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Conspiracy theory

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  • #46
    Originally posted by fitzy View Post
    There is no conspiracy, I don't think people seriously believe that.

    You say the "better teams" get the 50-50 calls, I agree with that.

    The problem is and I have been saying it for a while now is that the refs are going into the game with a preconceived idea of what it going to happen. They are watching tapes and discussing which teams and players have better/worse defence, who is lazy, who is milking and so on. They are going into games with an idea of which team is better and that's why you tend to see calls go a certain way. What they should do is simplify the rules, learn them well and then go into the game with a clear mind and enforce them. Not this shit we see now where they are over coached and over analyzing rules and coming up with stupid interpretations that no one understands.
    Totally agree with the bolded part Fitzy. And that's where the inconsistencies in the decisions come into play, and why you see different decisions for the same actions by players.

    Like on Sat night the Roosters get penalised for tackling a Canberra bloke mid air. Exact same thing happens in the Vermin/Sharks game and no penalty to the Sharks, it's just play on.

    The biggest problem with refereeing is Harrigan's encouragement of the refs to override the rules with their own individual opinion. And whilst that is encouraged there will be no consistency in the decisions as each ref has their own opinion. Which is why Harrigan needs to be punted at the first available opportunity and someone installed in charge of the refs who, as you say, will simply the rules to bring them back to what they were in the past and then demand that the refs rule to the laws of the game and that's it. No more of this individual opinion is king BS.

    Supporting the RW&B, through good times and bad times.


    • #47
      put your money toon the vermin to win, then if you lose you wont be too dissapointed anyway?

