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The Whitlam Government - another US inspired Coup?

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  • [QUOTE=Andrew Walker; ..... a remix of the song fairly regularly It was called Sunchyme by Dario G there was a 4 minute version .....

    I gave Dario G a listen. Not bad at all and, yes it is more of an African chant. The supporters of St Joseph's Rugby also have an impressive Zulu type chant that Easts should look at. How successful is the Viking Clap?

    On the other hand, probably not good to post Dario G Dance music on this thread - could inflame Jax's emotions, cause him to jettison Steve Earle, and lead him who knows where He could even grow to like the Lifestyle but he would never tell us I suppose.

    Ah the thought of a new Jaxie in full flight on a Friday night at the RSL after a small win on the Keno. Nostrils swollen with a mixed cocktail of blow and MDMA, arms waving furiously, though somewhat out of synch, and lecherous eyes slyly scanning the dancefloor for anyone drunk enough to entertain the lewd possibilities swirling in his head. No this is a man set in his ways and more's the pity. YOLO Jax, YOLO.
    Last edited by Paddo Colt 61; 02-13-2023, 09:02 AM.


    • [QUOTE=ism22;n975303]LOLz so just a quick summary...

      * The 1975 election was not a US-led conspiracy to take-over Australia.- Paeddo's severely butt-hurt that Whitlam lost the 1975 election and in essence he views all PMs subsequent to Gough as being somehow invalid. ..." Whitlam-era mandarin " who's also all pre-Russia/China in retaliation to what happened to his master/mentor.

      As I've said before, he slid back the sunroof at last. We could have done with much more of it and with the wise public servants of the Whitlam years who planned and implemented it. We had a hide bound public service still headed by former WW1 army officers (Billy Hughes gave first preference for public service jobs to those who had served - an "up yours" for the failed Conscription referenda). Menadue was one of those.
      It had been a grim conservative old place and was well into the sixties as far as the regulation of public morals, rights etc.. Censorship was rife. books and films banned, any form of pornography likewise and grls had their "bikinis" measured at the beach. We stood up when the English National anthem played at "the pictures". You hadda be there after the War and into the sixties.

      ** It's a weird mentality. Like sure some shyte event happened that most people agree will never happen again because it's simply not in line with tradition. However WE HAVE MOVED ON AS A SOCIETY!!!

      Indeed we have. You my friend, are living in the one that Whitlam bequeathed to you. The one with Medicare, Consumer Protection, enormous social changes like "No Fault" divorce. Not only ending the lawyers' picnic but freeing people to choose their life's direction. YOLO.

      Of course there were many other important things, most of them listed in Noel Pearson's Memorial tribute - the "What have the Romans done for us? reference. Ah.. what we could have been and weren't, more ideas for social betterment would slowly evolve. We would have had childcare and the French style parental leave by now had things been otherwise.

      But it was all "too fast" - for whom was it too fast? Not for the citizen now receiving free health care, the ones getting out of mean couplings, not the ones previously ripped off by corporations. "We can't afford it" was the other one,,,,well not if you wanna spend billions on "Defence". Possbly not. And possible changes to susidies and other trade protections might also make the "unaffordable" list.

      Being first in the West to reconcile with China, the dramatic display of intolerance shown to security services seemingly unanswerable to anyone but England or the US and Pine Gap on the "To Do" list all got in the way of our progessive start. Nevertheless, there arethe foundations that underpin that "moved on" to which you refer.

      By the way, The meaning of the fist sentence above escapes me, try as I might. A translation would be much appreciated Mr. Lawyer.
      Last edited by Paddo Colt 61; 02-12-2023, 08:40 PM.


      • Originally posted by Paddo Colt 61 View Post
        Well blow me down. Look who's back for more? There comes a point King, when blathering about the old Soviet Union (the late and great) become white noise. You reached that point quite some time ago.

        As for election rigging, that scene is clearly staged. Where is the queue waiting to cast their vote? What are the circumstances? The footage doesn't tell us anything. They might be just packing up at day's end?

        But, oh "know' the "truth" just like you "know" what the Chinese are thinking and you don't even have the insider knowledge that a group of fisher folk might have to offer.

        Listen son, you write well about the Cricket, stick to that fgs. You're well out of your depth here and incessantly repeating yourself ain't gonna help the impression that you're starting to sound like a whack job if "starting" is the right word.

        We're trying to get beyond that "China evil"/"Russia evil stuff on this thread. We're wanting, instead, to contemplate the possibility of a catastrophic war in the interests of a violent Imperium that has been at war for 90% of the time that it has existed. An Imperium whose Military/Industrial sector is now indispensible to its economy. An Imperium that has over 800 military bases world wide includind an increasing number here. If B47s leave here on China attack missions then we will be effectively at war.

        We can't afford to be blase about that and by the sound of things, you're a warmonger and not worth listening to unless we cite document proof that you've signed up to be one of the first to go.
        You are a whack job old Comrade Paddo as all that brainwashing you have endured has made you robotic like - same old anti west and capitalism nonsense on repeat.

        That's how people became brainwashed under commo regimes - hearing the same thing over and over and over again.

        Of course you would want to get past China and Russia are evil as deep down you know it's true as they are evil.

        Still can't work out why you still live in the West and under Capitalism which you so despise - Just excuses from you not to migrate as in reality you show no real commitment or support for these regimes by staying in the West.

        Posting Anti-West and Capitalism propaganda on a type of social media site doesn't cut the mustard as they say.

        As Harry Callahan said " Your Mouthwash Ain’t Makin’ It"


        • Think globally, act locally. How many times I gotta tell you.

          And again, I don't hate Capitalism, the Chinese are showing us how it should be managed!


          • Originally posted by Paddo Colt 61 View Post
            Think globally, act locally. How many times I gotta tell you.

            And again, I don't hate Capitalism, the Chinese are showing us how it should be managed!
            Well off you go Comrade Paddo as China awaits you since you are so in love with China. Stop making excuses just grow some bollocks and gooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo


            • Originally posted by Paddo Colt 61 View Post
              Think globally, act locally. How many times I gotta tell you.

              And again, I don't hate Capitalism, the Chinese are showing us how it should be managed!
              Speaking of the Chinese model of wealth distribution to the greater via State owned enterprises, rather than private firms.

              Is there any way to read Kevin Rudd’s thesis on Xi? I feel it would’ve been a labour lost, due to the effects of covid on the world, however there’d be many pearls to extract.

              If only Aus had more publicly owned profit centres
              Last edited by A Country Member; 02-12-2023, 11:37 PM.


              • Originally posted by A Country Member View Post
                Speaking of the Chinese model of wealth distribution to the greater via State owned enterprises, rather than private firms.

                Is there any way to read Kevin Rudd’s thesis on Xi? I feel it would’ve been a labour lost, due to the effects of covid on the world, however there’d be many pearls to extract.

                If only Aus had more publicly owned profit centres
                Ask Comrade Paddo why China has the second most billionaires under a Communist regime after the US and why they are leaving China on mass.

                mmm also Russia with all those Oligarchs and the regime leaders having 100's of billions in assets - 22% of Russian homes have no running water, sewage . electricity and gas and many of the Soviet Union era Apartments blocks have communal toilets and bathing areas.

                Oh yes wealth distribution commo style


                • [QUOTE=Paddo Colt 61;n975497]
                  Originally posted by Andrew Walker; ..... a remix of the song fairly regularly It was called Sunchyme by Dario G there was a 4 minute version .....

                  I gave Dario G a listen. Not bad at all and, yes it is more of an African chant. The supporters of St Joseph's Rugby also have an impressive Zulu type chant that Easts should look at. How successful is the Viking Clap?

                  On the other hand, probably not good to post Dario G Dance music on this thread - could inflame Jax's emotions, cause him to jettison Steve Earle, and lead him who knows where He could even grow to like the Lifestyle but he would never tell us I suppose.[/B]

                  Ah the thought of a new Jaxie in full flight on a Friday night at the RSL after a small win on the Keno. Nostrils swollen with a mixed cocktail of blow and MDMA, arms waving furiously though somewhat out of synch and lecherous eyes slyly scanning the dancefloor for anyone drunk enough to entertain the lewd possibilities swirling in his head. No this is a man set in his ways and more's the pity. YOLO Jax, YOLO.
                  Fcuk this made me laugh I also like the way how at the end you do not slander our jaxie as a drug user Even if the thought of those nostrils swollen and arms waving furiosly is extremely funny to the point I could see it
                  Last edited by Andrew Walker; 02-13-2023, 09:14 AM.
                  When you trust your television
                  what you get is what you got
                  Cause when they own the information
                  they can bend it all they want

                  John Mayer


                  • [QUOTE=Andrew Walker;n975636]
                    Originally posted by Paddo Colt 61 View Post

                    Fcuk this made me laugh I also like the way how at the end you do not slander our jaxie as a drug user Even if the thought of those nostrils swollen and arms waving furiosly is extremely funny to the point I could see it
                    Public apology - it was poor form of me to pull that one out. At the time I was thinking it'd be funny to refer to somebody named Andrew Walker with a reference to one of the League player's indiscretions. Gonna make it clear that I don't think our forum's highly esteemed contributor of the same name is a druggie. It was also poor form of me to bring up the other thread, which has now been buried (may it RIP... I'll only remember the good times as much fun was had). For these actions I apologise wholeheartedly as they were poor form and unnecessary in an otherwise fun thread.

                    Hope that clears the air. Carry on


                    • Huh??

                      Just our loquacious friend sliding deeper into dimentia. Some body quick! Call those billionaies.
                      Last edited by Paddo Colt 61; 02-13-2023, 07:03 PM.


                      • Originally posted by Paddo Colt 61 View Post

                        Just our loquacious friend sliding deeper into dimentia. Some body quick! Call those billionaies.
                        The lexiphanic conspirophile speaks again.

                        PS - your spelling and grammar sux, bruh!


                        • There’s been a leak at the plant


                          • Originally posted by A Country Member View Post
                            There’s been a leak at the plant
                            Cool story bruh.


                            • Better get the lion on the line


                              • [QUOTE=ism22;n975696]
                                Originally posted by Andrew Walker View Post

                                Public apology - it was poor form of me to pull that one out. At the time I was thinking it'd be funny to refer to somebody named Andrew Walker with a reference to one of the League player's indiscretions. Gonna make it clear that I don't think our forum's highly esteemed contributor of the same name is a druggie. It was also poor form of me to bring up the other thread, which has now been buried (may it RIP... I'll only remember the good times as much fun was had). For these actions I apologise wholeheartedly as they were poor form and unnecessary in an otherwise fun thread.

                                Hope that clears the air. Carry on
                                Andrea (Andrew Walker ) doesn't mind as his coffee mug has him remembering better days - probably needs to charge rent though one has to say - old Comrade Paddo well you know what he is like a rather confused individual living in the west which he despises but doesn't have the bollocks to leave the old commo windbag

                                Never a bad time for a Ramones classic - Commando

                                First rule is, 'The laws of Germany'
                                Second rule is, 'Be nice to mommy'
                                Third rule is, 'Don't talk to commies'
                                Fourth rule is, 'Eat kosher salamis'

                                Old Andrea loves his Coffee in special remembrance Mugs

                                One more cup of coffee for the road One more cup of coffee 'fore I go- Andrea was most likely poor at making coffee so got the flick and still bitter to this day

                                Last edited by King Salvo; 02-14-2023, 01:29 AM.

