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The Republic of Australia

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  • #61
    Originally posted by zac View Post

    lol - i think there'd just be the sound of crickets in here if that was the case. maybe that would be an improvement?! but nah, different perspectives based on different experience can be useful.

    fair enough but i don't think the fact that because we had that flag when we went to war means we have to keep it. australians fought under it, not for it. you can still honour and respect those who fought for the country but change the flag. it would be daft not to acknowledge that the uk has been an important part of our history but that doesn't mean you have to put their flag on ours.

    in response to ks - the issue of our flag and becoming a republic are related but they're separate. look at canada - even having a foreigner as your head of state doesn't guarantee that you'll have the union jack on your flag.
    i'd be happy with a change of flag, something that is recognisably australian - what's wrong with a simple green and gold flag with a kangaroo?
    What a flag with a football / meat pie / kangaroo and a holden car


    • #62
      Originally posted by King Salvo View Post

      What a flag with a football / meat pie / kangaroo and a holden car
      that's the spirit


      • #63
        Originally posted by zac View Post
        that's the spirit
        How about the skull and cross bones?

        We could change Australia day to Pirate day.



        • #64
          Originally posted by eddie View Post

          How about the skull and cross bones?

          We could change Australia day to Pirate day.

          To celebrate pirates and in honour of the funniest person (who considered herself a pirate) I never met. I have a song.

          When you trust your television
          what you get is what you got
          Cause when they own the information
          they can bend it all they want

          John Mayer


          • #65
            Originally posted by eddie View Post

            How about the skull and cross bones?

            We could change Australia day to Pirate day.

            Rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrstraya day.


            • #66
              Originally posted by Rooster1908 View Post

              Yeah the old bag should retire and give someone else a go .Charlie will be dead before he takes over .PS by old bag retiring I mean the queen to .Just verifying before I get shot
              LOL I think you will be ok the assassinations only happen if you use an eight letter word beginning with sp and ending in er. The missing four letters are the 1st four letters of a social media site that has 8 letters where you post photos the last four letters being a very small weight definition.

              When you trust your television
              what you get is what you got
              Cause when they own the information
              they can bend it all they want

              John Mayer


              • #67
                Of all the photographs that I've seen of our military during WW1and I've seen plenty over the years, I've never spotted the blue, what Seinfeld dubbed "England by Night". I've seen only the Union Jack which is appropriate because the deluded young people who signed their lives away, in 60,000 cases, were in an English war on behalf of England. They were volunteers for England. The vast majority of military age young men here opted not to fight and their decision was backed by the Australian population - TWICE.

                Eddie is talking through his hat once again. Past generations didn't fight, only a relatively small cohort of one generation in both wars participated. The US, Canada, Ireland, South Africa India etc all have a shared history with Britain but none of their flags reflect it. In fact, here, the Bluey is divisive - it reminds newcomers who is really in charge. Post election, at their respective pressers, Albo was flanked by three flags - the First Nations, Torres Strait Islands and the Bluey. Potato Head Voldemort, on the other hand, chose just the one - the Bluey. Once a dog whistler always a dog whistler.


                • #68
                  Originally posted by Andrew Walker View Post

                  LOL I think you will be ok the assassinations only happen if you use an eight letter word beginning with sp and ending in er. The missing four letters are the 1st four letters of a social media site that has 8 letters where you post photos the last four letters being a very small weight definition.


                  • #69
                    Originally posted by zac View Post

                    that's the spirit
                    Pair of throngs. Whichever type suits your needs. And a can of bundy . add a drop bear and we should be all good


                    • #70
                      Originally posted by Paddo Colt 61 View Post
                      Of all the photographs that I've seen of our military during WW1and I've seen plenty over the years, I've never spotted the blue, what Seinfeld dubbed "England by Night". I've seen only the Union Jack which is appropriate because the deluded young people who signed their lives away, in 60,000 cases, were in an English war on behalf of England. They were volunteers for England. The vast majority of military age young men here opted not to fight and their decision was backed by the Australian population - TWICE.

                      Eddie is talking through his hat once again. Past generations didn't fight, only a relatively small cohort of one generation in both wars participated. The US, Canada, Ireland, South Africa India etc all have a shared history with Britain but none of their flags reflect it. In fact, here, the Bluey is divisive - it reminds newcomers who is really in charge. Post election, at their respective pressers, Albo was flanked by three flags - the First Nations, Torres Strait Islands and the Bluey. Potato Head Voldemort, on the other hand, chose just the one - the Bluey. Once a dog whistler always a dog whistler.
                      You make a lot of stuff up one has to honestly say

                      Total enlistments

                      Australian population 1914–1918: approximately 4.9 million1
                      416,809 Australians enlisted for service in the First World War, representing 38.7% of the male population aged 18 to 44.2


                      Almost a million Australians, both men and women, served in the Second World War. They fought in campaigns against Germany and Italy in Europe, the Mediterranean and North Africa, as well as against Japan in south-east Asia and other parts of the Pacific.



                      • #71
                        Originally posted by Paddo Colt 61 View Post
                        The Conga Line of Empty heads is up and dancing on this thread. These are part of the 50% who, at any opportunity inflict the self serving rich on us though they have the arse out of their daks.

                        Currently, at their idiot connivance, we are a possible/probable target in a thermonuclear war for our support of US global primacy. They also voted against reform of the property market in favour of property investors with tax breaks rather than in the interests of their own kids/grandkids. Too lazy to think for themselves, we have to put up with second hand Murdoch drivel.

                        The Sheeple are everywhere with little interest in anything except that which is easily understood but this particular conga line, while sharing the propensity to ignorance of the others, are nonetheless militant in the interests of the rich. They're ones who get us into wars - see the drunken fools who traipsed over to Vietnam a few years back to "commemorate the Long Tan myth and were, to their dismay, promptly sent packing or the other yobs who invade Turkey every year expecting the Turks to share their misplaced sentimentality.
                        Do you know little legs Putin by chance ?


                        • #72
                          Originally posted by King Salvo View Post

                          You make a lot of stuff up one has to honestly say

                          Total enlistments

                          Australian population 1914–1918: approximately 4.9 million1
                          416,809 Australians enlisted for service in the First World War, representing 38.7% of the male population aged 18 to 44.2


                          Almost a million Australians, both men and women, served in the Second World War. They fought in campaigns against Germany and Italy in Europe, the Mediterranean and North Africa, as well as against Japan in south-east Asia and other parts of the Pacific.

                          so - a large minority of the male australian population fought in ww1 and 60 000 died. don't know if 61.3% of the militarily eligible population qualifies as a vast majority but it's not far off.

                          but even so, things were different then. we were self-consciously part of what was called the british race and fighting over there was what a lot of us supported. while we'll always have our british heritage, and might still fight alongside the british, it's hard to see ourselves as part of the 'british race'. i think people who live in the uk can see themselves as british but it's no longer a question of race.

                          we're an independent country, not a colony, and getting rid of a foreign monarch makes sense


                          • #73
                            Originally posted by Rooster1908 View Post

                            Yeah the old bag should retire and give someone else a go .Charlie will be dead before he takes over .PS by old bag retiring I mean the queen to .Just verifying before I get shot
                            I’m far from a monarchist but I’d take the Queen over old Charlie any day.


                            • #74
                              Originally posted by mightyrooster View Post

                              I’m far from a monarchist but I’d take the Queen over old Charlie any day.
                              I don't really good much on any of them but she is his mummy , lol , surely it's time for her to give him a go


                              • #75
                                Originally posted by Rooster1908 View Post

                                I don't really good much on any of them but she is his mummy , lol , surely it's time for her to give him a go
                                The Queen will die on her throne she will never voluntarily pass it on to Charles
                                When you trust your television
                                what you get is what you got
                                Cause when they own the information
                                they can bend it all they want

                                John Mayer

