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Housing Affordability - What's to be done?

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  • #31
    What you don't seem to accept or even realise Count is that ol' Izzy is a can do sort of guy. Whether it be bringing hope, where many have failed, to feckless and directionless youth through PE, putting Lefties in their rightful places and having the last say on geopolitical matters though a tuned in network of high cred eye witnesses, he has few peers. Lessons are there to be learned from his real life experiences.

    What he realises and what you obviously don't is that we're all pretty much equal here in Oz and that all you really need is a dream to follow. All that malarkey about class and disadvantage - family money, private schools, beach houses, craft liquor and investment properties count for nothing, your dream is all that matters. He has probably lived out of a Range Rover and is better for it.

    I had an investment unit for a while but landlord status weighed on my conscience so much that I ridded myself of it though I do admit that the decision was not so hard in the end. My policy was to charge no bond or month rent in advance to those whom I deemed in need of help. The policy was a disaster. Two tenants bolted owing hundreds. The last one, a pitiful fellow fresh out of prison and unable to catch a break before I came along, decamped over a thousand in arrears but he did leave the place full of old furniture that he'd salvaged from Council clean ups. I was disappointed but didn't blame them because in their lives they'd known nothing else and they would have assumed that I could afford the loss. Besides, I'd had other good people.
    Last edited by Paddo Colt 61; 12-21-2022, 09:37 AM.


    • #32
      Originally posted by Paddo Colt 61 View Post
      What you don't seem to accept or even realise Count is that ol' Izzy is a can do sort of guy. Whether it be bringing hope, where many have failed, to feckless and directionless youth through PE, putting Lefties in their rightful places and having the last say on geopolitical matters though a tuned in network of high cred eye witnesses, he has few peers. Lessons are there to be learned from his real life experiences.

      What he realises and what you obviously don't is that we're all pretty much equal here in Oz and that all you really need is a dream to follow. All that malarkey about class and disadvantage - family money, private schools, beach houses, craft liquor and investment properties count for nothing, your dream is all that matters. He has probably lived out of a Range Rover and is better for it.

      I had an investment unit for a while but landlord status weighed on my conscience so much that I ridded myself of it though I do admit that the decision was not so hard in the end. My policy was to charge no bond or month rent in advance to those whom I deemed in need of help. The policy was a disaster. Two tenants bolted owing hundreds. The last one, a pitiful fellow fresh out of prison and unable to catch a break before I came along, decamped over a thousand in arrears but he did leave the place full of old furniture that he'd salvaged from Council clean ups. I was disappointed but didn't blame them because in their lives they'd known nothing else and they would have assumed that I could afford the loss. Besides, I'd had other good people.
      Was it the landlord status though or your love of a certain ideology?

      Certainly very capitalist to have an investment property though and against this ideology one has to say. mmm Charge people to use this as well when that wealth you accumulated should also be shared by and among the masses. i.e no payment for others to use it


      • #33
        Originally posted by Paddo Colt 61 View Post
        I had an investment unit for a while but landlord status weighed on my conscience so much that I ridded myself of it though I do admit that the decision was not so hard in the end. My policy was to charge no bond or month rent in advance to those whom I deemed in need of help. The policy was a disaster. Two tenants bolted owing hundreds. The last one, a pitiful fellow fresh out of prison and unable to catch a break before I came along, decamped over a thousand in arrears but he did leave the place full of old furniture that he'd salvaged from Council clean ups. I was disappointed but didn't blame them because in their lives they'd known nothing else and they would have assumed that I could afford the loss. Besides, I'd had other good people.
        This is the guy who said i wasn't the sharpest tool in the shed!! LOL!!!


        • #34
          We’re all cappo dogs


          • #35
            Thanks for your explanation PC61, I wonder how much isms will match yours?


            • #36
              [QUOTE=Random Rooster; This is the guy who said i wasn't the sharpest tool in the shed!! LOL!!!

              Touche Randy. I can only plead the maxim "From each according to his ability, to each according to his need".

              That, and I'm a caring kinda guy. One can see, however, why the Soviets and the Chinese were/are somewhat strict in keeping power in the Party membership. Both the poor and the rich are inclined to take advantage at any opportunity.

              Getting rid of the investment has made me free however. I'll leave the greed to others - YOLO.

              P.S. You're still using that lower case "i" - it's a legacy of texting on the old phones. Try to keep vigilant my friend.

              Last edited by Paddo Colt 61; 12-21-2022, 02:03 PM. Reason: Typos


              • #37
                Originally posted by Paddo Colt 61 View Post

                P.S. You're still using that lower case "i" - it's a legacy of texting on the old phones. Try to keep vigilant my friend.
                Cheers i'll update my Motorola flip phone to fix the problem.

                I can't think of a legacy to explain not being able to use the quotation button. Maybe the grandkids can give old poppy a hand with it? I'm sure you got your hands full yelling at the clouds.


                • #38
                  Originally posted by A Country Member View Post
                  Thanks for your explanation PC61, I wonder how much isms will match yours?
                  So I'm seeing old mate peddo is all worried about grammar the same as you. Wonder why in the world that could be. Strange coincidence. I think not.


                  • #39
                    PC61 could pick apart my grammar if he wants .

                    Yours is very peculiar 08 ,I’ve tried to replicate it and it takes some effort .Though it has improved remarkably .Well done .


                    • #40
                      Originally posted by A Country Member View Post
                      PC61 could pick apart my grammar if he wants .

                      Yours is very peculiar 08 ,I’ve tried to replicate it and it takes some effort .Though it has improved remarkably .Well done .
                      Yours is poor (like Paeddo's). You also struggle with the quote button (like Paeddo) and just happen to agree with everything he says using quirky one-line statements.

                      I know I'm dealing with a simp who smokes weed (which causes premature dementia FWIW) and bunkers down with a stupid 'alternative' opinions blog.

                      Glad I went to sandstone private schools (on full scholarship mind you) rather than attending PaeddaCult69's 'history' lessons at Glebe High. Can just imagine submitting an essay that woulda gotten me the grades for law school anywhere else and then having some blathering buffoon refer me to John Menadue's stupid little opinions blog, while 'correcting' solid grammar because he's a pompous old f@rt. I woulda marched straight to the principal and been like 'hey look at what this blathering simp said... can you tell him to lay off the drugs and start mark this consistently with the curriculum as opposed to Mao's Little Red Book? Cheers bruh... yes I thought this was more of an HD than a fail, ay... what a farking muppet that Paeddo is!' The principal would then open up a box of Dannemanns + a vintage cognac to enjoy with his head prefect (aka jizzy).


                      • #41
                        Originally posted by Rooster1908 View Post

                        So I'm seeing old mate peddo is all worried about grammar the same as you. Wonder why in the world that could be. Strange coincidence. I think not.
                        I’ve always thought A Country Member and Paddo have an amazing amount in common. They seem to know what the other one is thinking before they say it.


                        • #42
                          Originally posted by mightyrooster View Post

                          I’ve always thought A Country Member and Paddo have an amazing amount in common. They seem to know what the other one is thinking before they say it.
                          Gday MR how are you going. Hope things are on the up and up for you . I do really detest the little bugger have a go at my grammar and spelling . I know some dont like it but I put more stead in much more important things in life .


                          • #43
                            Your write 08 .Lets get back on topic .

                            Hows the house hunting going for you ?Brisbane or Broulee ?


                            • #44
                              Originally posted by A Country Member View Post
                              Your write 08 .Lets get back on topic .

                              Hows the house hunting going for you ?Brisbane or Broulee ?
                              Not hurting me at all. Brisbane at the moment but hopefully soon back to Jervis Bay . What about you . What bridge are you residing under


                              • #45
                                Gentlemen, gentlemen.......'tis the season to be jolly! And to show concern for fellow man. Count merely expresses his concern, through gentle observations, about how some might benefit from amending a few grammatical blemishes. He comes from a place of love if truth be known.

                                When all's said and done we're havin' a bit of off season fun here and, as Voods pointed out, we share a common bond - a band of RWB brothers as it were. Though I will comment that the Right does tend to hysteria to the point of apoplexy. How can a well meaning thread about housing affordability become so fractious?

                                I have dream..It is a dream rooted in the Rooster dream. I have a dream that this site will one day rise up and live out the meaning of the creed "Easts to win" and that all differences will be put behind us. That the children of the RW&B and the children of the Red and Green will one day walk hand in hand along Anzac Parade to the"Roobits" stadium, that Izzy will throttle back on the fantasy stuff and embrace humility, that the King will recover his faculties and abandon his fixations (what are those cartoons supposed to even mean?) before we are all bored to death, that Randy and '08 will shrug off their obvious limitations and get to the point where they are able to express themselves in proppa Inglish.

                                It is a Xmas dream and I don't really expect it to last.
                                Last edited by Paddo Colt 61; 12-22-2022, 09:49 AM.

