I don't get how you are linking Gidley to the traffcking of drugs here, they said to ring Gids so they could get 'deanos number', there is no proof or evidence of him being involved in trafficking of illegal substances.
pearceworstnightmare: you have to be extremely naive to believe that this sort of shit dosen't happen with other NRL teams, just like most of you are very naive about carney and nate getting back on the drink and freind getting hooked on the drugs again. they claim they havent but i guarantee you they have all ventured back to past habits. its naive to think this stuff dosent happen.
pearceworstnightmare: you have to be extremely naive to believe that this sort of shit dosen't happen with other NRL teams, just like most of you are very naive about carney and nate getting back on the drink and freind getting hooked on the drugs again. they claim they havent but i guarantee you they have all ventured back to past habits. its naive to think this stuff dosent happen.