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The Whitlam Government - another US inspired Coup?

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  • Originally posted by Jacks Fur Coat View Post

    Its the socialist stick-up-the-bum look I'd say. Dealing out the rhetoric praying no-one questions the consequences of the dangerous ideology.
    Enough with danger murmurings Jaxie, if this keeps up I'll be in Guantanamo or our version of Abu Ghraib before long.

    Lighten up fgs, we're havin' a bit fun here. I know, I've cast you as the villain and that's been well received but...I're gettin' off lightly mate. Look at poor old Heckle and Jeckle.

    I can't recall that the Dean mentioned your name exactly but......


    • Originally posted by Paddo Colt 61 View Post
      No fan of Stalin at all, Kruschev put us sraight on that. More of a Trotski man myself. Continuing revolution and evolution. The Chinese are doing it well.

      And while you're at the apology that Voods implied (and richly deserves) add the Teachers' Federation (yeah I got that snipe). Career long member. Started in the Tom Lewis leadership days. Great man Tommy. Gave us a Union with balls -- important things too, like smaller class numbers and more time to teach and to plot the revolution. In those days you had to cover the classes of absent colleagues. Children benefitted from that.
      They have relief Teachers to fill in nowadays who are accredited to Teach particular School years and subjects.

      TAFE Teachers were on a good wicket back then as any Teaching hours after 6 pm were classed as time and 1/2.

      Teach 3 hours after 6 pm and it is counted as 4 1/2 hours teaching - Teaching Load was 18 hours Teaching - 11 hours incidental - 1 hour professional development for a 30 hour week and 1 day off a week for a normal teacher.- 4 day week

      Reduced teaching load for Head and Senior Head Teachers and no Teaching hours for a Heads of Studies

      None worked on a Friday -Same Holidays and leave entitlement Conditions as School Teachers

      4 level incremental salary scale - higher paid than School Teachers

      Certainly a lot of a Business Courses Teachers would Teach at night and have part time Teachers Teach during the day as many had their own businesses during the day - Accounting /Tax and HR , IT, Marketing etc Consultancy work.

      You had advancement from Teacher to Head Teacher/ Senior Head Teacher/Head of Studies to Deputy Institute Director and Institute Director who were at the SES (Senior Executive Services) Level


      • Originally posted by Paddo Colt 61 View Post

        Enough with danger murmurings Jaxie, if this keeps up I'll be in Guantanamo or our version of Abu Ghraib before long.

        Lighten up fgs, we're havin' a bit fun here. I know, I've cast you as the villain and that's been well received but...I're gettin' off lightly mate. Look at poor old Heckle and Jeckle.

        I can't recall that the Dean mentioned your name exactly but......
        Wasnt referencing you at all thweety. Talking about Jughead Jim the money messer....relevance over estimation syndrome praps? If I want you to speak, I'll call ya. Go and clean yourself up anyway.
        #We Stand with ourJewish community#


        • Started off like an apology then lapsed into a resentful whinge about Tech Teacing conditions and wages (Imagine that, time and a half for working nights? - they'd won the friggin' lottery mate. "Easy wicket"? That's not the half of it. Luxury!!
          What kind of world are you wishing on us all Lord Kingsley?


          • [QUOTE=Jacks Fur Coat;

            Wasnt referencing you at all thweety. Talking about Jughead Jim the money messer....relevance over estimation syndrome praps? If I want you to speak, I'll call ya. Go and clean yourself up anyway.

            See, that's the nasty Jax cutting in again. The one that we know and.......respect. I didn't see the time so didn't factor in the poss that you might have been at the club - maybe the RSL? (I don't figure that you're a public bar man). Anyway rancour has no place on this thread inebriated or not. Then again, if it was a sort of stumbling explanation then I get it.
            Last edited by Paddo Colt 61; 02-10-2023, 09:44 PM.


            • [QUOTE=Paddo Colt 61;n975278][QUOTE=Jacks Fur Coat;

              Wasnt referencing you at all thweety. Talking about Jughead Jim the money messer....relevance over estimation syndrome praps? If I want you to speak, I'll call ya. Go and clean yourself up anyway.

              See, that's the nasty Jax cutting in again. The one that we know and........ I didn't see the time so didn't factor in the poss that you might have been at the club - maybe the RSL? (I don't figure that you're a public bar man). Anyway rancour has no place on this thread inebriated or not. Then again, if it was a sort of stumbling explanation then I get it.

              LOL PC I did think jaxx must have had a little dwinky winky before his inane rambling. I also knew a sharp mind such as yourself would pick up on this One could see jaxx at the local rsl at the tab and even dabbling in a bit of keno
              When you trust your television
              what you get is what you got
              Cause when they own the information
              they can bend it all they want

              John Mayer


              • A couple of disenfranchised labor people it seems. Something turned them. Money, love, employment or age


                • Todd Murphy has taken 5 wickets on debut for Australia - Drinks break -Australia 177 vs India 7 for 265 in Nagpur -Day 2 - Session 2


                  • Originally posted by Paddo Colt 61 View Post
                    But you're my debating opponent MR, in league to some extent with Heckle and Jeckle and even with Jax on occasion. I admire your earnestness and I'd love to go easy on you, I'd like to praise you to the heavens but.......

                    Maybe if you said something like, "I gotta give it to him, Paddo talks a lot of sense most of the time and I can see where I, H&J and Jax are clearly the dupes of the MSM" - that would help.
                    Well I’m sorry to tell you Paddo but that’s not gonna happen as ‘most of the time’ is a bit too far of a stretch. As for comparing me with the others, I’m not sure if that’s supposed to be a compliment, but I’ll take it as one!


                    • Originally posted by King Salvo View Post
                      Todd Murphy has taken 5 wickets on debut for Australia - Drinks break -Australia 177 vs India 7 for 265 in Nagpur -Day 2 - Session 2
                      Gee thanks Salvo, I was about to sit down and watch some of that. That’ll teach me to get on a footy forum before watching the cricket.


                      • [QUOTE=A Country Member; A couple of disenfranchised labor people it seems. Something turned them. Money, love, employment or age.

                        Deep Count...deep. I'm sure you wouldn't have been down at the Club with Jaxie?


                        • I sense my sardonic (perhaps epigrammatic) wit is lost on a few here. It demands a sharp audience, but im heartened that the quiet Aussies are chuckling and nodding away as I carve up the soft kills.
                          #We Stand with ourJewish community#


                          • You have delusions of grandeur jaxx
                            When you trust your television
                            what you get is what you got
                            Cause when they own the information
                            they can bend it all they want

                            John Mayer


                            • [QUOTE=mightyrooster;

                              Well I'm sorry to tell you Paddo but that is not gonna happen as most of the time is a bit too far of a stretch. As for comparing me with the others, Im not sure if thats supposed to be a compliment, but;ll take it as one!

                              Mmmm...wasn't supposed to be a compliment. Was supposed to be nasty....well, facetious let's say.

                              How's that Criket going? Can't stand the game myself but I do enjoy Salvo's cricket insights and comments. Pity really, that's his strength but he puts far more effort in this mania for the old Soviet Union.It is often, through such hopeless and meaningless pursuits that we miss our true calling.

                              Your strength, my dear (if I can call you that) is your touching loyaty to a group of whackos. I'm almost sure that you would have given up your lifeboat seat when the Titanic went down. It's who you are.
                              Last edited by Paddo Colt 61; 02-10-2023, 11:22 PM.


                              • [QUOTE=Jacks Fur Coat]I sense my sardonic (perhaps epigrammatic) wit is lost on a few here. It demands a sharp audience, but im heartened that the quiet Aussies are chuckling and nodding away as I carve up the soft kills.

                                Picking the low hanging fruiit as it were? Funny but here I am thinking I was doing that.

                                Anyway, big improvement. You've had a shower and a nap? Looking forward to more progress. Remember, the first step is the hardest but you're on a journey man make no mistake.

                                Good luck with that.

