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Let's get the Facts Right on China.

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  • Comrade Paddo is incapable of any rational discussion and debate one has to honestly say . Every new post and response is used to further this anti west/capitalist Agenda of his and of course to belittle any poster who disagrees.

    I am sure there are other more appropriate websites where this "agenda" he is pushing would be more than welcomed by like minded brainwashed leftist folk

    The Chook Pen Rules and Regulations are pretty clear on Agenda Pushing as listed on the main site


    • Originally posted by Jacks Fur Coat View Post

      Onya King, and yes I keep raising that point of the consistent rules breach of the activist troll, yet unchecked. The lapdog Skeez ridin shotgun these days too, trying to reinvent himself.

      Hit the Shit as they say in cricket, shame this thread is still going though. I might need to be a Mod myself.
      years ago when the much loved bb was in full political flight in the main section i started a thread saying that political threads should stay out of the main section and that bb should be put in the bin - put in the bin, not banned. you defended his right to post what he wanted


      • Originally posted by zac View Post

        sometimes you sound like joe mccarthy
        Not at all - But as we all know Communism is a dangerous ideology

        When you are dealing with someone as naive as Comrade Paddo is and who is incapable of rational discussion and debate then you need to point out the facts to offset the fiction he posts

        We all know that Comrade Paddo is someone who just regurgitates ad nauseam the same anti west/capitalist propaganda from the obscure conspiracy theorist leftist sites he frequents.

        He was doing the same thing on the main site until the majority of posters were sick of it and he was "banished" to the off topic area.

        Doesn't mean that he continue carte blanche on the off topic site though without being held to account for posts and agenda pushing.


        • Originally posted by King Salvo View Post

          Not at all - But as we all know Communism is a dangerous ideology

          When you are dealing with someone as naive as Comrade Paddo is and who is incapable of rational discussion and debate then you need to point out the facts to offset the fiction he posts

          We all know that Comrade Paddo is someone who just regurgitates ad nauseam the same anti west/capitalist propaganda from the obscure conspiracy theorist leftist sites he frequents.

          He was doing the same thing on the main site until the majority of posters were sick of it and he was "banished" to the off topic area.

          Doesn't mean that he continue carte blanche on the off topic site though without being held to account for posts and agenda pushing.
          to be fair, a lot of people on this site have a problem with your style, too.

          always going to be a difference of opinion on what is pushing an agenda and what is arguing a case and given that he's talking off topic stuff in the off topic section why get upset about it? put him on ignore. he has as much right as anyone to be on a roosters fan website - he's an easts junior.

          fwiw i don't think questioning aukus is communist or anti-western.


          • Originally posted by zac View Post

            years ago when the much loved bb was in full political flight in the main section i started a thread saying that political threads should stay out of the main section and that bb should be put in the bin - put in the bin, not banned. you defended his right to post what he wanted
            Well we’ll well How interesting but not surprising Zac From memory BBs ideological views align with those of Jaxx
            When you trust your television
            what you get is what you got
            Cause when they own the information
            they can bend it all they want

            John Mayer


            • [QUOTE=King Salvo

              Not at all - But as we all know Communism is a dangerous ideology

              When you are dealing with someone as naive as Comrade Paddo is and who is incapable of rational discussion and debate then you need to point out the facts to offset the fiction he posts

              We all know that Comrade Paddo is someone who just regurgitates ad nauseam the same anti west/capitalist propaganda from the obscure conspiracy theorist leftist sites he frequents.

              He was doing the same thing on the main site until the majority of posters were sick of it and he was "banished" to the off topic area.


              * Oh we all do? What is bad about it and please spare the Cold War rubbish. Whom has Communism attacked/destroyed apart from the German invaders at the cost of 20 million plus? The answer is no body but Socialism/Communism has nowhere been allowed by the USA to stand or fail on its own merits except in China where it has proved to be a revelation.

              * Yours are not facts, they're assertions. mad opinions and rehashes of US Cold War propaganda.

              * Obscure conspiracy sites like that hosted by a former top of the pile bureaucrat and contributed to by former PMs, former Oz diplomats, academics and ex high ranking public servants? Don't talk nonsense.

              * When I arrived the main forum was awash with incidental Right Wing comment from a few senior Penners. Seeing that younger members were susceptible to misinformation touted by their elders, I took to calling out Tory propaganda whenever it raised its ugly head. Apart from being responsive in that regard I didn't initiate but there was a lot of politicising going on from others most of which needed correction.

              I wasn't "banished". Apart from the Congas I got no flak at all but I did see that Off Topic afforded all of us the opportunity to discuss things apart from the game.. If I saw political comment on the main thread now, I'd still respond.


              • Nah, forget it.
                Last edited by mightyrooster; 03-26-2023, 08:41 PM.


                • [QUOTE=Paddo Colt 61;n984817][QUOTE=King Salvo

                  Not at all - But as we all know Communism is a dangerous ideology

                  When you are dealing with someone as naive as Comrade Paddo is and who is incapable of rational discussion and debate then you need to point out the facts to offset the fiction he posts

                  We all know that Comrade Paddo is someone who just regurgitates ad nauseam the same anti west/capitalist propaganda from the obscure conspiracy theorist leftist sites he frequents.

                  He was doing the same thing on the main site until the majority of posters were sick of it and he was "banished" to the off topic area.


                  * Oh we all do? What is bad about it and please spare the Cold War rubbish. Whom has Communism attacked/destroyed apart from the German invaders at the cost of 20 million plus? The answer is no body but Socialism/Communism has nowhere been allowed by the USA to stand or fail on its own merits except in China where it has proved to be a revelation.

                  * Yours are not facts, they're assertions. mad opinions and rehashes of US Cold War propaganda.

                  * Obscure conspiracy sites like that hosted by a former top of the pile bureaucrat and contributed to by former PMs, former Oz diplomats, academics and ex high ranking public servants? Don't talk nonsense.

                  * When I arrived the main forum was awash with incidental Right Wing comment from a few senior Penners. Seeing that younger members were susceptible to misinformation touted by their elders, I took to calling out Tory propaganda whenever it raised its ugly head. Apart from being responsive in that regard I didn't initiate but there was a lot of politicising going on from others most of which needed correction.

                  I wasn't "banished". Apart from the Congas I got no flak at all but I did see that Off Topic afforded all of us the opportunity to discuss things apart from the game.. If I saw political comment on the main thread now, I'd still respond.


                  * Communism a revelation in China - ah yes the revelation of those 100's of million of people exterminated and imprisoned in so called re-education camps( Gulags) in the great leap forward and cultural revolution / mass starvation due to the failed collective farming ideology/ Tiananmen square / China’s Repression of Uyghurs in Xinjiang/no freedom of speech/totally under control of the CCP - Ditto Soviet Union / North Korea/Cuba/Vietnam/Cambodia

                  * Maybe you can enjoy this so called revelation you obviously admire and migrate to China - but of course you won't

                  * Everything you post is opinion based - opinions of others though with the same daft anti west/capitalist- Conspiracy Theorist and Leftist Views

                  * Yes Obscure Conspiracy theorist Leftist sites full of opinion pieces - just because you have the same views as what appears on these sites doesn't mean they are factual in any way shape or form though. - Any reasonable person would question the reliability of such sites when there is no balanced/opposite or alternative view. - Purely Propaganda based opinions

                  They are Ex Public Servants and to follow them so blindly as you do when they are well past their use by dates and out of touch is rather dangerous but typical of people with your view and love of the communist ideology.

                  Sites for gullible and impressionable people unable to think for themselves and certainly not allowed to have different views either or you would be off to a "re-education" camp or worse as such was and is the way Communist/Authoritarian and Totalitarian regimes dealt with people who didn't blindly follow the party line.

                  It's more akin to the brainwashing that existed during Soviet Union times and that still exists in China and North Korea - tell people the same messages time and time and time again they begin to believe it as you obviously do.

                  * I think you saw an opportunity to push your agenda and propaganda on the main site but the majority were not having it so you were forced to continue this "Anti -West/Capitalism Crusade" of yours on the off topic area of the website- I do recall the many many replies you received regarding your politicisation of any topic on the main site.

                  I think you feel you are providing a public service but it's more of a disservice as well how many people really share your views - you can count them on one hand.

                  This is the West and if you don't like it then there is a place called an airport
                  Last edited by King Salvo; 03-26-2023, 08:02 PM.


                  • Originally posted by zac View Post

                    years ago when the much loved bb was in full political flight in the main section i started a thread saying that political threads should stay out of the main section and that bb should be put in the bin - put in the bin, not banned. you defended his right to post what he wanted
                    That is true Zac. I guess I have no issue with someone expressing their views, but draw the line at the continual bagging of our western society and values. Maybe a one off comment but not incessant threads and links to fringe websites spreading dangerous ideology. I dont think BB knocked his own country or values?

                    Big diff. Esp from a non Rooster supporting troll with only
                    one agenda that the King captures brilliantly. As I've said numerous times, he has no place here.
                    #We Stand with ourJewish community#


                    • * Your sins of Communism is always a load of hyperbolic tripe emanating from the 1919 invaders of Russia - the US and England and they're still at .

                      * Your comments on menadue,com expose you as a fool. Best to keep quiet when you are ignorant. Do as Jax does, he knows his place. Something in that little brain tells him that Sky is not the full story.

                      * The brainwashing you mention sounds very much like what goes on here. The good news is that a Lowy poll on attitudes to China taken in 2022 has found that 51% are opposed to the China war path - a majority! The other 49% are our sheeple which is about right. 50% of the population is below average intelligence.


                      • Ha ha ha! What values? Please list them and enlighten me. I'll start you off- invading other Nations since the Maori Wars and murdering the innocent in every one of them having gathered valuable work experience here at home on the indigenous.


                        • Originally posted by Paddo Colt 61 View Post
                          * Your sins of Communism is always a load of hyperbolic tripe emanating from the 1919 invaders of Russia - the US and England and they're still at .

                          * Your comments on menadue,com expose you as a fool. Best to keep quiet when you are ignorant. Do as Jax does, he knows his place. Something in that little brain tells him that Sky is not the full story.

                          * The brainwashing you mention sounds very much like what goes on here. The good news is that a Lowy poll on attitudes to China taken in 2022 has found that 51% are opposed to the China war path - a majority! The other 49% are our sheeple which is about right. 50% of the population is below average intelligence.
                          lol@ menadue - the site for the naïve that are very susceptible to propaganda and brainwashing

                          You must be looking at the Chinese version of this poll

                          * Do you think it is likely or unlikely that China will become a military threat to Australia in the next 20 years? 75% of respondents say yes - 32% very likely and 43% somewhat likely.

                          * In your own view, is China more of an economic partner or more of a security threat to Australia? - 63% was more of a security threat than an economic partner - 33 % more an economic partner than a security threat.

                          * Here is a list of countries and territories. For each one, please indicate whether you agree or disagree that the country or territory is a democracy. - only 7% said that China is a Democracy and 91% disagree that China is a Democracy.

                          * Thinking about Australia's relations in Asia. In your personal opinion, which one of the following countries is Australia’s best friend in Asia? - only 6% said China - Japan 43%.

                          * Thinking more about Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, would you support or oppose Australia:

                          Sanctions on Russia - 89% support this - 69% strongly support this and 20% somewhat support this.
                          Admitting Ukraine Refugees - 61% strongly support this - 29% somewhat support this
                          Providing Military Aid to Ukraine - 52% strongly support this - 31% somewhat support this

                          * Are you in favour or against Australia acquiring nuclear-powered submarines?- 70% in favour - 37% strongly support this and 33 % somewhat support this.

                          * Do you think AUKUS, the security partnership between Australia, the United States and United Kingdom, will make Australia/our region more safe, less safe or make no difference? - 52% more safe / 22 % makes no difference / 7 % less safe / 8% never heard of AUKUS and 11% don't know.

                          Poor Comrade Paddo

                          Comrade Paddo is a Red
                          He dreams of Lenin in his Bed
                          Believes All the propaganda he is Fed
                          And then bores us to death with it on this Thread

                          Comrade Paddo despises the West
                          Keeps saying China and Russia are the Best
                          But will never migrate to either he has confessed
                          He will stay in the West annoying us as he's a pest.
                          Last edited by King Salvo; 03-26-2023, 11:40 PM.


                          • Originally posted by King Salvo View Post

                            lol@ menadue - the site for the naïve that are very susceptible to propaganda and brainwashing

                            You must be looking at the Chinese version of this poll

                            * Do you think it is likely or unlikely that China will become a military threat to Australia in the next 20 years? 75% of respondents say yes - 32% very likely and 43% somewhat likely.

                            * In your own view, is China more of an economic partner or more of a security threat to Australia? - 63% was more of a security threat than an economic partner - 33 % more an economic partner than a security threat.

                            * Here is a list of countries and territories. For each one, please indicate whether you agree or disagree that the country or territory is a democracy. - only 7% said that China is a Democracy and 91% disagree that China is a Democracy.

                            * Thinking about Australia's relations in Asia. In your personal opinion, which one of the following countries is Australia’s best friend in Asia? - only 6% said China - Japan 43%.

                            * Thinking more about Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, would you support or oppose Australia: - 89% support this - 69% strongly support this and 20% somewhat support this.

                            * Are you in favour or against Australia acquiring nuclear-powered submarines?- 70% in favour - 37% strongly support this and 33 % somewhat support this.

                            * Do you think AUKUS, the security partnership between Australia, the United States and United Kingdom, will make Australia/our region more safe, less safe or make no difference? - 52% more safe / 22 % makes no difference / 7 % less safe / 8% never heard of AUKUS and 11% don't know.

                            Poor Comrade Paddo

                            Comrade Paddo is a Red
                            He dreams of Lenin in his Bed
                            Believes All the propaganda he is Fed
                            And then bores us to death with it on this Thread

                            Comrade Paddo despises the West
                            Keeps saying China and Russia are the Best
                            But will never migrate to either he has confessed
                            He will stay in the West annoying us as he's a pest.
                            Lol Salvo, you should have submitted that on the poetry thread!


                            • Originally posted by zac View Post

                              sometimes you sound like joe mccarthy
                              Mmm, he certainly does.
                              McCarthy had interactions with communists just like Kling does and he had a special way of communicating, which also is very Kling like.


                              • Originally posted by Andrew Walker View Post

                                Well we’ll well How interesting but not surprising Zac From memory BBs ideological views align with those of Jaxx
                                I think I pick up what you’re putting down, Jacket’s alt is bb. I always thought bb sounded more like another poster

