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Let's get the Facts Right on China.

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  • Yeah, you’re right Jacket, we need another music thread to go with the travel and weather threads that some bore themselves with. The loss of Australia’s sovereignty is barely a worry when you have other such interests. Phew

    PC61 is a valuable contributor to this site and is engaged in public service of the highest order. When you have kids you worry about the future of the Australia and the world, and I feel PC61 is enlightening us all of this.

    err, most of us. Back to your schooner Jacket


    • Originally posted by A Country Member View Post
      Yeah, you’re right Jacket, we need another music thread to go with the travel and weather threads that some bore themselves with. The loss of Australia’s sovereignty is barely a worry when you have other such interests. Phew

      PC61 is a valuable contributor to this site and is engaged in public service of the highest order. When you have kids you worry about the future of the Australia and the world, and I feel PC61 is enlightening us all of this.

      err, most of us. Back to your schooner Jacket
      I always like the contributions you make to the music threads. I can't speak for anyone else, but I work in a very heavily regulated industry working 60 hours a week roughly, so coming on here to talk about the Roosters, music and food is my light relief from a lot of what's being discussed in these threads. My days are chock full of RBA interest rates, superannuation, housing crises, banking scams and regulatory commitments.

      I come on here to get away from that stuff..hence me not posting much in these threads.

      So what if people choose to talk about the weather, music or whatever else is on their minds? Please remember that some of us enjoy the company of others on here for many reasons. Some do it because they are lonely, or stressed from work, recovering from illness or they live alone.

      Or we just like to chat on here because we feel familiar and comfortable with one another..There's nothing wrong with small talk.

      I hope you have a great week.

      "Those who care about you can hear you, even when you are quiet" - Steve Maraboli


      • There’s room on here for many different threads from music to politics, travel to poetry and weather to the virtues or not of the ignore button. It’s not a competition. I’m happy to add some more contributions to this thread if something new pops up for debate or something grabs my attention but for a while now the argument here has been quite circular. I’m getting tired of repeating myself. I’m happy for others to continue the ‘debate’ though.


        • Here is a considered piece from Stan Grant on abc news.
          Let's not pretend the world has never been in doubt about what and who China is. We have just preferred to look away when it suited us, writes Stan Grant.


          • Stan Grant, another lightweight the ABC co-opted under the Libs in an attempt to make the Corporation more relevant to a wider proportion of Australians - yeah right! Go beige dumb down and toe the Tory line was the egregious motive,

            He is/was also employed by ASPI where he readily assumed its hawkish position on China to the extent of being a China phobe. In the article cited, he's pretending to sound conciliatory but at the same time doesn't miss an opportunity to propagandise. What exactly are the Chinese "acts of aggression" that he mentions? Yes, he says, the US has a bigger military but protests that it is spread thinly; what he does't say is that the US military budget is larger that those of the next 6 nations combined including China, He also alludes to the Ughur "persecution", another ASPI hobby horse but the charge has been debunked like the other US lie about Tiananmen Square. Google Wikileaks Tiananmen Square,

            There's somethin' goin' on with Stan, the reverse Michael Jackson for instance - gettin' blacker every week but what never changes is that he's a right wing bore who doesn't belong on the ABC but then few do these days. My guess is that he is solely informed by the MSM when not taking notes at ASPI.

            MR. I think that you're confusing this and the Ukraine thread.
            Last edited by Paddo Colt 61; 03-19-2023, 09:51 PM.


            • Originally posted by A Country Member View Post
              Yeah, you’re right Jacket, we need another music thread to go with the travel and weather threads that some bore themselves with. The loss of Australia’s sovereignty is barely a worry when you have other such interests. Phew

              PC61 is a valuable contributor to this site and is engaged in public service of the highest order. When you have kids you worry about the future of the Australia and the world, and I feel PC61 is enlightening us all of this.

              err, most of us. Back to your schooner Jacket
              Ouch...getting a little personal there The Skeez, I wasn't even addressing you.

              The only thing the imposter troll is engaged in is trolling a rival footy fan forum with his dangerous anti-western doctrine. I guess the 'pubic service' element is that it warns us that a few lunatic heretics walk amongst us. For that yes, he serves a warning purpose.

              You are right to be concerned for our sovereignty. The rise and rise of China with its military and nuclear arsenal, economic and social bullying is a concern. Their incursions and influence into our education systems etc. is not for altruistic or 'greater good' motivations.

              Anyone failing to recognise their end game as anything other than a power and territory grab across the region is kidding themselves. They aim to make us a vassal state. Already fairly clear theyre intentions towards Taiwan.

              Thank God for Aukus, a step in the right direction.

              Gotta pick a side The Skeez, look at ya bread and how its buttered.

              Think of your kiddies and that green juice you like. I'll look after the dogs and the grog. (HIc!)


              • Ouch .. ten hail Mary’s Jacket.

                We don’t need to know where you stand, anything that continues the Anzac movement is always going to be backed.

                I challenge you and your anti China views. Go through your goods today and tell me how many are made in the US and the UK and the rest that are made in that evil factory of China?


                • Specify Jax. What exactly are the facts as opposed to the US propaganda that you parrot? China's nuclear arsenal is dwafted by that of the US and why, as a Superpower, would it not have a comparative military especially when surrounded by scores of US offensive bases. The US has a long track record of acting outside the UN with disasterous consequences never discussed by our MSM. How can people believe that the US's 800 military bases world wide are for the protection of the world? That's what you believe when you leave school in Year 10 and take no further interest in anything but sport and what the MSM has to say.

                  Economic bullying? After Smoko's relentless badgering on behalf of Uncle Sam including the resurrection of the Wuhan propaganda, China cut some imports from OZ. That might have been pay back but more likely it was down to inferior product. We have a track record on that score. In any case our "mates" took over in the vaccum that we created.

                  Social bullying? Elaborate on how different that might be from BLM or a history of slavery. Keep in mind as you elaborate that the Ughur thing is a concoction as is the Loan Trap rubbish. And power grab? Where's that happening? Tell us please. China has one foreign base on the horn of Africa.

                  China has recently used its power to broker a resumption of diplomatic relations between Saudi Arabia and Iran - a peace initiative! That happened at the same time as the War initiative was sealed in San Diego. China also proposed a peace initiative in Ukraine in which both warring sides saw merit where none was seen by a US that stymied it. Well there wouldn't be any merit, after all they started the whole disaster and they want it to continue.

                  Caution Jax, citing Sky gets no points and will not convince anyone to the same degree that you and the meatheads at the club have been influenced.
                  Last edited by Paddo Colt 61; 03-20-2023, 09:38 AM.


                  • Originally posted by Jacks Fur Coat View Post
                    Oh we are enjoying the norms of a footy fan plus forum minus ideology and political agenda pushing.

                    And cue the unwanted idiot popping up again.

                    Mods - isnt this troll breaching forum rules with incessant agenda pushing and posting links to the same site repeatedly?
                    if he was posting this stuff in the main section i'd agree but in the off topic section? not to mention he's an easts junior


                    • Lol.. Paddo. There’s a difference? Yes one includes China in the title and the other Ukraine but in essence both threads could be merged and given the heading ‘Minus the MSM version, what’s the facts on the US and it’s global intentions’. Because that’s what both threads are really about. I may have spent more time ‘debating’ n the Ukraine thread last year but I feel I would be hit with the same arguments in the China thread. I do agree we need China economically. It’s in our mutual interest to have a strong relationship with China. It’s also downright hypocritical of the US to encourage us to badmouth China and then turn around and pinch our export market to China after the resulting fall out.


                      • Originally posted by A Country Member View Post
                        I quite enjoyed the squirming of the journalists in their chairs whilst waiting for their turn. My favourite was the person who asked the superannuation question.

                        It’s a bit like running at Jared. You go first
                        keating was shooting first and answering questions later


                        • And the "journos" are hurting as they do in Australia. They went to war with the touring Frank Sinatra in the ^)s after her called one of their number a "Hooker". Didn't have the brains to realise he was talking about her just doing the dirty bidding of someone paying her to do it.

                          On Insiders yesterday the guests were Greg Sheridan and Peter Hartcher the only other guest was Tingle. They, S & H, went on with a lot of self serving twaddle but the problem is that the MSM predictably latch on to the vitriol and the substance of what Keating said gets buried.

                          Sarah Henderson's interview tonight on 7.30 was somethin' else but that's for the Ukraine thread.

                          And I'll speak to you later MR.


                          • the real problem with keating's comments over the last week is that it seems that the aukus sub program is a done deal and the issue is how to make the best of it. even if you share some of keating's doubts all is not lost. we've now got a big stick, we need to speak softly and sensibly about china. albo needs to say some nice things about them


                            • We had a done deal with the Frogs which cost $3.4b to get nuthin from. I’m sure the Chinese could make a sub cheaper


                              • Well we haven't got the big stick presently and see Keating's comments on even if we did. Do you not see that the US is hell bent to limit the power of China for economic reasons, certainly not ideological. They're Capitalist in practice fgs? We are now part of the US strategy no matter what Albo says. That was the Scomo plan and that is understood. Sheridan said that a China takeover of Taiwan would mean war for the US+ Oz because the Chinese would go for Pine Gap - he's a ex seminarian, US devotee and a warmonger and not worth listening to but his views are the views of Oz conservatives. Of course the masses are, at the moment, alright with that.

