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Election Media coverage. Disgraceful as usual.

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  • #16
    Originally posted by A Country Member View Post
    Keen eyes might’ve noticed the Teal adornments on Leigh Sales and Annabelle Crabs attire. Leigh, wearing a neutral white dress was wearing teal earrings and Annabelle sporting a scarlet dress was wearing teal glasses.

    Make of that what you will
    And now the Teals are obsolete, powerless, as Labor has won enough seats to govern in its own right.


    • #17
      I love how lefties always blame Murdoch. They seem to forget he backed KRudd in 2007. They seem to forget he owns fewer media outlets than the ABC/SBS but curiously sells more content. People also say the ABC is the most trusted, but they regularly rate 3rd or 4th in primetime news slots and they do not have a single conservative host on any of their primetime news, political and current affairs programs. The ABC should have been defunded a decade ago, but Liberal politicians are gutless.

      It'll be one big ABC circle jerk for the next 3 years.
      1985: 1 try vs Parramatta, 1 try vs Manly, 1 try vs Wests, 2 tries vs Souffs
      1986: 2 tries vs Illawarra, 1 try vs Balmain, 2 tries vs Norths.


      • #18
        Oh Jeez another one. Equally ignorant and from Parra too. Go figure. But then the Libs are aiming to represent the West and those greedy tradies who hate paying tax.

        Prime time news slots - hilarious! No buddy, neither SBS nor the ABC do car crashes and supermarket arguments.

        FYI Murdoch holds 70+% of print media in Australia. His toxic political influence is widely acknowledged. Thinking Australians were turned off by the war mongering but not little battlers like you it would seem?
        Last edited by Paddo Colt 61; 06-02-2022, 07:28 PM.


        • #19
          Originally posted by Paddo Colt 61 View Post
          Oh Jeez another one. Equally ignorant and from Parra too.
          If its the Carlos Parra im thinking of im pretty sure i played against him in third grade in the mid-late 80s. He was a small speedy winger


          • #20
            Originally posted by Carlos Parra View Post
            I love how lefties always blame Murdoch. They seem to forget he backed KRudd in 2007. They seem to forget he owns fewer media outlets than the ABC/SBS but curiously sells more content. People also say the ABC is the most trusted, but they regularly rate 3rd or 4th in primetime news slots and they do not have a single conservative host on any of their primetime news, political and current affairs programs. The ABC should have been defunded a decade ago, but Liberal politicians are gutless.

            It'll be one big ABC circle jerk for the next 3 years.
            It's bizarre isn't it?

            Unless you pay for Sky content it's almost impossible to find anything other then left sympathetic media. Free speech and free thinking....nope.
            #We Stand with ourJewish community#


            • #21
              Originally posted by Paddo Colt 61 View Post
              Oh Jeez another one. Equally ignorant and from Parra too. Go figure. But then the Libs are aiming to represent the West and those greedy tradies who hate paying tax.

              Prime time news slots - hilarious! No buddy, neither SBS nor the ABC do car crashes and supermarket arguments.

              FYI Murdoch holds 70+% of print media in Australia. His toxic political influence is widely acknowledged. Thinking Australians were turned off by the war mongering but not little battlers like you it would seem?
              Anybody who watches the news on any channel is silly. Commercial news is the worst - so I don't disagree with you. But instead of flaming me, you should direct your pomposity to the great unwashed masses. The facts are simple - more people watch commercial TV news than the State funded greenie loving, lefty leaning ABC. Personally, I read the ABC online news and skip over 90% of the content because it is all driven by an agenda. The ABC bloody admits it.

              You talk of car crashes and supermarket arguments, but look at the offerings of the ABC today:
              • Would you wake up every 4 hours to care for injured joeys and wombats?
              • Yasmin was scared to try roller skating on her own, but it ended up being the best thing for her
              • How a blue mohair jumper changed Yasmin's life (Yes, it's Yasmin again, but curiously roller skating is no longer important)
              • How Connie grows a thriving Asian veggie patch at home
              • How business owners are coping with the new wedding boom
              • How Nate Byrne tried a pen and paper to help his mental wellbeing
              • How Helen is embracing her asexuality in her relationship

              The list goes on, but you get the drift...surely? It's all agenda and identity driven garbage for smug elitists.
              1985: 1 try vs Parramatta, 1 try vs Manly, 1 try vs Wests, 2 tries vs Souffs
              1986: 2 tries vs Illawarra, 1 try vs Balmain, 2 tries vs Norths.


              • #22
                The ABC has become an embarrassing waste of tax payers money.


                • #23
                  [QUOTE=eddie; The ABC has become an embarrassing waste of tax payers money.

                  I will partly agree with you on that. Doing Murdoch's bidding over the past 10 years, the Libs starved the public broadcaster of funds with what have become dire consequences for quality content. Added to that, the Tory insistence on relevance to a wider public has led to a relentless dumbing down led by execs and presenters imported from commercial media. We now have Ita Buttrose (Year 10 leaver and Packer paramour) as chairperson and her stacked Tory board. The imported presenters, too, are execrable - Stan Grant the right wing Uncle Tom bloviator supreme and people like Patricia Karvelis, a lightweight from Newscorp who must also have left off education back in Year 10. She gets pounded every day by the well educated audience but doesn't get the message it would seem.

                  Hopefully, but not holding my breath, the new government will restore funding.


                  • #24
                    Originally posted by Paddo Colt 61 View Post
                    Hopefully, but not holding my breath, the new government will restore funding.
                    If they can't restore a more balanced approach..............I'd fund them less.

                    But don't worry, there's no way in hell Albos gonna do that.


                    • #25
                      Yep I agree again, there's too much right wing tosh presently on the ABC and SBS. Pro US, negative on China, disgraceful one sided report on Putin last night (Foreign Correspondent) and muted on Climate Change. Might as well watch the Commercials - no wait, anything but that.


                      • #26
                        Originally posted by Carlos Parra View Post

                        Anybody who watches the news on any channel is silly. Commercial news is the worst - so I don't disagree with you. But instead of flaming me, you should direct your pomposity to the great unwashed masses. The facts are simple - more people watch commercial TV news than the State funded greenie loving, lefty leaning ABC. Personally, I read the ABC online news and skip over 90% of the content because it is all driven by an agenda. The ABC bloody admits it.

                        You talk of car crashes and supermarket arguments, but look at the offerings of the ABC today:
                        • Would you wake up every 4 hours to care for injured joeys and wombats?
                        • Yasmin was scared to try roller skating on her own, but it ended up being the best thing for her
                        • How a blue mohair jumper changed Yasmin's life (Yes, it's Yasmin again, but curiously roller skating is no longer important)
                        • How Connie grows a thriving Asian veggie patch at home
                        • How business owners are coping with the new wedding boom
                        • How Nate Byrne tried a pen and paper to help his mental wellbeing
                        • How Helen is embracing her asexuality in her relationship

                        The list goes on, but you get the drift...surely? It's all agenda and identity driven garbage for smug elitists.
                        You may be right there. But what's the commercial telly good for? Dumbed down social media for the gullible apathetic masses? A Current Affair? What sort of journalism is this?


                        • #27
                          Originally posted by eddie View Post

                          If they can't restore a more balanced approach..............I'd fund them less.

                          But don't worry, there's no way in hell Albos gonna do that.
                          They shouldn't be publicly funded, simple. They have chosen to take a hard left ideological stance, which in itself is OK I guess, but we shouldn't have to pay for that.

                          Scomo should have had the cajones to defund them when he had the chance.
                          #We Stand with ourJewish community#


                          • #28
                            Examples of a hard left ABC agenda please Jax. Several independent enquiries have found none to date but I see a Right Wing trend.

                            I don't know why I respond to you, BB. Parra, Rented and the rest of the Congas. You're irrelevant, you're the other 1%, the broke suburban percentage like pensioner Edmund who, disappointed with their lot in life, identify with rich ignoring their own interests and the interests of their children. Who cares what you all think of the ABC? The concentrated Murdoch scare campaign came to nothing in the recent election, firmly rejected by a majority which voted for the Woke and, heaven help us, the Greens. Sheeple that they are, voters can still spot a ratbag a mile off, hence Sky's single digit ratings. You're a miniscule minority pissing into the wind. No one's listening buddy.

                            How do you know when a planeload of Congas (or racist Long Tan celebrators) arrives at Mascot? When the engines shut down you can still hear the whining.


                            • #29
                              Originally posted by Paddo Colt 61 View Post
                              How do you know when a planeload of Congas (or racist Long Tan celebrators) arrives at Mascot? When the engines shut down you can still hear the whining.
                              People used to trot that old joke out about Neil Young.
                              Bit harsh I reckon.


                              • #30
                                [QUOTE=Paddo Colt 61;n936358][QUOTE=eddie; The ABC has become an embarrassing waste of tax payers money.

                                I will partly agree with you on that. Doing Murdoch's bidding over the past 10 years, the Libs starved the public broadcaster of funds with what have become dire consequences for quality content. Added to that, the Tory insistence on relevance to a wider public has led to a relentless dumbing down led by execs and presenters imported from commercial media. We now have Ita Buttrose (Year 10 leaver and Packer paramour) as chairperson and her stacked Tory board. The imported presenters, too, are execrable - Stan Grant the right wing Uncle Tom bloviator supreme and people like Patricia Karvelis, a lightweight from Newscorp who must also have left off education back in Year 10. She gets pounded every day by the well educated audience but doesn't get the message it would seem.

                                Hopefully, but not holding my breath, the new government will restore funding.


                                I see, it's still all the fault of the 'Tories'. A little hint, there are no Tories in Australia. I get that you're an uncritical thinker, but to believe that the Libs starved the ABC of funds is hilarious. They still got their $1bn+ each and every year, yet they still advertise and promote product and do everything in their power to criticise the Libs. When they have a go at Labour, it's always from the left side of the argument. There's absolutely zero counter-view and everyone agrees with everyone else on their news and current affairs programs. Oh no...Bananas in Pajamas is under threat...what a load of absolute rubbish.

                                How un-ABC of you to label Stan Grant as an Uncle Tom. That's the typical sort of racism I expect from the left. Also typical of ABC luvvies is their complete inability to do research or back up their hyperbolic claims. Patricia Karvelas managed to get educated despite the death of her parents before she was 10. She completed High School and eventually graduated from RMIT University. She actually worked for the ABC and SBS before going to work for Murdoch. So, no, she is not a Newscorp lightweight like you suggest. As it is, you've named only two ABC personalities who in your mind lean right. I could name more than a dozen flagrant lefty presenters and regular guests on the ABC and back it up with facts to prove it...but I'd probably be wasting my time on you...but here goes anyway: Emma Alberici (thank God she's gone), Leigh Sales, Barrie Cassidy, Louise Milligan, Michael Roland, Lisa Millar, Laura Tingle, Raf Epstein, Richard Glover, Antony Green, Jane Caro, Josh Szeps, Paul Barry, Benjamin Law, Jonathan Holmes, Kerry O'Brien (thank God he's gone as well), Annabel Crabb and so on and so forth.

                                Maybe you could name the stacked 'Tory board' members of the ABC....I'll wait!

                                What shrill nonsense you speak. Nothing to back up what you said - just a complete lack of facts mixed with plenty of emotional hatred.
                                1985: 1 try vs Parramatta, 1 try vs Manly, 1 try vs Wests, 2 tries vs Souffs
                                1986: 2 tries vs Illawarra, 1 try vs Balmain, 2 tries vs Norths.

