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COVID and the Unvaccinated

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  • #46
    Originally posted by Andrew Walker View Post

    More bagging of people who do not align with your views Yet you have denied this in this thread

    You have not kept anything open in fact you and others like you have contributed to mass inflation business going under mental health issues just to name a few Congratulations

    Now I’m off to the gym and a cafe that you wanted nobody to support
    Wasn’t it you that wanted to physically fight someone over it Andy? I hope the gyms Boxercise classes are beneficial.

    We have been over all this months ago. Obviously the off season has already been too long for you.

    Make sure you do the right thing and wipe down all the equipment you use at the gym or are you being the same rebel there and refusing to conform?
    Last edited by rented tracksuit; 10-20-2022, 09:16 PM.


    • #47
      Originally posted by rented tracksuit View Post

      Wasn’t it you that wanted to physically fight someone over it Andy? I hope the gyms Boxercise classes are beneficial.

      We have been over all this months ago. Obviously the off season has already been too long for you.

      Make sure you do the right thing and wipe down all the equipment you use at the gym or are you being the same rebel there and refusing to conform?
      No I did not that was you and another twisting my invitation for someone to discuss something that my mental health was being brought into for mentioning it. Nowhere did I say I wanted to fight anyone. You and the other poster decided to get your jollies and besmirch my name by twisting my words saying I wanted to fight. What I said was something again which was always demonstratbly true and a few weeks later the other poster realised this posting a link to it.

      Mind you I’d rather be guilty of that on here than continually calling on people to stay home and boycott businesses that were open with govt approval who had done it tough after lockdown like you had.

      It would be embarrassing for many on here if some of those old threads were rehashed The ridiculing of those who said the vaccine didn’t prevent transmission would be a personal favourite of mine Let alone the other ill educated rot that most were banging on with

      You have been triggered by someone presenting demonstrable numbers and govt links You don’t like the truth being shown Your only response is imagine if with nothing demonstrable or concrete to back it up. I only presented links due to another poster making claims that were misleading those links I posted showed that how misleading the claim

      So here are some facts one last time 10 million plus infections on this country since we hit a vaccination rate that is one of the highest in the world Above 80 percent of deaths in that time have had two or more shots.

      Oh and for the record I had already told you I always wiped down equipment after use at the gym even before covid 19 hit.

      Best stick to Roosters t shirts hats and coffee mugs
      Last edited by Andrew Walker; 10-21-2022, 08:27 AM.
      When you trust your television
      what you get is what you got
      Cause when they own the information
      they can bend it all they want

      John Mayer


      • #48
        Originally posted by Andrew Walker View Post

        No I did not that was you and another twisting my invitation for someone to discuss something that my mental health was being brought into for mentioning it. You and the other poster decided to get their jollies and besmirch my name by twisting my words saying I wanted to fight. This was something again which was always demonstratbly true and a few weeks later the other poster realised this posting a link to it.

        Mind you I’d rather be guilty of that on here than continually calling on people to stay home and boycott businesses that were open with govt approval who had done it tough after lockdown like you had.

        It would be embarrassing for many on here if some of those old threads were rehashed The ridiculing of those who said the vaccine didn’t prevent transmission would be a personal favourite of mine Let alone the other I’ll educated rot that most were banging on with

        You have been triggered by someone presenting demonstrable numbers and govt links You don’t like the truth being shown Your only response is imagine if with nothing demonstrable or concrete to back it up. I only presented links due to another poster making claims that were misleading those links I posted showed that how misleading the claim

        So here are some facts one last time 10 million plus infections on this country since we hit a vaccination rate that is one of the closest in the world Above 80 percent of deaths in that time have had two or more shots.

        Oh and for the record I had already told you I always wiped down equipment after use at the gym even before covid 19 hit.

        Best stick to Roosters t shirts hats and coffee mugs
        I skimmed over most of that but to clear it up, I am defo not triggered. Im not the one who jumped into this thread trying to disprove others doing the right thing.

        we agreed to disagree a long time ago but for some reason your memory has deserted you. Maybe the effects of not being vaxxed???

        I still love ya but oh Andy, I know someone else who loves ya more!
        Last edited by rented tracksuit; 10-21-2022, 09:37 AM.


        • #49
          Originally posted by rented tracksuit View Post

          I skimmed over most of that but to clear it up, I am defo not triggered. Im not the one who jumped into this thread trying to disprove others doing the right thing.

          we agreed to disagree a long time ago but for some reason your memory has deserted you. Maybe the effects of not being vaxxed???

          I still love ya but oh Andy, I know someone else who loves ya more!
          Oh come now Rentie You are too sensitive Putting up official govt figures is not me trying to disprove anything But it is proving a point many of us were ridiculed for last year.

          Agreeing to disagree does not mean I stay silent on the said matter These figures were in response to another not yourself I could have been posting these on a weekly basis for the last few months if it was me wanting to disprove others Ive said it countless times I don’t care who gets vaxxed who doesn’t get vaxxed.

          Oh Rentie you know I still love you too and your Roosters coffee mugs t shirt and hats all in a non homo way. Best add that in as I wouldn’t want anyone to cast aspersions
          When you trust your television
          what you get is what you got
          Cause when they own the information
          they can bend it all they want

          John Mayer


          • #50
            Originally posted by Andrew Walker View Post

            Oh come now Rentie You are too sensitive Putting up official govt figures is not me trying to disprove anything But it is proving a point many of us were ridiculed for last year.

            Agreeing to disagree does not mean I stay silent on the said matter These figures were in response to another not yourself I could have been posting these on a weekly basis for the last few months if it was me wanting to disprove others Ive said it countless times I don’t care who gets vaxxed who doesn’t get vaxxed.

            Oh Rentie you know I still love you too and your Roosters coffee mugs t shirt and hats all in a non homo way. Best add that in as I wouldn’t want anyone to cast aspersions
            It’s ok. I understand but I don’t go for the anti vaxxers unlike the previous cling on!

            Back to footy now. We are up 42 zip at half time!
            FVCK CANCER


            • #51
              Originally posted by rented tracksuit View Post

              It’s ok. I understand but I don’t go for the anti vaxxers unlike the previous cling on!

              Back to footy now. We are up 42 zip at half time!
              How did it end ? I do hope there was no second half come back
              When you trust your television
              what you get is what you got
              Cause when they own the information
              they can bend it all they want

              John Mayer


              • #52
                Originally posted by Andrew Walker View Post

                How did it end ? I do hope there was no second half come back
                No second half comeback. It was a walkover!

                only two games left for the season. The last game will be a cracker. It’s a local derby with a rivalry very much like us v souffs. There will be a visable police presence for the final game as it’s been know to get heated.
                FVCK CANCER


                • #53
                  Originally posted by rented tracksuit View Post

                  No second half comeback. It was a walkover!

                  only two games left for the season. The last game will be a cracker. It’s a local derby with a rivalry very much like us v souffs. There will be a visable police presence for the final game as it’s been know to get heated.
                  Can you get us a live feed
                  When you trust your television
                  what you get is what you got
                  Cause when they own the information
                  they can bend it all they want

                  John Mayer


                  • #54
                    It’s funny you ask that as some other parents at the game said they had been able to access it but Ive never really chased it through as I’m always at the games.

                    If there’s any good blues in the final game, I will try to get some vids. It’s just a bit hard for me to fight and video at the same time!
                    FVCK CANCER


                    • #55
                      Originally posted by rented tracksuit View Post

                      Wasn’t it you that wanted to physically fight someone over it Andy?
                      I think it was me. I just wanted a lamb kebab if i can remember correctly


                      • #56
                        Originally posted by Random Rooster View Post

                        I think it was me. I just wanted a lamb kebab if i can remember correctly
                        Yeah, I think it was you!

                        Hope you had a tasty kebab and not a knuckle sandwich!
                        FVCK CANCER


                        • #57
                          Interesting findings in this

                          When you trust your television
                          what you get is what you got
                          Cause when they own the information
                          they can bend it all they want

                          John Mayer


                          • #58
                            Originally posted by Andrew Walker View Post

                            Yes there were many things that could have been done better in hindsight. This report, in my opinion, is very much needed. There should be more independent enquiries so if we, or others in the future, can be better prepared in a similar situation.

                            The article should have included a link to the actual report ...... but it's not surprising that it didn't.....


                            The biggest bullshit artist in mix here is Joe Hilderbrandt - who sold his journalistic soul to Rupert Murdoch. He ran with the "schools should never have been shut" verdict and declared everything else he previously said was correct. It did not say border closures and lockdowns were wrong- it does say that they were overused yet necessary.

                            Its better to read the report , especially the recommendations, with an open mind rather than through an egotistical News Ltd hack beating his chest.


                            • #59
                              Originally posted by Random Rooster View Post

                              Yes there were many things that could have been done better in hindsight. This report, in my opinion, is very much needed. There should be more independent enquiries so if we, or others in the future, can be better prepared in a similar situation.

                              The article should have included a link to the actual report ...... but it's not surprising that it didn't.....


                              The biggest bullshit artist in mix here is Joe Hilderbrandt - who sold his journalistic soul to Rupert Murdoch. He ran with the "schools should never have been shut" verdict and declared everything else he previously said was correct. It did not say border closures and lockdowns were wrong- it does say that they were overused yet necessary.

                              Its better to read the report , especially the recommendations, with an open mind rather than through an egotistical News Ltd hack beating his chest.

                              Ive seen the report Posting the link is great but the majority wont read it Most wont even look through a few pages of data with figures let alone a detailed repost such as this.

                              In regards to Hilderbandt Really the schools should never have been shut the data coming through early on from everseas was clear this was not affecting children Perhaps to early the 1st time around but the second time around the data was very clear about the minimal affect this had on children

                              the lockdowns were wrong comment I thought was used using Sweden as the example and by saying this was a marathon not a sprint. This is backed up by a quick search on covid cases and deaths in both Australia and Sweden. Shown in the links below Perhaps Hilderbrandt should have posted these What is interesting with this is in the graph of cases is the steep incline in cases in both countries once the vaccine was readily available



                              Where Hilderbrandt is bang on the money was that anyone who disagreed or put an alternative view to the one being trotted out as gospel here was hounded and subject to derision. Something I continually experienced on here when I used Sweden as an example two years ago. I work in a job where I can interpret data so I am pretty sure I can predict your response to this should you wish to go through this and respond

                              My over all opinion in this country lockdowns did not work I went along with it the 1st time and was on record of saying I thought we may have opened up too early I think that was wrong in hindsight but can live with and accept that it happened What served us well was border closures those alone would have ensured things did not get to out of hand without the need for such harsh lockdowns or school closures which were in the overall scheme of things wrong by the conclusion of you only need to see the figures for children

                              When you trust your television
                              what you get is what you got
                              Cause when they own the information
                              they can bend it all they want

                              John Mayer


                              • #60
                                Why is it every time I post official links on this subject my posts are initially unapproved
                                When you trust your television
                                what you get is what you got
                                Cause when they own the information
                                they can bend it all they want

                                John Mayer

