Originally posted by Paddo Colt 61
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The Whitlam Government - another US inspired Coup?
Also I forgot to touch on the mysogyny stuff. I do not believe you are a mysogynist but I do not like being called my dear, especially when that person is using a condescending tone.Last edited by mightyrooster; 02-15-2023, 02:25 PM.
[QUOTE=rented tracksuit;n975868]Originally posted by Andrew Walker View Post
Mate you have just summed up sooky sally perfectly.
It loves to label those who have differing opinions or different ideas. Loves to call names and belittle others while crying victim and blaming others for being non inclusive yet displays the exact opposite traits itself.When you trust your television
what you get is what you got
Cause when they own the information
they can bend it all they want
John Mayer
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Originally posted by Paddo Colt 61 View PostPlease don't play the vicim MR, you're better than that. I am, too, a bit disappointed that you've misrepresented me so. Anyone who links me to mysoginy hasn't read my occasional digressions into Feminism. It's true that I've singled out females as the main boosters of the double, triple and quadruple surname fad along with the myriad of US made up names like Talisha and Beyonce but that's nowhere near mysoginist.
I have always thought you fair and moderate contributer but like most people, in the grip of the MSM. It's esay to find yourself there, it's all around, incessant and persuasive. It implies "don't you worry about that it's covered" and there's always the human need to conform.
My reference to you and the Titanic was complimentary, I was inferring that H&J were heading for a shipwreck of Titanic proportions by blathering on the way that they do. You, out of a sense of loyalty and I get that - old mates etc, seemed determined to go down with the ship when you could have joined the Trackie, The Count, Andy, Zac and myself on the right side of History
Fake commo's
IMO there is a serious difference between the kind of espionage that Russia/China do and the kind of stuff that the USA does (noting that all countries do espionage).
Also the USA's a democracy. I find it farcical for one to suggest there was continuity between Trump and Biden, particularly on foreign policy involving Russia. Part of democracy is that you don't end up with some dictator being the architect of a 50 year plan to destabilise and then take-over a region. Simply put, it's not in that line of business (whereas Russia's quite openly doing so).
Conspiracies make good stories, but they all come down to one thing... are you so certain about them that you'd pack your bags and move your family to Russia tomorrow while converting all of your money over to their prosperous currency? If the answer is 'no' then save us the stories. There's a reason why all of these 'Senior Fellows' are of such low profile... it's pretty difficult to convert people to such regimes if they've got successful lives and good reputations to uphold in the west.
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Originally posted by Andrew Walker View Post[
If any of you had ever paid any attention to some of Zacs posts over time You would see Zac is very much a socialist and perhaps a full blown communist.
Personally I consider myself apolitical in that I don’t take sides with the left or right. My agreeing with PC is based on his comments on US meddling in others affairs throughout the world. I find myself questioning what the true motivation is with Ukraine due to previous demonstrable and well known lies. But instead of anyone addressing these issues that he has brought up (some of these I’ve spoken to with friends about well over twenty years ago) they choose to
instead attack PC with the commie label, point the finger at Russia snd China for their wrong doings and attack anyone who is in some form of agreement with PC by labelling them brainwashed. Attacking the person not the case put forward, all the while insulting people by implying they cannot think for themself.
mmm your post is not only defending your mate Comrade Paddo but supporting him as well so hardly Apolitical - mmm your views are based on what conversations you had over 20 years ago
Your mate Comrade Paddo loves to dish it out so he deservedly get's a return serve and then some.
I don't see how anyone can claim to be a communist and live in the capitalist west though. It would be like a vegan owning a butchery shop - daft
Coffee white and no sugar
Originally posted by zac View Postsome odd comments about me on this thread but whateverWhen you trust your television
what you get is what you got
Cause when they own the information
they can bend it all they want
John Mayer
Originally posted by Andrew Walker View Post
Hi zac Would you be so kind to let us know which comments you have found odd Is it the fact some of us due to some of your previous comments consider you a socialist or even a full blown commo Or is it the comments by Sally that PC is trying and has somehow brainwashed you I am really looking forward to your answer
Originally posted by Andrew Walker View Post
You have come across as a socialist with your comments Definitely not brainwashed though
Zac need not tell us anything about his political leanings. Often a blanket answer is not possible.
For example I look to the Left whenever the USA is the point in a discussion because long experience has shown that little good comes from the US's blatant empire building. Their Manifest Destiny of the 19th Century has become American Exceptionalism in this. They don't try to hide it and the Neo Cons even state that the US should eschew diplomacy and not hold back on military force when "necessary" . On the other hand, I'm ashamed of the recent left emphasis on Identity politics. Some of that is well warranted like equal pay and discrimination of any kind but much is diversionaryand vulnerable to ridicule.
For example, I find the Left paternalism associated with First Nations issues frustrating and often annoying. To me, having worked for a time in Aboriginal education, the plight of our indigenes is as intractable as it is in most Settler countries. Indigenous culture is powerful but it is at complete odds with whites' individualistic and competitive values. Just as they have done since settlement, our indigenes camp on the fringes to access what appeals to them but consistently reject the total join in. It's not a question of them being rejected though there is that, it's a simple rejection of a culture which is inimical to them. The Left is usually paternalistic out of shame while the indigenous want to run their own race. And so it goes - a nation within a nation and never the twain.
Comrade Paddo have you got any jokes or party tricks.
You must be the life of the party if you ever get invited to any that is - Put all the party guests into a deep asleep with your anti-west capitalist pro commo diatribe nonsense you bang on about incessantly.
100% President Reagan - " Come here to this gate! Mr. Gorbachev, open this gate! Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall! (Berlin Wall ) - One of the Greatest Speeches of the 20th Century
Originally posted by King Salvo View PostComrade Paddo have you got any jokes or party tricks.
You must be the life of the party if you ever get invited to any that is - Put all the party guests into a deep asleep with your anti-west capitalist pro commo diatribe nonsense you bang on about incessantly.
100% President Reagan - " Come here to this gate! Mr. Gorbachev, open this gate! Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall! (Berlin Wall ) - One of the Greatest Speeches of the 20th Century
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