggers). Ditto Medicare.

              Statistics tell us that wages have fallen in proportion to the decline of Unions so we're already on a US trajectory and we have a lying dumb arse Right Wing to see things through. Thank Christ they're gone if only temporarily. Do any of their names resonate in terms of competence - Stuart Robert, Marise Payne, Dutton etc, that dill in charge of Aged Care etc, etc right up the Chief God Botherer Scummo.

              I mean Dutton wants to reinvent himself (with News' assistance) as a family man as, at the same time he shrieks in outrage at the return of the anti refugee hostages, the Biloela family - some family man right there. And a prime goose to boot - doesn't want to rely any more on big business for support, likewise the inner city Woke. Sees the future of Conservatism in the suburbs (Look in the mirror Eddie and Parra - that's you) and wants to unite small and micro business as the new base. Please Baby Cheeses let all that be true. If so Edmund, your pension is safe for a while yet.

              Just who is off their tangent FGS? Not gonna talk to you any more, you're a dope.[/QUOTE]

              Absolutely everything Peter Dutton said at that press conference was true and wise.
              He had experience with big business...he said he will be meeting with them, but will be helping the ones who need help, small business.
              Peter Dutton is the right man to lead Australia, but unfortunately that won't be happening yet.
              Gotta have strict immigration rules, which must be enforced...or else anarchy rules and Australia turns into a big, lawless mess.


              • #37
                [QUOTE=eddie; At least I won't be called a halfwit or a dope all the time.

                Nothing personal old son, it's just that there's no competing with the irrational gut feelings of a lifetime. Enjoy that pension while you've still got it. Patriots deserve the very best.


                • #38
                  Originally posted by Paddo Colt 61 View Post
                  Nothing personal old son, it's just that there's no competing with the irrational gut feelings of a lifetime. Enjoy that pension while you've still got it. Patriots deserve the very best.
                  All the best to you as well.


                  • #39
                    [QUOTE=Paddo Colt 61;n936677][QUOTE=eddie; At least I won't be called a halfwit or a dope all the time.

                    Nothing personal old son, it's just that there's no competing with the irrational gut feelings of a lifetime. Enjoy that pension while you've still got it. Patriots deserve the very best.


                    Oh, finally we see what's driving you...'the irrational gut feelings of a lifetime'.

                    Thanks for at least being honest.
                    #We Stand with ourJewish community#


                    • #40
                      Albo's sucking up to China ain't working too well...LOL
                      ...Chinese fighter jet fired flares at an RAAF reconnaisance plane in international waters in the South China Sea today.
                      Could've easily killed the RAAF crew.

                      ScoMo tried to warn Australians what China is like but most wouldn't listen...preferring instead to live in a *fool's paradise*.

                      Some might see the Chinese warplane's attack as an act of war.
                      If only we had 2 million troops, a mighty navy, a mighty airforce, and all the latest nukes.
                      Last edited by bondi.boy; 06-05-2022, 09:41 PM.


                      • #41
                        Originally posted by bondi.boy View Post
                        Albo's sucking up to China ain't working too well...LOL
                        ...Chinese fighter jet fired flares at an RAAF reconnaisance plane in international waters in the South China Sea today.
                        Could've easily killed the RAAF crew.

                        ScoMo tried to warn Australians what China is like but most wouldn't listen...preferring instead to live in a *fool's paradise*.

                        Some might see the Chinese warplane's attack as an act of war.
                        If only we had 2 million troops, a mighty navy, a mighty airforce, and all the latest nukes.
                        Apparently this actually happened during the election and not today .


                        • #42
                          Imagine the apoplexy here if the Chinese regularly patrolled the Timor Sea like the US 7th Fleet does the South China Sea with our pathetic little "me too" Tory contribution. I wouldn't be inclined to accept on face value anything that emanated from our "Intelligence" outfits nor our military. Andrew Wilkie blew the whistle on them re WMDs and was promptly sacked. They're politicised which was illustrated by the release of previously hush hush "on water matters" on polling day.

                          In the past they kept files only on the Left - Trade Unions and progressives (By the way Eddy Mabo was a communist shock horror). The Right was protected. Labor's raid on ASIO after no files were produced re Croation bombings in Sydney was the first chapter in Whitlam''s overthrow with the almost certain connivance of US intelligence. Since then, Labor has been hesitant to tangle with them. Such is the state of our "democracy".

                          You know nuthin' about China BB. Your ignorance generally is beyond profound which makes you very irritating. Why don't you guys go and reflect on the election result.


                          • #43
                            Originally posted by Paddo Colt 61 View Post
                            Why don't you guys go and reflect on the election result.
                            I've decided it can't possibly be worse than a Rudd government......................can it?


                            • #44
                              Originally posted by Rooster1908 View Post

                              Apparently this actually happened during the election and not today .
                              Of course, won't need to happen now...compliance with China seems to be the new mantra...commie Australia is not far away.


                              • #45
                                Hurray!!! About time too.

                                My parents in the 50s worked in factories. They were not enterprising though they were not unintelligent. They and we were happy with our family lot though we lived in the most modest of circumstances and there were millions in Australia just like us. There are still.

                                Without Capitalist propaganda, they would have been happy in a Communist society as would most of their contemporaries who had little interest in politics (as is the case today) but would have had the essentials provided by the State - guaranteed employment, free health, housing and education and a rich cultural experience for those intelligent enough to appreciate it. Sport too and recreation facilities would be provided by the State for the rest and if you were a member of the Party you could participate in election of members to the Party Congress.

                                Of course the wealthy and those with property and capital would be unhappy but they, as ever, are/were in the minority. Who counts most?

                                China now has mixed the pot as did Lenin in 1920 and there is a Capitalist economy minus political power of course - ordinary people have the freedom to shop which, let's face it, is all they want really.

