I heard Cameron Smith interviewed on the Big Sports Breakfast this morning and he was talking about the CBA being rejected by the players and clubs again. Whilst he stated that it should be sorted before the start of the season, I for one think it should have been dealt with months ago!
The last thing that anyone wants is a lock-out fiasco that has recently plagued the NBA, NHL and NFL in America. It is us fans that spend our money on memberships, tickets and merchandise that helps to fund the game and the sooner that these sporting stars and administrators realise this the better.
Anyway it's probably not that big of a deal but I was a bit pis*ed of this morning as I just wish it could be finalised then everyone could concentrate on the start of the season. Your thoughts?
The last thing that anyone wants is a lock-out fiasco that has recently plagued the NBA, NHL and NFL in America. It is us fans that spend our money on memberships, tickets and merchandise that helps to fund the game and the sooner that these sporting stars and administrators realise this the better.
Anyway it's probably not that big of a deal but I was a bit pis*ed of this morning as I just wish it could be finalised then everyone could concentrate on the start of the season. Your thoughts?