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Racism and League

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  • #46
    Originally posted by Billy Gunn View Post
    Maybe I am out of touch or maybe I am a redneck and need to change my views but there are a few things that I don't understand about the current stance on racism.

    If I call a bloke an Abo am I racist?

    If I was a black man and called a white man an Aussie is that racist?

    For those who know me I have red hair......and have been called every name under the sun because of it and the only reason I have is it's a visual thing. I know it's not quite the same but let's be honest what Johns said is Inglis is a black carnt !! If he had said he was a big carnt would that have been ok?

    Racism to me is about being treated different
    it would seem so

    your questions are too stupid to be answered


    • #47
      I never really thought I was racist until I watched those B$%#@ C*%#$, kill us last night.

      I have copped worse on the footy field from my indigenous mates. Racism only really works one way.


      • #48
        All my life I have been called wog, dago, indian, lebo, turk, greek and a BC even though I am more a malty colour. A few days after 911 I was abused and called a terrorist by a skippy family while filling up at a servo and told to get out of the country. I was born in this beautiful country and my parents moved here from Italy in the 60s. OK not shaving for three days, I could see how they got confused. All the "racist" comments are water off a ducks back. It never bothered me....except for the prick who called me Greek.

        Johns may have been stupid to say what he did but I bet even Tahu and Inglis at some point in their life have said, "bloody asian drivers", "bloody indian taxi driver", "bloody terrorists", "bloody poms", "bloody yanks" and maybe even "White C". Does that make anyone who has used these terms a racist? Have they laughed at a Russell Peters skit?

        I say let he cast the first stone. Nobody is a model citizen but it doesn't make you a racist either.
        Last edited by BUDDY; 06-17-2010, 02:25 PM.


        • #49
          Originally posted by Tries Off Kicks View Post
          it would seem so

          your questions are too stupid to be answered
          well why don't you try?


          • #50
            Originally posted by Tries Off Kicks View Post
            it would seem so

            your questions are too stupid to be answered
            LOL like i said, Leaugue is awash with the unwashed

            Johns turns up a few days later coaching some Matto side filled with aboriginals. LOL

            Can someone get him in touch with Paulines media advisor.

            Some of these comments remind me of how close Australia is to America. Peter Carey gave a recent speech where he showed a clip of red blooded yanks clinging to St Palins new book like the bible. This sanctimonious, back slapping, "hey look at those dumb yanks" view ignores the fact that we have Billy Gunns out there as dumb and willing as anywhere in the OLE SOUTH


            • #51
              You should come over on Saturday night and I will get the banjo out before the monthly clan meeting


              • #52
                Unlike others, I'm not judging you and I think you ask valid questions as there is not always a rule book or a training guide to life.

                My guide that I live my life by, is I ask the question, "is the intent of saying something to put someone down to make me feel better about myself". If it is to put someone down, then this is not proper behaviour. If it is not to put down another, then as long as I do not offend the other person and explain my beliefs, then I can live comfortably. Work the "racist" word in as you feel you need to around this.

                I know to some of you, this will cause an uproar, but this is how I live it. It fits and I wear it comfortably. Personally, I do not see myself as better than any other race or religion or gender. It works with me and the many people I meet on a daily basis.

                BG, I hope this is a better explaination than the lack of respect you received from others. There is much "grey" in this topic.
                Written and published on behalf of the Liberal Party, Queensland


                • #53
                  Originally posted by The Axe View Post
                  Unlike others, I'm not judging you and I think you ask valid questions as there is not always a rule book or a training guide to life.

                  My guide that I live my life by, is I ask the question, "is the intent of saying something to put someone down to make me feel better about myself". If it is to put someone down, then this is not proper behaviour. If it is not to put down another, then as long as I do not offend the other person and explain my beliefs, then I can live comfortably. Work the "racist" word in as you feel you need to around this.

                  I know to some of you, this will cause an uproar, but this is how I live it. It fits and I wear it comfortably. Personally, I do not see myself as better than any other race or religion or gender. It works with me and the many people I meet on a daily basis.

                  BG, I hope this is a better explaination than the lack of respect you received from others. There is much "grey" in this topic.
                  Much "grey"?

                  Not really

                  It's pretty much black and white


                  • #54
                    Originally posted by Tries Off Kicks View Post
                    Much "grey"?

                    Not really

                    It's pretty much black and white
                    It is often said that the more you know about a subject, the more grey it becomes. As you know the square root of **** all about anything, there would be no grey in your life!

                    There is plenty of grey in racism. Personally, I do not tolerate it but someone should not be judged because they question the current status quo.

                    For instance, why is Steady Eddie the only bloke who can get away with telling disabled jokes; should he be labelled offensive for his jokes? Why is it acceptable that the Wog Boys are allowed to laugh at themselves but non-ethnics are classed racist for using the same jokes?
                    ut I see that once again the Telegraph Oracle is right; there is not grey in this debate.
                    Written and published on behalf of the Liberal Party, Queensland


                    • #55
                      Originally posted by The Axe View Post
                      It is often said that the more you know about a subject, the more grey it becomes. As you know the square root of **** all about anything, there would be no grey in your life!

                      There is plenty of grey in racism. Personally, I do not tolerate it but someone should not be judged because they question the current status quo.

                      For instance, why is Steady Eddie the only bloke who can get away with telling disabled jokes; should he be labelled offensive for his jokes? Why is it acceptable that the Wog Boys are allowed to laugh at themselves but non-ethnics are classed racist for using the same jokes?
                      ut I see that once again the Telegraph Oracle is right; there is not grey in this debate.
                      it was a play on words Axe

                      you know, black and white...????

                      settle down son


                      • #56
                        Originally posted by Tries Off Kicks View Post
                        it was a play on words Axe

                        you know, black and white...????

                        settle down son

                        Thanks for clarifying the matter, TOK. Usually sarcasm is challenging to determine in written form; hence the recommended use of "lol"

                        Finally, please do not patronise me by referring to me as "son"
                        Written and published on behalf of the Liberal Party, Queensland


                        • #57
                          Originally posted by The Axe View Post
                          Unlike others, I'm not judging you and I think you ask valid questions as there is not always a rule book or a training guide to life.

                          My guide that I live my life by, is I ask the question, "is the intent of saying something to put someone down to make me feel better about myself". If it is to put someone down, then this is not proper behaviour. If it is not to put down another, then as long as I do not offend the other person and explain my beliefs, then I can live comfortably. Work the "racist" word in as you feel you need to around this.

                          I know to some of you, this will cause an uproar, but this is how I live it. It fits and I wear it comfortably. Personally, I do not see myself as better than any other race or religion or gender. It works with me and the many people I meet on a daily basis.

                          BG, I hope this is a better explaination than the lack of respect you received from others. There is much "grey" in this topic.
                          I tend to agree with your position and I believe generally most people live by this philosophy

                          Thanks for your reply it's not an easy topic to discus and as for the other responses it's water off a ducks back, they obviously have nothing constructive to add but that's cool.


                          • #58
                            With the Tahu thing I think there is something missing.
                            For Tahu to get upset and leave over comments that have been reported, surprises me.
                            After being around football for most of his life I would have thought he would have experienced a lot and probably worse than reported.

                            Maybe it just came to a head, but I think there may have been alot more to push him over the edge
                            The Internet is a place for posting silly things
                            Try and be serious and you will look stupid


                            • #59
                              I think Johns was bang on the money when he referred to himself as white trash.

                              I hate the bloke but I think most of us, if not all, are guilty of letting a few 'racist' comments slip out from time to time.

                              I think Tahu walking out on the NSW camp reminds us that we really should think before we speak.


                              • #60
                                It's interesting that the media and the discussion in general has completely glossed over the fact that "c..t" is equally as degrading (to women) as "black" is to aborigines. It's a sexist comment as much as a racist comment. But this has been all but ignored. It might say something about the blokes in the media, who are feasting on the story, and their attitudes towards women ...

