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The Whitlam Government - another US inspired Coup?

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  • Originally posted by Paddo Colt 61 View Post
    Deep Count...deep. I'm sure you wouldn't have been down at the Club with Jaxie?
    Nah, more of a home brew shed guy

    Jacket has made his labor past known. The self proclaimed hasn’t despite claiming Macarthur his own. I’m surprised his disdain for G Dubya


    • I like your style Count, A little laconic perhaps, verging on code. But a few reads through and I think I've got it.... I think. It's just me and it's a bit of a worry because it's happened before, I've completely, totally missed Jaxie's epigrammatic wit!


      • LOLz so just a quick summary...

        - The 1975 election was not a US-led conspiracy to take-over Australia.

        - Paeddo's severely butt-hurt that Whitlam lost the 1975 election and in essence he views all PMs subsequent to Gough as being somehow invalid. Out of bitterness for this he actively preaches that two rather hostile countries are utopian in comparison.

        - This all leads to a weird fetish for a random as fark Whitlam-era mandarin who's also all pre-Russia/China in retaliation to what happened to his master/mentor.

        - It's a weird mentality. Like sure some shyte event happened that most people agree will never happen again because it's simply not in line with tradition. However WE HAVE MOVED ON AS A SOCIETY!!! Meanwhile you're stuck wishing that 1975 never happened, and putting your faith in two of the world's most brutal dictators to wreak havoc upon 'the West' as revenge for what you feel was unjust treatment of Gough. Get over him! He's dead, his assistant's a senile c@rnt and Labor's in power right now anyway, so for the minute progressives can enjoy the satisfaction of the tories being in opposition!


        • doesn't really move on from a Coup. It needs to be kept front of mind when "our wonderful Democracy" is mindlessly lauded. We need to remind ourselves that there is a Right Wing elite which is willing to flaut the rules whenever our US joined at the hip connection is under threat.

          Chinese cameras at the War Memorial are a threat according to our Signals Directorate - what warmongering rubbish from a buncha meatheads stacked by the Libs whom Andrew Wilkie exposed as having over hyped the Iraq WMD thing. And they still haven't apologised to us or to him!

          The ALP lacks the balls to decimate this zealous lot. because racism and "security" fears are too deeply ingrained in the sheeple psyche. Murdoch's flunkies would have a picnic and, besides, there is always the chance of a another future coup


          • [QUOTE=Paddo Colt 61;n975295][QUOTE=mightyrooster;

            Well I'm sorry to tell you Paddo but that is not gonna happen as most of the time is a bit too far of a stretch. As for comparing me with the others, Im not sure if thats supposed to be a compliment, but;ll take it as one!

            Mmmm...wasn't supposed to be a compliment. Was supposed to be nasty....well, facetious let's say.

            How's that Criket going? Can't stand the game myself but I do enjoy Salvo's cricket insights and comments. Pity really, that's his strength but he puts far more effort in this mania for the old Soviet Union.It is often, through such hopeless and meaningless pursuits that we miss our true calling.

            Your strength, my dear (if I can call you that) is your touching loyaty to a group of whackos. I'm almost sure that you would have given up your lifeboat seat when the Titanic went down. It's who you are.[/QUOTE]

            Of course you don't like Cricket as your Russian mates have refused to recognise it although your commo mates in China play it and even have a national side.

            Must be a bit of a quandary for you in who to support over this as after-all Cricket is the 2nd most popular Sport in the World.

            We all know that you would be one of the first one's into a life boat if you were on the Titanic.

            Commo's jump ship the first chance they get - i.e Soviet Union dissolution- all those Warsaw Pact Countries voting on mass to leave it and become independent Countries to be away from Moscow Authoritarian and Totalitarian Control.


            • Originally posted by Paddo Colt 61 View Post
     doesn't really move on from a Coup. It needs to be kept front of mind when "our wonderful Democracy" is mindlessly lauded. We need to remind ourselves that there is a Right Wing elite which is willing to flaut the rules whenever our US joined at the hip connection is under threat.

              Chinese cameras at the War Memorial are a threat according to our Signals Directorate - what warmongering rubbish from a buncha meatheads stacked by the Libs whom Andrew Wilkie exposed as having over hyped the Iraq WMD thing. And they still haven't apologised to us or to him!

              The ALP lacks the balls to decimate this zealous lot. because racism and "security" fears are too deeply ingrained in the sheeple psyche. Murdoch's flunkies would have a picnic and, besides, there is always the chance of a another future coup
              WITH COMRADE PADDO

              Ah yes here we go again with more lefty conspiracy theories and utter nonsense from the totally brainwashed Tin Hatter Comrade Paddo one of the last of the staunch Communists on this site still believing the con that Marxism was and is.

              The one and only true sheepie is Tinfoil Hatter Comrade Paddo

              Did the CIA fill out all the voting papers when your beloved Whitlam was absolutely crushed in the 1975 Double Dissolution election - of course they didn't nor did they have involvement in the rightful sacking of a train wreck of a Labor Government

              As I posted earlier the shenanigans that go on in Russian elections - the ballot box stuffing across all of Russia - not even covertly done - they fill out voting papers in public view even as after all only 56 % or so those eligble to vote actually vote

              Comrade Paddo is a Tinfoil Hatter no question about that- lives in a parallel Universe

              Last edited by King Salvo; 02-11-2023, 11:12 PM.


              • Well blow me down. Look who's back for more? There comes a point King, when blathering about the old Soviet Union (the late and great) become white noise. You reached that point quite some time ago.

                As for election rigging, that scene is clearly staged. Where is the queue waiting to cast their vote? What are the circumstances? The footage doesn't tell us anything. They might be just packing up at day's end?

                But, oh "know' the "truth" just like you "know" what the Chinese are thinking and you don't even have the insider knowledge that a group of fisher folk might have to offer.

                Listen son, you write well about the Cricket, stick to that fgs. You're well out of your depth here and incessantly repeating yourself ain't gonna help the impression that you're starting to sound like a whack job if "starting" is the right word.

                We're trying to get beyond that "China evil"/"Russia evil stuff on this thread. We're wanting, instead, to contemplate the possibility of a catastrophic war in the interests of a violent Imperium that has been at war for 90% of the time that it has existed. An Imperium whose Military/Industrial sector is now indispensible to its economy. An Imperium that has over 800 military bases world wide includind an increasing number here. If B47s leave here on China attack missions then we will be effectively at war.

                We can't afford to be blase about that and by the sound of things, you're a warmonger and not worth listening to unless we cite document proof that you've signed up to be one of the first to go.
                Last edited by Paddo Colt 61; 02-12-2023, 10:17 AM.


                • Originally posted by Paddo Colt 61 View Post
                  Well blow me down. Look who's back for more? There comes a point King, when blathering about the old Soviet Union (the late and great) become white noise. You reached that point quite some time ago.

                  As for election rigging, that scene is clearly staged. Where is the queue waiting to cast their vote? What are the circumstances? The footage doesn't tell us anything. They might be just packing up at day's end?

                  But, oh "know' the "truth" just like you "know" what the Chinese are thinking and you don't even have the insider knowledge that a group of fisher folk might have to offer.

                  Listen son, you write well about the Cricket, stick to that fgs. You're well out of your depth here and incessantly repeating yourself ain't gonna help the impression that you're starting to sound like a whack job if "starting" is the right word.

                  We're trying to get beyond that "China evil"/"Russia evil stuff on this thread. We're wanting, instead, to contemplate the possibility of a catastrophic war in the interests of a violent Imperium that has been at war for 90% of the time that it has existed. An Imperium whose Military/Industrial sector is now indispensible to its economy. An Imperium that has over 800 military bases world wide includind an increasing number here. If B47s leave here on China attack missions then we will be effectively at war.

                  We can't afford to be blase about that and by the sound of things, you're a warmonger and not worth listening to unless we cite document proof that you've signed up to be one of the first to go.
                  LOL There is nothing like hearing what the fisher folk have to say The exciting part is with a certain member having an upcoming trip to Japan planned this year ( refer to The Travel Thread #38) We should get to hear more of the pearls of wisdom and the inside word and knowledge of the Japanese fisher folk As such and me never being one to miss the opportunity to share a good old sing song I have a song to celebrate such possibilities


                  Bravo PC for trying to move this thread on to more pertinent matters that have been correctly highlighted by yourself. It would be remiss of me not to say you really are schooling a few other posters on here Well done Keep up the good work.
                  Last edited by Andrew Walker; 02-12-2023, 11:10 AM.
                  When you trust your television
                  what you get is what you got
                  Cause when they own the information
                  they can bend it all they want

                  John Mayer


                  • I never gave the Waterboys much of a listen unfortnately but they have very good Celtic sound. One can taste the semen of Rock'n'Roll/Blues in that one. One of my favourites from the time was similar - Life in a Northern Town - Dream Academy - Celtic chanting and all.


                    • Originally posted by Paddo Colt 61 View Post
                      I never gave the Waterboys much of a listen unfortnately but they have very good Celtic sound. One can taste the semen of Rock'n'Roll/Blues in that one. One of my favourites from the time was similar - Life in a Northern Town - Dream Academy - Celtic chanting and all.
                      Yes I know Life in a Northern Town from the eighties. Funny when I lived in Leeds sometime later which as I would expect you to know is in the North of England they would play a remix of the song fairly regularly It was called Sunchyme by Dario G there was a 4 minute version of this and an 8 minute version of it. I often find myself wondering if the Japanese fisher folk have heard these tunes Now look what you have done you have me posting more music

                      Last edited by Andrew Walker; 02-12-2023, 11:38 AM.
                      When you trust your television
                      what you get is what you got
                      Cause when they own the information
                      they can bend it all they want

                      John Mayer


                      • They're at it again. The latest US engineered coup happened in Peru just before Xmas and widespread violent rioting since then has seen the deaths of about 60 protestors. As per usual with Latin American coups, there is that strong U.S. connection, the ambassador, Lisa Kenna, with a C.I.A. background, meeting the Peruvian defence minister the day before the coup. Pedro Castillo, the elected progressive President has been arrested and imprisoned. What do you mean you haven't seen any of that in our MSM? Stop whinging, you've seen plenty of car smashes haven't you?

                        Peru is a country rich in resources, the mining sector responsible for 58.7% of Peruvian exports, over 10% of the nation’s G.D.P. The country is also rich in copper, having the 2nd largest deposits in the world after its neighbour, Chile, lead, zinc and tin, and also LNG (Liquified Natural Gas), the last increasingly sought, following sanctions against Russian supplies.

                        The nation ought be rich, if only its resources were flowing to the country and its people. Instead, many communities, especially Indigenous, have long protested the mines devastation of their environment, forcing the suspension of 10 mining projects by 2021. These rural communities overwhelmingly support Castillo, demanding his freedom, new elections be held, and a new constitution be promulgated.

                        In a media release following the Regime change, Peru’s new Minister of Energy and Mines stated, that he had discussed ‘themes linked to the expansion of natural gas, mining investments, and the development of renewable energies in our country’ ’Minister Vera was grateful for the support from the North American government in mining and energy issues.’

                        Is it too hard to imagine that same sort of interference in our affairs in 1975 given the surrounding "issues of national security"? One side wanted to retrieve our decision making independence another, powerful side, did not.

                        Last edited by Paddo Colt 61; 02-12-2023, 12:55 PM.


                        • Originally posted by Paddo Colt 61 View Post
                          I never gave the Waterboys much of a listen unfortnately but they have very good Celtic sound. One can taste the semen of Rock'n'Roll/Blues in that one. One of my favourites from the time was similar - Life in a Northern Town - Dream Academy - Celtic chanting and all.
                          "One can taste the semen..."

                          Um worries. I do respect a voice of experience.
                          #We Stand with ourJewish community#


                          • Thought that you'd like it Jax. It's merely a figure of speech of course - expressive but not real. The seminal nature of the Waterboys' music was the reference so it had that true relevance to it.

                            However, on the other hand, can millions of women (and blokes) throughout history, be wrong? Keeping in mind, of course, that you may not have had a lot of that action - no, not the active, the passive.

                            I feel that you'd probably draw the line at much in the form of experimentation. Still, don't knock it until you try it. One never knows what might happen in one of those orgy situations that you hear about and you may be the better for it. I'll ask Sammy (Dewsbury) Burgess when I next see him (Those resort swimming pool pics with him surrounded by beautiful women still haunt me). And think of the opportunities lost to you, what with Pride coming up an' all.

                            Reminds me of the old joke, Why are brides always smiling? Because they know that the'll never have to give head again. But then........just sayin'.
                            Last edited by Paddo Colt 61; 02-12-2023, 01:00 PM.


                            • Originally posted by Paddo Colt 61 View Post
                              Thought that you'd like it Jax. It's merely a figure of speech of course - expressive but not real. The seminal nature of the Waterboys' music was the reference so it had that true relevance to it.

                              However, on the other hand, can millions of women (and blokes) throughout history, be wrong? Keeping in mind, of course, that you may not have had a lot of that action - no, not the active, the passive.

                              I feel that you'd probably draw the line at much in the form of experimentation. Still, don't knock it until you try it. One never knows what might happen in one of those orgy situations that you hear about and you may be the better for it. I'll ask Sammy (Dewsbury) Burgess when I next see him (Those resort swimming pool pics with him surrounded by beautiful women still haunt me). And think of the opportunities lost to you, what with Pride coming up an' all.

                              Reminds me of the old joke, Why are brides always smiling? Because they know that the'll never have to give head again. But then........just sayin'.
                              No probs, not judging you. We here at the ABC have many programs celebrating your lifestyle.

                              I have gay and bi friends/colleagues myself.

                              The latter at least doubles your chance of a date Satday nite, as they say.
                              #We Stand with ourJewish community#


                              • Originally posted by Jacks Fur Coat View Post

                                No probs, not judging you. We here at the ABC have many programs celebrating your lifestyle.

                                I have gay and bi friends/colleagues myself.

                                The latter at least doubles your chance of a date Satday nite, as they say.
                                I bet if you tried the latter you still couldnt get one.
                                When you trust your television
                                what you get is what you got
                                Cause when they own the information
                                they can bend it all they want

                                John Mayer

