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Racism and League

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  • Racism and League

    League is a simple and parochial sport that is only really played in 2 Aust states and in the North of England. Generally you can say its supporters are "bogans" or at least, "clingling on to the past".
    Gould in todays telecrap insinuates that Johns was not racist because his comments did not connote one races superiority over another. LOL. That of course is to forget that words do not exist in a vacuum and that "black ****" is attached to its past. Which is racist. How these guys would love to live in the good old days when M johns could beat his wife and a johns could enjoy drugs without consequence.

    There is one fetid carnt here that always refers to our polynesian players as coconuts and the like. Needless to say if the keyboarder was ever made known his would be a world of pain. But aside from the dog, racism is farked even on a nancy forum.

    well done Tahu.
    hopefully johns will top himself now. What else has he to live for

  • #2
    Originally posted by captaincaveman View Post
    Who cares what your mate reckons. what are you, a bitch?
    Join Tahu and have a cry together.
    Man up for fark sake.

    Sure was a quick change of heart, captaincavebiarch.

    Were you on the piss or the disco bikkies???

    To be honest, Who cares what you reckon. what are you, a bitch?
    Join Tahu and have a cry together.
    Man up for fark sake.

    BTW last time I checked Gus works for the SMH, not the tellucrapp.


    Last edited by stsae; 06-13-2010, 01:56 PM.

    The FlogPen .

    You know it makes sense.


    • #3
      GOLD. Stainsy has absolutely hammered this one.


      • #4
        stsae,im with ya mate, what a friggin joke tahu must think his playing the rugby union game what a soft cock, it was a flippant comment, ive HEARD worse at a footy game can you imagine if that human beachball choppy close made a comment like that and a queenlander walking out on his mates and state..... never would happen!!!!im no big fan of johns but i think tahu needs to definately harden the **** up, im sure my mate pearceworstnightmare would agree... where are ya
        Last edited by thecox; 06-14-2010, 11:10 AM. Reason: error


        • #5
          Originally posted by captaincaveman View Post
          League is a simple and parochial sport that is only really played in 2 Aust states and in the North of England. Generally you can say its supporters are "bogans" or at least, "clingling on to the past".
          Gould in todays telecrap insinuates that Johns was not racist because his comments did not connote one races superiority over another. LOL. That of course is to forget that words do not exist in a vacuum and that "black ****" is attached to its past. Which is racist. How these guys would love to live in the good old days when M johns could beat his wife and a johns could enjoy drugs without consequence.

          There is one fetid carnt here that always refers to our polynesian players as coconuts and the like. Needless to say if the keyboarder was ever made known his would be a world of pain. But aside from the dog, racism is farked even on a nancy forum.

          well done Tahu.
          hopefully johns will top himself now. What else has he to live for
          Rack off wanker,Tahu is as soft as a timtam,theres not a person in the world who hasn't been racsist at one time or another.I played my junior footy in the souths comp and the Blacks gave as good as they got farkwit....boohooohooo,this is about the only way Tahu will ever make headlines at origin level the farken pea heart.


          • #6
            Originally posted by Ghost View Post
            Rack off wanker,Tahu is as soft as a timtam,theres not a person in the world who hasn't been racsist at one time or another.I played my junior footy in the souths comp and the Blacks gave as good as they got farkwit....boohooohooo,this is about the only way Tahu will ever make headlines at origin level the farken pea heart.
            Top post!!!!


            • #7
              I'm realy sorry! See the link, Giddyup!



              • #8
                Originally posted by Ghost View Post
                Rack off wanker,Tahu is as soft as a timtam,theres not a person in the world who hasn't been racsist at one time or another.I played my junior footy in the souths comp and the Blacks gave as good as they got farkwit....boohooohooo,this is about the only way Tahu will ever make headlines at origin level the farken pea heart.
                Who in their right mind would want to sledge da ghost..dead set mun.
                Exonerate the West Memphis Three -


                • #9
                  Well lets look at the points raised...

                  Is Inglis a ****??? Yes
                  Is Inglis black??? Yes....

                  So what's the problem...

                  Yet when a black fella calls a white man a "white ****" all is well... What a bunch of nancy farken hypocrites!!!


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Shaun Kenny-Dumb View Post
                    GOLD. Stainsy has absolutely hammered this one.
                    I think the coconut comment was aimed at you dumbarse ive shown fpn your quotes watch out hes trying to find out who you are thats GOLD you racist prick lol best go into hiding BOY the whole of south auckland will be bearing down on you soon sucker


                    • #11
                      09, I thought captaincavebiarchs comments about "coconuts" was aimed at someone else?? Anyway I am pretty sure Shaun Kenny-Dumb is of Aboriginal heritage himself.

                      My original comments were not my thoughts. They were a quote from another thread from captain cavebiarch where he told me to man-up about Tahu and the issue, even though at that stage the full story hadnt emerged. Then the next morning made his "racist" call post, basically reversing his opinion. I thought it was ironic to the extreem, and yes captain cavebiarch is my biarch now.

                      Im not into race wars. I dont condone blatent racisim. That said I believe Tahu isnt an Origin player by his walkout actions. IMO if this happend in the QLD camp thered have been a blow up, the player offended wouldve hammered the offender then theyd have squashed it and the media wouldnt have known a thing. Origin requires mental toughness, a real hate attitude. Tahu IMO showed hes a fragile minded individual, I wouldnt want that attitude in my Origin side.

                      The FlogPen .

                      You know it makes sense.


                      • #12
                        Well at leats they got rid of Johns. He is simply the worst kind of white bogan ossie trash.
                        Mathew will be shiteing himself. He has carved out a little niche for bogan nostalgia, but after shaking off the sex scandal, his brothers racism will be hanging over the show. Get this fetid white trash off the screen now and show something a little more reflective of this country today.


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by captaincaveman View Post
                          Well at leats they got rid of Johns. He is simply the worst kind of white bogan ossie trash.
                          Mathew will be shiteing himself. He has carved out a little niche for bogan nostalgia, but after shaking off the sex scandal, his brothers racism will be hanging over the show. Get this fetid white trash off the screen now and show something a little more reflective of this country today.
                          LOL, shut up biarch.

                          The FlogPen .

                          You know it makes sense.


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by stsae View Post
                            Tahu IMO showed hes a fragile minded individual, I wouldnt want that attitude in my Origin side.
                            You can see it that way. But you can also see it from the other perspective, that it took a lof of courage to do what he did.


                            • #15
                              Waratahu said that johns had been calling him racist names for years

