The Republic of Australia...or The Socialist Republic of Australia, or The Peoples Republic of Australia?
with Albo as the first President?
Albo has appointed an Assistant Minister For The Republic.
Sole purpose to get Australia to become a Republic.
Red bandana Pete is over the moon with joy, reportedly.
Gee, Labor kept that quiet during the election campaign.
Oh well, the People of Australia will decide at a referendum.
I'll be voting NO to a Republic ...I like that politicians have to swear allegiance to the Monarch and follow the current Constitution, not just do as they please.
with Albo as the first President?
Albo has appointed an Assistant Minister For The Republic.
Sole purpose to get Australia to become a Republic.
Red bandana Pete is over the moon with joy, reportedly.
Gee, Labor kept that quiet during the election campaign.
Oh well, the People of Australia will decide at a referendum.
I'll be voting NO to a Republic ...I like that politicians have to swear allegiance to the Monarch and follow the current Constitution, not just do as they please.