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Ban on Shoulder charge in 2013.

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  • #31
    I'm with backwards on this one, (not that we're in a long term relationship, the prick won't commit), this banning will have no affect on the game at all.



    • #32
      The whole game and certainly the rules are being way over-regulated. Live and let live more in Rugby League, its a great product without too much tampering.

      This latest gem is the tip of the iceberg.
      #We Stand with ourJewish community#


      • #33
        Shane Flanagan has got it right. Reduce the interchanges by two or four to prevent fresh monsters causing carnage in their ten minutes on the field.

        It would also open the game up for the small players like Barba, Bowen and Prince - a dying breed of players.

        This change with the addition of the concussion rule from the NFL would of been perfect.
        The concussion rule consists of a player being evaluated by an independent doc and scratched from the game. Then they should be forced to sit a week before returning to the field provided they pass a concussion test.

        It appears to me that Brian Canavan/mcGuirk/IC did not consult all relevant stakeholders prior to making their decision.
        Last edited by BigMike; 11-21-2012, 03:41 PM.


        • #34
          Originally posted by Chook View Post
          I'm with backwards on this one, (not that we're in a long term relationship, the prick won't commit), this banning will have no affect on the game at all.

          Really? If I'm a player now I'm steaming in that little bit harder knowing I'm not going to get hit.

          Just brings wrestling even more to the forefront.


          • #35
            Considering the shoulder charge is not used all that often in the modern game I don't have a problem with its banning. Especially as it appears that the ones that are attempted nowdays generally go wrong, I suspect due to bad technique.

            Given it can be a minefield attempting to differentiate between an 'acceptable' and 'non acceptable' shoulder charge which has in the past lead to inconsistent punishments, I don't blame the ARLC for opting for a blanket ban on it.

            Supporting the RW&B, through good times and bad times.


            • #36
              Originally posted by stsae View Post
              Whilst I agree with your sentiment mate it's not a massive overreaction if you're running the very real risk of having the games arse sued off. With pending legal action in the NFL over concussions obviously our game has had to cover itself, hence why they comissioned Canavans report.

              It would be irresponsible IMO if the ARLC didn't act in the way it is. Imagine they left the game open to legal action???

              It just makes sense. Especially since it's banning 0.05% of tackles.

              I heard the same calls, next they will be wearing skirts stuff, when they banned the spear tackle. Now it's just accepted, spear tackles are bloody dangerous and without a clear rule banning such dangerous tackles the game would just be opening itself up to be sued.Accidents will always happen. Horrific injuries are part of the deal when you play sport, especially our game. And while there is Boxing our sport will never be fully sanitized, as it shouldn't.

              IMO this rule will not make one iota of difference to the physical way the games played, as banning the spear tackle changed nothing in that regard.

              I have never seen or heard of a single coach encouraging the shoulder charge be employed in my life involved in the game. It's always been known as a low percentage tackle, too often the ballcarrier can bounce off and offload or continue running, and usually involves one player rushing out of the defensive line, which is a big no-no especially when you miss.

              I think comparing the shoulder charge to a spear tackle is stretching it a fair bit.

              While i can see where your coming from i just wonder where it will all end, next thing we'll be banning tackling below the knees, ankle taps etc (like in GayFL) due to the risk of serious leg injuries..... oh wait, didnt Mini get penalised last season for tackling too hard around the legs.. IMO banning the shoulder charge is an overreaction but i suppose its soemthing we'll just have to accept.
              Originally posted by turk-283
              Kurt 79 - Kags 0..


              • #37
                Originally posted by Rooster_6 View Post
                Really? If I'm a player now I'm steaming in that little bit harder knowing I'm not going to get hit.

                Just brings wrestling even more to the forefront.
                How can a player be wrestled when he's running faster mate??? Wrestling is for when the plays stopped or on the ground can't, see the relevance to banning a shoulder charge.

                And not going to get hit, they are not advocating banning every tackle. That's a little out there really. I mean who are these coaches telling 0.05% of all tacklers to rush out of the line to make these hits???

                And Chook you should have proposed, commitment ring, lifesaver, anything???

                Last edited by stsae; 11-21-2012, 10:45 PM.

                The FlogPen .

                You know it makes sense.


                • #38
                  Originally posted by stsae:262155
                  Originally posted by Rooster_6 View Post
                  Really? If I'm a player now I'm steaming in that little bit harder knowing I'm not going to get hit.

                  Just brings wrestling even more to the forefront.
                  How can a player be wrestled when he's running faster mate??? Wrestling is for when the plays stopped or on the ground can't, see the relevance to banning a shoulder charge.

                  And not going to get hit, they are not advocating banning every tackle. That's a little out there really. I mean who are these coaches telling 0.05% of all tacklers to rush out of the line to make these hits???

                  And Chook you should have proposed, commitment ring, lifesaver, anything???

                  It's amazing what you can find out on the internet....

                  Chook, you two timing slut, you said I was the only one.


                  • #39
                    Originally posted by kurtsherlock6 View Post
                    I think comparing the shoulder charge to a spear tackle is stretching it a fair bit.

                    While i can see where your coming from i just wonder where it will all end, next thing we'll be banning tackling below the knees, ankle taps etc (like in GayFL) due to the risk of serious leg injuries..... oh wait, didnt Mini get penalised last season for tackling too hard around the legs.. IMO banning the shoulder charge is an overreaction but i suppose its soemthing we'll just have to accept.
                    I don't know mate there was a time the spear tackle was normal, it wasn't a big deal. Then public opinion thru the media turned and eventually the governing body banned the tackle. Many hardcore oldskool footy heads reacted that "next they will be playing touch or netball, in skirts". The game was being ruined by the PC BS. Worlds were colliding. We couldn't drop blokes on their heads anymore, it was an outrage. It was a communist Queersland plot.

                    Sounds like the shoulder charge now, exactly.

                    Funny thing is banning the spear tackle did nothing to detract from the physical nature of the game. Peoples fears weren't realized.

                    Why am I sure I'm not far off the money with that comparison. Of course I was one of the ones who disagreed with banning the spear tackle. I felt the same way.

                    I mean seriously it's 0.05% of all the tackles made by all the players in a season in the top grade.

                    A review overseen by Roosters chief executive Brian Canavan found there had been 71 shoulder charges last season - of which 12 had resulted in the player making contact with the ball carrier's head.

                    Canavan's report said shoulder charges made up 0.05 per cent of the 142,355 tackles this year and less than 4 per cent of those resulted in injury to the attacking player, but with the average player now four kilograms heavier and 12 millimetres taller than a decade ago the injury risk was high.
                    71 tackles have been banned out of 142,355 tackles. I really don't see the impact as bad as what many see.

                    And I don't recall the great defenders of the past ever performing shoulder charges, it's always been a low percentage form of defense. In fact I doubt there'd be a RL coach who would even encourage players to play that way. I can't think of a single one.

                    Now when we see highlight reels we will see crunching hits around the waist and mid sections, like the old days. That's all that will change, the highlight reels.

                    The fabric of the game won't.

                    I do agree with lessening interchange and introducing stricter concussion rules and independent doctors. All great ideas.

                    The FlogPen .

                    You know it makes sense.


                    • #40
                      Originally posted by Greedy666 View Post
                      It's amazing what you can find out on the internet....

                      Chook, you two timing slut, you said I was the only one.
                      That's it a shoulder charging contest at 10 metres.

                      The three knock down rule is in effect.

                      Loser wears their dikkstikkers on their melons while they shout the 1st round.

                      Anyone collecting whiskers is automatically disqualified and must hide in Chooks closet with the gimp suit.

                      The FlogPen .

                      You know it makes sense.


                      • #41
                        Originally posted by stsae View Post
                        That's it a shoulder charging contest at 10 metres.

                        The three knock down rule is in effect.

                        Loser wears their dikkstikkers on their melons while they shout the 1st round.

                        Anyone collecting whiskers is automatically disqualified and must hide in Chooks closet with the gimp suit.

                        I've just had it cleaned and pressed ready for Greedy. :O)



                        • #42
                          Originally posted by Chook:262179
                          Originally posted by stsae View Post
                          That's it a shoulder charging contest at 10 metres.

                          The three knock down rule is in effect.

                          Loser wears their dikkstikkers on their melons while they shout the 1st round.

                          Anyone collecting whiskers is automatically disqualified and must hide in Chooks closet with the gimp suit.

                          I've just had it cleaned and pressed ready for Greedy. :O)

                          This isn't fair!

                          I always have to wear the gimp suit.

                          You know that thing chafes me!


                          • #43
                            Originally posted by stsae View Post
                            I don't know mate there was a time the spear tackle was normal, it wasn't a big deal. Then public opinion thru the media turned and eventually the governing body banned the tackle. Many hardcore oldskool footy heads reacted that "next they will be playing touch or netball, in skirts". The game was being ruined by the PC BS. Worlds were colliding. We couldn't drop blokes on their heads anymore, it was an outrage. It was a communist Queersland plot.

                            Sounds like the shoulder charge now, exactly.

                            Funny thing is banning the spear tackle did nothing to detract from the physical nature of the game. Peoples fears weren't realized.

                            Why am I sure I'm not far off the money with that comparison. Of course I was one of the ones who disagreed with banning the spear tackle. I felt the same way.

                            I mean seriously it's 0.05% of all the tackles made by all the players in a season in the top grade.

                            71 tackles have been banned out of 142,355 tackles. I really don't see the impact as bad as what many see.

                            And I don't recall the great defenders of the past ever performing shoulder charges, it's always been a low percentage form of defense. In fact I doubt there'd be a RL coach who would even encourage players to play that way. I can't think of a single one.

                            Now when we see highlight reels we will see crunching hits around the waist and mid sections, like the old days. That's all that will change, the highlight reels.

                            The fabric of the game won't.

                            I do agree with lessening interchange and introducing stricter concussion rules and independent doctors. All great ideas.

                            This is another problem that i have with the report. They only counted 71 shoulder charges in a season? How did they reach that number?

                            Their definition of a shoulder charge(no use of arms) happens at least ten times a game. Just think of every kickoff when the defenders meet the prop steaming back in. Almost always one of them will come in with the shoulder.

                            FFS - Sandow will pull off at least one or two a game (and fail each time)

                            This just seems like a massive overreaction by trying to appease to the PC brigade.

                            There's a reason our game is still going despite many attempts to kill it off. The gladitorial product was by far and away the best in this country - and the world. Change the product and join RU by fading into oblivion.


                            • #44
                              SKD will be happy now that the shoulder charge has just about been eliminated from the game. He hasn't used his shoulders for years anyway.


                              • #45
                                Does a mandatory week off go with any concussion in the nfl? im not sure, but does a slight concussion mean that you could miss the superbowl? Or in our case a grand final? Im not sure if one concussion is worse than another, so im not 100% if somebody decides the severity of one and then instructs you if you need a week off.

