The ALP is on track to win an outright majority taking 10 seats from the Liberals. The win is just the fourth time since the war that Labor has won from opposition. Clearly, the big losers are the Libs. And yet Media coverage since the result has mostly been on the Teals' success, the "tragic" loss of the so called Lib moderates (who voted for Barnaby at every opportunity) and the legitimacy of Labor's win given the low primary vote. There has been no discernable celebration of its success. Contrast that with the hoopla that accompanied Scomo's miracle in 2019.
While that is usual behaviour for Murdoch who typically sets up a backlash the day after a Labor win, it was disappointing to hear Leigh Sales ask Plibersek on the night when a Labor win was imminent, " Where did Labor go wrong?". To which a stunned Tania replied, "We won!". Since that there has been a focus on Labor's loss of 2 seats while the real examination should be on the Tories loss of at least 10 to Labor and several to independants.
Indeed it was a win despite Murdoch's hacks turning the press accompanying Albanese into lynch mob - misreporting events and even lying. Media Watch has a good report on that behaviour and News' overall bias. Given that the role of Media in a democracy is to factually inform so that reasoned judgements can be made, our near monopoly media is now just the propaganda arm of Right Wing conservatism. Lucky us.
While that is usual behaviour for Murdoch who typically sets up a backlash the day after a Labor win, it was disappointing to hear Leigh Sales ask Plibersek on the night when a Labor win was imminent, " Where did Labor go wrong?". To which a stunned Tania replied, "We won!". Since that there has been a focus on Labor's loss of 2 seats while the real examination should be on the Tories loss of at least 10 to Labor and several to independants.
Indeed it was a win despite Murdoch's hacks turning the press accompanying Albanese into lynch mob - misreporting events and even lying. Media Watch has a good report on that behaviour and News' overall bias. Given that the role of Media in a democracy is to factually inform so that reasoned judgements can be made, our near monopoly media is now just the propaganda arm of Right Wing conservatism. Lucky us.