Just went to log onto The Wall and received a "You have been banned from The Wall until 21 July" message. Reason: profanity.
It also mentioned that I had been warned in some notifcation?
Must have been one of those General warnings.
Anyways, in 6 years I have never been banned or even given so much as a warning.
I recall refering to News Limited as "f***wits". (and yes I used aterisks!)
Boy that place really is lame.
It also mentioned that I had been warned in some notifcation?
Must have been one of those General warnings.
Anyways, in 6 years I have never been banned or even given so much as a warning.
I recall refering to News Limited as "f***wits". (and yes I used aterisks!)
Boy that place really is lame.