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  • #16
    Originally posted by Tries Off Kicks View Post
    Just bear in mind, you haters of everything non Roosters, that as you salivate like a bunch of pissed bush lawyers with your ill-informed legalise, and your rehashing of what you heard Danny Weidler say, that this article comes from News Ltd's arch rival and print media competitor

    None of you have the faintest idea regarding the details of this whole episode

    But blaze away regardless...

    It's all fun reading
    Well if their "arch rival" doesnt report the facts how else would we find such things out???

    Where was Weedler mentioned??? Surely not another scapegoat????

    These are the details I would love to see come out. Just who is responsible??? Surely no-one could dare question The Storms owners blame in this episode???

    It is fun reading, sometimes youre right mate.

    The FlogPen .

    You know it makes sense.


    • #17
      Originally posted by TheBigFella View Post
      I don't believe that this is a good thing.. It'll do more damage than has already happened... Hopefully News stick to their guns & sack the board like threatened..

      I'm not a news fan, but i do think that the penalty was fair!
      IMO the penaltys fair only if the punishments dished out by an independent entity mate, with rights of appeal etc. Every other company, including News LTD would expect such treatment.

      News has acted quickly and harshly because they dont want the truth of who actually knew about this and when. I believe they fear the truth, hence the swift punishment and the constant barrage of casting blame in every direction but their own using their media arms.

      It also must affect how they (and their many levels of involvement in RL) will be viewed and treated when/if this independent comission dream/carrot actually eventuates.

      I dont think the players would care alot. I bet some of the places/companies that the payments came from may care though. Maybe it would reveal the players and player managers didnt know there was deception being practiced???

      Last edited by stsae; 05-14-2010, 11:04 PM.

      The FlogPen .

      You know it makes sense.


      • #18
        Originally posted by melon.... View Post
        And you stick to bagging Anasta and picking up the editor's coffeee in the morning.
        This is exactly the sort of no-count I'm talking about

        Moronic for so many reasons

        What's worse is that he knows full well there are trolleys in the carpark that need to be collected, but he confuses his Nepalese co-workers into doing it

        stuff goes missing from the "leave your backpack here" section too

        he wishes he worked with me, but currently we have no need for trolley boys

        not at this stage anyway


        • #19
          Originally posted by stsae View Post

          Storm directors launch legal action
          May 14, 2010 - 1:59PM

          The four independent directors of Melbourne Storm say they will commence legal action against the NRL in the Supreme Court of Victoria.

          The directors - chairman Rob Moodie, Petra Fawcett, Peter Maher and Gerry Ryan - made the decision unanimously, Moodie said.

          Speaking at law firm Arnold Bloch Leibler on Friday, Moodie said the NRL's decision-making process in applying the club's heavy salary cap breach penalties was "not fair, impartial or transparent".

          Now if that name doesnt give the game away Stainsy ill be a rabbi's uncle!


          • #20
            Originally posted by Tries Off Kicks View Post
            This is exactly the sort of no-count I'm talking about

            Moronic for so many reasons

            What's worse is that he knows full well there are trolleys in the carpark that need to be collected, but he confuses his Nepalese co-workers into doing it

            stuff goes missing from the "leave your backpack here" section too

            he wishes he worked with me, but currently we have no need for trolley boys

            not at this stage anyway
            Witty does not fit into your vocabulary, you really should stick to Copy boy, although rumour has it, you are on the outer there also....


            • #21
              Originally posted by Tries Off Kicks View Post
              I'm sorry you feel that way

              you sound like a decent fellow as well

              It's not that I don't "like" their posts. Nothing to do with it

              They need help, and I'm helping them

              They don't know it, but that's precisely why I need to do it

              I expect they'll thank me at some stage down the track

              at some stage
              Do you tell your friends how you counsel morons on forums?

              Must make you feel good.
              Born and bred in the eastern suburbs.


              • #22
                Originally posted by Tries Off Kicks View Post
                Just bear in mind, you haters of everything non Roosters, that as you salivate like a bunch of pissed bush lawyers with your ill-informed legalise, and your rehashing of what you heard Danny Weidler say, that this article comes from News Ltd's arch rival and print media competitor

                None of you have the faintest idea regarding the details of this whole episode

                But blaze away regardless...

                It's all fun reading
                Perhaps you could try taking off your News Ltd blinkers.

                Surely a man of your intelligence can see what is going on.
                Born and bred in the eastern suburbs.


                • #23
                  Originally posted by Vasco View Post
                  Perhaps you could try taking off your News Ltd blinkers.

                  Surely a man of your intelligence can see what is going on.

                  I think you forgot to add the sarcasm emoticon....


                  • #24
                    Originally posted by stsae View Post
                    IMO the penaltys fair only if the punishments dished out by an independent entity mate, with rights of appeal etc. Every other company, including News LTD would expect such treatment.

                    News has acted quickly and harshly because they dont want the truth of who actually knew about this and when. I believe they fear the truth, hence the swift punishment and the constant barrage of casting blame in every direction but their own using their media arms.

                    It also must affect how they (and their many levels of involvement in RL) will be viewed and treated when/if this independent comission dream/carrot actually eventuates.

                    I dont think the players would care alot. I bet some of the places/companies that the payments came from may care though. Maybe it would reveal the players and player managers didnt know there was deception being practiced???

                    Found this today mate... I reckon the players have more to fear than the sponsors.. They will finally have to admit that they knew what was going on & are not trustworthy..

                    One of the game's biggest player agents on Friday night said he was greatly concerned about the possibility of the players' private earnings being made public in court.

                    "They'll be the ones who suffer the embarrassment - not the officials who orchestrated the whole thing," the agent said.

                    "The players have already suffered enough from the penalties handed down without all their private information aired like dirty laundry. Isn't it enough that they've lost two premierships and all points this season."


                    • #25
                      Originally posted by TheBigFella View Post
                      Found this today mate... I reckon the players have more to fear than the sponsors.. They will finally have to admit that they knew what was going on & are not trustworthy..

                      One of the game's biggest player agents on Friday night said he was greatly concerned about the possibility of the players' private earnings being made public in court.

                      "They'll be the ones who suffer the embarrassment - not the officials who orchestrated the whole thing," the agent said.

                      "The players have already suffered enough from the penalties handed down without all their private information aired like dirty laundry. Isn't it enough that they've lost two premierships and all points this season."
                      What a great line.....

                      And the short answer is knew you were doing the wrong thing, yet chose to let it be hiden by your ****ing suffer the consequences you cheating bunch of pricks.....

                      I truely believe the only other alternative was to make them lose players until they are under the cap, which I still think should be done....

                      Or as one dropkick whom I chose not to name said.......Put the top 15 players names into a hat, and let each team draw one out and that player goes to the team that drew them.......then what is left and their Toyota cup team is where they begin again.......
                      Last edited by phantom; 05-15-2010, 12:39 PM.


                      • #26
                        Originally posted by TheBigFella View Post
                        Found this today mate... I reckon the players have more to fear than the sponsors.. They will finally have to admit that they knew what was going on & are not trustworthy..

                        One of the game's biggest player agents on Friday night said he was greatly concerned about the possibility of the players' private earnings being made public in court.

                        "They'll be the ones who suffer the embarrassment - not the officials who orchestrated the whole thing," the agent said.

                        "The players have already suffered enough from the penalties handed down without all their private information aired like dirty laundry. Isn't it enough that they've lost two premierships and all points this season."
                        Fair enough mate, but Id gather the Taxman is their real worry, maybe.

                        Personally I dont blame the players and find News LTDs attack on the players and their managers as a decoy. Its the easy way out for their newspaper to blame the player.

                        If most peoples employers said "heres 150K and we will give you $150K on the side" they wouldnt make a fuss. Its not where or how the money gets to us, its that it does arrive. Besides if a player didnt accept the extra cash in the form of illegal payments they wouldnt be able to play.

                        Their managers job is to get the best deal for the player. IMO hes doing his job no matter where the cash comes from.

                        This is down to the Storm management and owners. Thats where the buck stops.

                        Realistically does anyone think the players or their managers said "we wont sign till we get payment and we want some under the table"??? No employer in their right mind would bend to demands like that. And if they did they are the ones to blame, for breaking the rules.

                        Thats why its interesting the independent directors/owners of the Storm are legally challenging News LTD. Obviously theyre saying they didnt know about rorts, by their actions. Why would they open a can of worms if they had something to hide???

                        Theres only one entity here trying to discredit everyone else involved. Trying to be seen to act swiftly and harshly. Trying to spread the blame. Theyre the same entity that refuses to allow a right of reply. Or throwing tantys when their "rivals" ask questions about their role in the debarcle.

                        Last edited by stsae; 05-15-2010, 04:32 PM.

                        The FlogPen .

                        You know it makes sense.


                        • #27
                          Where the fark are News Limited getting this information I wonder?


                          STUNNING new revelations emerged last night that Melbourne Storm officials secretly paid skipper Cameron Smith $60,000 to renovate his home as part of a deal outside of his NRL contract.
                          __________________________________________________ ________________



                          • #28
                            More scapegoats. More revelations. More finger pointing.

                            News Ltd make great script writers.
                            Born and bred in the eastern suburbs.


                            • #29
                              Originally posted by Vasco View Post
                              More scapegoats. More revelations. More finger pointing.

                              News Ltd make great script writers.
                              If News really had the best interests of the game in mind wouldnt they just say "as the owners we appointed individuals who did the wrong thing. Weve sacked those people and apologise for their actions"????

                              Or am I being naieve cos they wouldnt sell newspapers that way???

                              The FlogPen .

                              You know it makes sense.

