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Stuart fined for attacking refs; Soward not for attacking Farrah's mother

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  • Stuart fined for attacking refs; Soward not for attacking Farrah's mother

    Anyone else think it strange that Ricky Stuart cops a fine for saying something nasty about referees, but Jamie Soward is not even admonished for saying something nasty about Farrah's deceased mother?

  • #2
    What did soward say?
    #We Stand with ourJewish community#


    • #3
      Originally posted by Jacks Fur Coat View Post
      What did soward say?
      We don't know exactly, but Farrah wanted to kill him. Farrah has indicated that it was something derogatory, but has not elaborated. In a similar incident in the AFL, the player was suspended.


      • #4
        Originally posted by Spirit of 66 View Post
        We don't know exactly, but Farrah wanted to kill him. Farrah has indicated that it was something derogatory, but has not elaborated. In a similar incident in the AFL, the player was suspended.
        Well why did you post "Jamie Soward is not even admonished for saying saying something nasty about Farrah's deceased mother?"

        Anything could have been said.


        • #5
          Originally posted by Mickey Lane View Post
          Well why did you post "Jamie Soward is not even admonished for saying saying something nasty about Farrah's deceased mother?"

          Anything could have been said.
          It was enough for Jamie to apologise profusley afterwards. He thought Robbie had made a derogatory comment about his fiancee but it was another Wests player who had done this, so Jamie retaliated without thinking. Robbie won't reveal what was said and wants to leave it behind on the field. This reminds me of Billy Slater sledging Corey Patterson about his depression and not wanting to leave the house sometimes because there were days when he felt so low. When will these blokes learn? And why wasn't the Wests player admonished also for making disrespectful comments about Emma? She used to date the son of the family I used to sit with in Bay 13 for many years and she doesn't deserve being spoken about by some boofheaded player. Just shut up and play footy. Ask Michael Ennis where all the yapping gets you these days....38-nil...still giving it to my Canterbury loving boss this week...
          "Those who care about you can hear you, even when you are quiet" - Steve Maraboli


          • #6
            Originally posted by Mickey Lane View Post
            Well why did you post "Jamie Soward is not even admonished for saying saying something nasty about Farrah's deceased mother?"

            Anything could have been said.
            Yes, I suppose you're right. He might have been expressing his sympathy to Farrah. Or maybe he decided to deliver an impromptu eulogy? Why Farrah would take exception to such things is inexplicable.

            Seriously, anybody who would think it is appropriate to verbally attack someone's recently deceased mother is not right in the head. Soward has proven himself to be lowlife grub.


            • #7
              Originally posted by Spirit of 66:295352
              Originally posted by Mickey Lane View Post
              Well why did you post "Jamie Soward is not even admonished for saying saying something nasty about Farrah's deceased mother?"

              Anything could have been said.
              Yes, I suppose you're right. He might have been expressing his sympathy to Farrah. Or maybe he decided to deliver an impromptu eulogy? Why Farrah would take exception to such things is inexplicable.

              Seriously, anybody who would think it is appropriate to verbally attack someone's recently deceased mother is not right in the head. Soward has proven himself to be lowlife grub.
              I certainly wasn't defending him 66...just curious and a bit shocked tbh..
              #We Stand with ourJewish community#


              • #8
                Originally posted by Jacks Fur Coat View Post
                I certainly wasn't defending him 66...just curious and a bit shocked tbh..
                I was at a Roosters-Manly game at the SFS a few years ago and a Manly fan was loudly taunting Ryan Cross about his (at the time) recently deceased mother. At least that fellow looked like he might have been mentally ill. I don't know what Soward's excuse is, other than being a knob.


                • #9
                  Some of the best payouts I ever copped were on a footy field.

                  Nothing is sacred. Nothing.

                  I was usually blowing too hard to reply myself, but mostly I'd crack up at what people came out with, it was bloody funny, no matter how personal.

                  And besides when I got a shot on a mouth I'd make sure they shut up and thought twice about what they said.

                  And after we'd have a few cans and all would be good.

                  IMO Farah has opened a can of worms by reacting the way he did. I expect him to cop more now everyone knows, from players and fans. Imagine what those dirty QLD carnts will do.

                  I'm no fan of Coward either.

                  What pRick did was said in front of cameras. What Coward did was on the field and without a complaint that's where it's best left.

                  The FlogPen .

                  You know it makes sense.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Spirit of 66:295373
                    Originally posted by Jacks Fur Coat View Post
                    I certainly wasn't defending him 66...just curious and a bit shocked tbh..
                    I was at a Roosters-Manly game at the SFS a few years ago and a Manly fan was loudly taunting Ryan Cross about his (at the time) recently deceased mother. At least that fellow looked like he might have been mentally ill. I don't know what Soward's excuse is, other than being a knob.
                    There are still a few no-go zones even on the park including disparaging deceased parents...take note parrot.

                    Surprised at Jamie considering his own dad passed tragically in the last few years too.

                    I'm sure he regrets it...he's a well balanced young man...chip on both shoulders
                    #We Stand with ourJewish community#


                    • #11
                      Karma does have a way of coming back when you least expect it. After Billy's sledge to Corey about staying in his room and crying, his own father in law was killed in a terrible motor bike accident. Again fellas, just shut up and play footy. It's usually when teams are behind on the scoreboard, the frustration comes out. Highly paid professionals should realise by now that with all this new technology around, your comments will be heard. Keep that rubbish for the amateurs playing park footy..
                      "Those who care about you can hear you, even when you are quiet" - Steve Maraboli


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by redwhiteblue View Post
                        Karma does have a way of coming back when you least expect it. After Billy's sledge to Corey about staying in his room and crying, his own father in law was killed in a terrible motor bike accident. Again fellas, just shut up and play footy. It's usually when teams are behind on the scoreboard, the frustration comes out. Highly paid professionals should realise by now that with all this new technology around, your comments will be heard. Keep that rubbish for the amateurs playing park footy..
                        Personally I like the gamesmanship involved with the game. Sure it's harsh at times, but it's a harsh game in a harsh world.

                        Sticks and stones RWB, sticks and stones.

                        What Coward said was uncool but so was Farahs reaction IMO. If you let words get to you, especially on the field, I believe it shows everyone you can be taunted. It wouldn't shock me in the least if he cops it again now.

                        Humans are cruel, you gotta learn to deal with it and get on with the job at hand. Kids are worse.

                        Gotta harden up. Life will eat you up if you let it. That's what I teach my kids. And they don't behave that way but sometimes they cop it.

                        The FlogPen .

                        You know it makes sense.


                        • #13
                          Sticky had every right to arc up, some of those decisions were ludicrous.

                          The refs should listen my brother above.



                          • #14
                            Originally posted by stsae View Post
                            Personally I like the gamesmanship involved with the game. Sure it's harsh at times, but it's a harsh game in a harsh world.

                            Sticks and stones RWB, sticks and stones.

                            What Coward said was uncool but so was Farahs reaction IMO. If you let words get to you, especially on the field, I believe it shows everyone you can be taunted. It wouldn't shock me in the least if he cops it again now.

                            Humans are cruel, you gotta learn to deal with it and get on with the job at hand. Kids are worse.

                            Gotta harden up. Life will eat you up if you let it. That's what I teach my kids. And they don't behave that way but sometimes they cop it.

                            The funny stuff, I love hearing about. Who could forget Finchy throwing passes into the chook pen or Hindy losing his shorts? But family members or partners should be a no go zone, whether deceased or living. If you get your kicks that way, it says plenty about the one doing the sledging, not the one it's directed to. Yes, Robbie Farah has inflamed plenty of people over the years and will always pay the price for that, but surely his deceased mother is off limits..Develop some boundaries and learn some class people!
                            "Those who care about you can hear you, even when you are quiet" - Steve Maraboli


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by redwhiteblue View Post
                              The funny stuff, I love hearing about. Who could forget Finchy throwing passes into the chook pen or Hindy losing his shorts? But family members or partners should be a no go zone, whether deceased or living. If you get your kicks that way, it says plenty about the one doing the sledging, not the one it's directed to. Yes, Robbie Farah has inflamed plenty of people over the years and will always pay the price for that, but surely his deceased mother is off limits..Develop some boundaries and learn some class people!
                              Good post.
                              I generally let personal insults slide off me.

                              The big mistake is attacking the family of the other person or someone unable to defend themselves.....shows a real lack of moral fortitude, imo.

                              There are "No Go" areas....respect it.

