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tune in to MMM at 8:35am for major league rumour

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  • #31
    Originally posted by Mad_Rooster_In_Hong Kong View Post
    Interesting angle Madduke. Had not thought of it from that perspective. Whatever happens I just hope nothing destablizes our preparation to smash the riff raff.
    I hope that doesn't happen. The destabilization, not the smashing Penrith I mean.


    • #32
      why is every time there's a 'big nrl rumour/news' it inevitably ends up being about us...please no


      • #33
        And yet the first thing I thought of was I bet that little grub is in on thus. Just like coffs.
        Alcohol never solved any life problems.....then again neither did milk.


        • #34
          on the sportal forum some carnt reckons it is a 'prominent queensland player' and that it will be on websites this arvo..

          lets hope the carnt is right...


          • #35
            Originally posted by r*o*o*s*t*e*r*s View Post
            on the sportal forum some carnt reckons it is a 'prominent queensland player' and that it will be on websites this arvo..

            lets hope the carnt is right...
            Like Nate Myles?????


            • #36
              Originally posted by horriewasachamp View Post
              Like Nate Myles?????
              More prominent.
              Alcohol never solved any life problems.....then again neither did milk.


              • #37
                Originally posted by horriewasachamp View Post
                Like Nate Myles?????
                i doubt it will be him, first of all its not in nates character - i doubt he would even consider anything to do with it..

                secondly i dont think he has the capacity in his position to influence the result of a game to a great extent - can u think back to a game where he hasnt given his 100%??

                my money is on cam smith


                • #38
                  Thurst in maybe?


                  • #39
                    MG on his twitter says there are 8 games in the grey


                    • #40
                      Originally posted by rcptn View Post
                      Thurst in maybe?
                      wouldnt suprise me...

                      even willie tonga maybe i wouldnt put it beyond him


                      • #41
                        Originally posted by melon.... View Post
                        More prominent.
                        The story has been doing the rounds for sometime, before Round 26 last year.

                        The rumour is that "he" wasn't on his own, obviously, but it's been fairly well organised and co-ordinated (these guys should run the Independent commission it's so well organised) and IF (that's a big IF) it is found to be true it will completely rock the game as a whole, not just the NRL, especially considering that it is supposed to be from a group who have a common link.

                        It appears to be the convergence of a couple of rumours and suspicions.

                        Remains to be seen ... still scuttle-butt and Mark Geyer is hardly the oracle of information.


                        • #42
                          Originally posted by Imadog View Post
                          The story has been doing the rounds for sometime, before Round 26 last year.

                          The rumour is that "he" wasn't on his own, obviously, but it's been fairly well organised and co-ordinated (these guys should run the Independent commission it's so well organised) and IF (that's a big IF) it is found to be true it will completely rock the game as a whole, not just the NRL, especially considering that it is supposed to be from a group who have a common link.

                          It appears to be the convergence of a couple of rumours and suspicions.

                          Remains to be seen ... still scuttle-butt and Mark Geyer is hardly the oracle of information.
                          If I read you correctly and I suspect the same, the common link stems from a past stint at another club for these few.
                          Alcohol never solved any life problems.....then again neither did milk.


                          • #43
                            Originally posted by melon.... View Post
                            If I read you correctly and I suspect the same, the common link stems from a past stint at another club for these few.
                            Not necessarily past stint .... there is a common thread. (Edit: I just made the connection. No, it's not the one you are thinking as in 2004 past stint, ... to my knowledge. Hmmm .... but there is certainly a "coincidence" there.)

                            Like with all things like this i usually take the stance, that if I have heard it, sitting in row 23 at ANZ stadium then there is a fair chance it's closer to fantasy than reality. Just how much of the real story is left remains to be seen.

                            I'm a bit cynical about it all, it's good fun though.
                            Last edited by Imadog; 09-15-2010, 02:26 PM.


                            • #44
                              johnaton thurston


                              • #45
                                The NRL has denied any knowledge of this business:


