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Broadband Internet - any suggestions?

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  • Broadband Internet - any suggestions?

    Yes, I've been been dragging the chain in finally upgrading the internet on the home computer, basically because I tend to do most of my internet searching at work.

    But waiting 5 minutes to gain access to anything at home with the dial up is finally grating on me and I'm looking to upgrade to broadband.

    If anyone on here can recommend a reliable and reasonably priced internet broadband service I'd appreciate it.

    I'm not a huge user of the home internet, just a couple of hours a week, usually on the weekend. So a "lite" package would do me nicely.

    Was thinking of Optus, but I've heard mixed experiences regarding their product.

    Currently with dodo for dial up, but can't say that I've been impressed enough with them to stick around if there's a better deal elsewhere.


    Supporting the RW&B, through good times and bad times.

  • #2
    We have optus and its pretty good, but we are pretty heavy users.....infact one computer is on 24/7.......

    We pay $99 a month but that include all home phone, and 20 gig plus a wireless router/modem, because we also have 2 laptops with wifi off the original internet conection......

    I am sure there are some good lite packages, but we have always been pretty big meg munchers....


    • #3
      I'm with Bigpond & get the same deal as Phantom. 25gb download, no excess charges. Wi-fi modem included. Home line rental & all your local & std calls are free.

      But they do have smaller packages..


      • #4
        i cant comment on what its like in sydney but i just signed up for tpg, 50gig for 50bucks. 25 during peak, 25 off peak. probably pointless unless you like to "share" movies and music online. but ive found it a good deal


        • #5
          Outside of Optus and Telstra the next best company is probably iiNet... shuold have a look at them.


          • #6
            Just be aware of the 'lite' packages. Some regular windows and antivirus updates (which your pc needs)will take you over your monthly limit on just the 1st day. They usually throttle your speed back to dial-up speeds if this happens, which defeats the purpose of getting broadband in the 1st place.


            • #7
              Originally posted by Tootsie View Post
              Just be aware of the 'lite' packages. Some regular windows and antivirus updates (which your pc needs)will take you over your monthly limit on just the 1st day. They usually throttle your speed back to dial-up speeds if this happens, which defeats the purpose of getting broadband in the 1st place.
              Or charge you at a very high rate for every mega-bite used after your download limit is passed.


              • #8
                TPG has some of the best rates around if you don't need the homephone as well.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by TheBigFella View Post
                  TPG has some of the best rates around if you don't need the homephone as well.
                  I would second that.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by TheBigFella View Post
                    TPG has some of the best rates around if you don't need the homephone as well.
                    I agree as well. Not only do they have great deals but also very reliable service and support.


                    • #11
                      I am with ozemail for years (now iinet) and can def recommend them.
                      Good plans and they keep increasing the allowance.
                      The Internet is a place for posting silly things
                      Try and be serious and you will look stupid


                      • #12
                        i was with ozemail for about 10 years. great service but they really cannot offer, (and will openly admit this) a comparable product for a comparable price. in fact they couldnt even offer me anything remotely competitive with TPG despite the fact i had been a loyal customer.


                        • #13
                          Thanks to everyone for their responses and helpful info regarding the pitfalls of lite plans etc. I never would have considered some of them.

                          I'll definitely take a good look at the packages TPG offer.

                          The home phone is with Telstra on a basic plan. So I suppose I should look at BigPond as well. Must admit I'm not a great fan of Telstra though. The home phone is only with them because of lack of effort to find an alternative. .

                          Cheers and thanks again.

                          Supporting the RW&B, through good times and bad times.


                          • #14
                            Novice Chook -


                            Fill in the details you need and it'll provide you with a recommendation on what is best suited to your circumstances.. also allows you to compare various broadband packages offered by different companies.


                            • #15
                              Thanks for that Chris, I'll check the website out.

                              Supporting the RW&B, through good times and bad times.

