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Mundines influence

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  • Mundines influence

    Was talking to mate and mentioned about Mundine's influence on other players in the NRL. SBW came to mind first with him getting in his ear and convincing him to fly the coop and go for the cash. What other players has he influenced to do something they would normally do?


  • #2
    Two things

    1. Where the hell have you been?

    2. Mundine is exactly what the NRL doesn't need, a toxic influence on brainless idiots.


    • #3
      Originally posted by John View Post

      2. Mundine is exactly what the NRL doesn't need, a toxic influence on brainless idiots.
      I would n't give mmost footy players the time of day. Good to watch but low lying scum off the field or mindless bogans. Mundine would probably do them the world of good.


      • #4
        John - I have not been on here as much in the past as I have been flat out with work and stuff.... That stuff stuff eats up my time.

        Having said that I don't want mundine anywhere near the game but the question I posed is yet to be answered by others far smarter than myself.


        • #5
          Originally posted by JohnL View Post
          John - I have not been on here as much in the past as I have been flat out with work and stuff.... That stuff eats up my time.
          I'm a public servant, I wouldn't know about that. Never tell anyone but I could do what my job entails, mainly due to being so good at it, in 3 hours.

          I have to space it over 5 days thanks to red tape and b.s.

