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Election Media coverage. Disgraceful as usual.

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  • Election Media coverage. Disgraceful as usual.

    The ALP is on track to win an outright majority taking 10 seats from the Liberals. The win is just the fourth time since the war that Labor has won from opposition. Clearly, the big losers are the Libs. And yet Media coverage since the result has mostly been on the Teals' success, the "tragic" loss of the so called Lib moderates (who voted for Barnaby at every opportunity) and the legitimacy of Labor's win given the low primary vote. There has been no discernable celebration of its success. Contrast that with the hoopla that accompanied Scomo's miracle in 2019.

    While that is usual behaviour for Murdoch who typically sets up a backlash the day after a Labor win, it was disappointing to hear Leigh Sales ask Plibersek on the night when a Labor win was imminent, " Where did Labor go wrong?". To which a stunned Tania replied, "We won!". Since that there has been a focus on Labor's loss of 2 seats while the real examination should be on the Tories loss of at least 10 to Labor and several to independants.

    Indeed it was a win despite Murdoch's hacks turning the press accompanying Albanese into lynch mob - misreporting events and even lying. Media Watch has a good report on that behaviour and News' overall bias. Given that the role of Media in a democracy is to factually inform so that reasoned judgements can be made, our near monopoly media is now just the propaganda arm of Right Wing conservatism. Lucky us.

  • #2
    Not the result there masters wanted
    When you trust your television
    what you get is what you got
    Cause when they own the information
    they can bend it all they want

    John Mayer


    • #3
      Keen eyes might’ve noticed the Teal adornments on Leigh Sales and Annabelle Crabs attire. Leigh, wearing a neutral white dress was wearing teal earrings and Annabelle sporting a scarlet dress was wearing teal glasses.

      Make of that what you will


      • #4
        Who cares what the main stream media reports?
        Politics and sport are not covered impartially.

        Anyway, I thought the election went ok.
        The bloke I voted for in my electorate won the seat, and it really doesn't effect me personally which Canberra puppet is kissing Bidens ass.


        • #5
          Well spotted Count. According to her Australian Story profile, Sales and the family would gather in the lounge room of their modest Brisbane cottage on a Sunday night to watch..........60 Minutes. Jana Wendt was her idol.


          • #6
            But I thought, according to the conservative heads on Sky and talkback radio, the ABC were biased toward the ALP.


            • #7


              • #8
                Media power didn't evaporate on Saturday night. Albo is off to a disappointing start with his mixed reception to the Chinese PM's congratulatory message. Welcoming it to a degree, he then waffled on about uncompromising Australian values (whatever they are) thereby vindicating Morrison's chest thumping over time. Why did he do it? He's the PM now. No doubt the foreign policy alignment with the US looms large promoted by the American Sinophobe media mogul and our Security people who are becoming more and more unreliable on the matter of China. (They who backed the existence of WMDs on Howards behalf).
                This is what I meant about Labor growing a pair. Of all of our neighbours, we are the ONLY nation "out front" on China bashing and that's not in the national interest.


                • #9
                  i'd love to be a fly on the wall when paddo, count and jfc have one of their regular get togethers.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Paddo Colt 61 View Post
                    Media power didn't evaporate on Saturday night. Albo is off to a disappointing start with his mixed reception to the Chinese PM's congratulatory message. Welcoming it to a degree, he then waffled on about uncompromising Australian values (whatever they are) thereby vindicating Morrison's chest thumping over time. Why did he do it? He's the PM now. No doubt the foreign policy alignment with the US looms large promoted by the American Sinophobe media mogul and our Security people who are becoming more and more unreliable on the matter of China. (They who backed the existence of WMDs on Howards behalf).
                    This is what I meant about Labor growing a pair. Of all of our neighbours, we are the ONLY nation "out front" on China bashing and that's not in the national interest.
                    No, we should bow to our chinese masters and stop speaking out about their human rights abuses.


                    • #11
                      So called HR abuses. The originator of the charge is a German right winger resident in the US. So far, satellite footage has been unable to make the charges stick but there is a UN envoy presently in the country who may report a clearer picture.

                      Like the Ukraine, no US reporting on China can be relied upon. Once more the US is at the root of any problem - not our saviour, our potential destroyer.


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by Paddo Colt 61 View Post
                        So called HR abuses. The originator of the charge is a German right winger resident in the US. So far, satellite footage has been unable to make the charges stick but there is a UN envoy presently in the country who may report a clearer picture.

                        Like the Ukraine, no US reporting on China can be relied upon. Once more the US is at the root of any problem - not our saviour, our potential destroyer.
                        It is 'like Ukraine' - there is no such thing as like the Ukraine. That's like saying 'like the Australia' or 'like the England'.
                        "Do you expect me to talk"? "No, Mr. Bond, I expect you to die".


                        • #13
                          And your point is?


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by Paddo Colt 61 View Post
                            So called HR abuses. The originator of the charge is a German right winger resident in the US. So far, satellite footage has been unable to make the charges stick but there is a UN envoy presently in the country who may report a clearer picture.

                            Like the Ukraine, no US reporting on China can be relied upon. Once more the US is at the root of any problem - not our saviour, our potential destroyer.
                            So the 're-education' camps for the Uyghurs don't count as human rights abuses. You are in total denial.


                            • #15
                              Well I've noticed the past few days the Murdoch press have increaased the number of doom and gloom stories about the econmoy and rising costs of living designed to scare the crap out of everyone. Where were these stories before the election?

