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This Is Our House really... sucks

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  • #16
    The only time i can stand to listen to Bon Jovi is when they play Dead or Alive after Young Guns 2!


    • #17
      It's pretty bad. It makes me think of fingernails scraped against a chalkboard.


      • #18
        How's this for lyrics to do with football.

        It's all the same
        Only the names are changed.
        Every day it seems we're wasting away.
        Another place where the faces are so cold
        I'd drive all night just to get back home.

        That sounds more like a football song than This Is Our House.'

        Why the hell didn't they just use Madness?


        • #19
          Originally posted by Greedy666 View Post
          The only time i can stand to listen to Bon Jovi is when they play Dead or Alive after Young Guns 2!
          Nah! living on a prayer. Great lead.


          • #20
            I think it's quite good and it has certainly been popular. Besides the music, the visuals in the adverts are amazing.

            I still want to see a revamp of 'Simply the Best', because (as the name suggests) the best RL campaign we've seen. Great nostalgia.


            • #21
              I don't think it is too bad - actually i think it is a great song to use as the NRL theme.

              Catchy tune.

              League themed.

              Big name artist leading to more exposure. It sure beats most of the rubbish they have served up lately(Wes Carr ? really ?).

              I think it was genious using one of their back-catalogue songs. It won't cost as much, while still accomplishing the goal of getting a recognisable face.

              Personally, i don't know how much the NRL paid for it (neither does anyone here). How do you know they didn't get it for cheap ?

              After all, it is one of their less famous songs - and it is now advertised to a wide audience leading to increased sales on a song which they had sitting around previously.

              I have to agree with The General - Tubthumping was the best theme of all time. Now there was a song that fit league to a tee.


              • #22
                Originally posted by BigMike View Post
                I don't think it is too bad - actually i think it is a great song to use as the NRL theme.

                Catchy tune.

                League themed.

                Big name artist leading to more exposure. It sure beats most of the rubbish they have served up lately(Wes Carr ? really ?).

                I think it was genious using one of their back-catalogue songs. It won't cost as much, while still accomplishing the goal of getting a recognisable face.

                Personally, i don't know how much the NRL paid for it (neither does anyone here). How do you know they didn't get it for cheap ?

                After all, it is one of their less famous songs - and it is now advertised to a wide audience leading to increased sales on a song which they had sitting around previously.

                I have to agree with The General - Tubthumping was the best theme of all time. Now there was a song that fit league to a tee.
                Tubthumping is one of the most irritating songs i've ever heard!
                Pissing my life away listening to that farrken song!


                • #23

                  i get knocked down but i get up again

                  why do my GIF's keep dissapearing?
                  Last edited by punky rooster; 04-06-2011, 12:56 PM.


                  • #24
                    1) Isn't catchy (or even annoyingly catchy.)
                    2) The references to raising the roof...etc seem to suggest it was more designed for Basketball or Ice Hockey. Granted Bon Jovi is American, it's VERY doubtful the song has anything to do with League (granted I'd doubt most Yanks know what League is... "OH RUGBY?!?!?")
                    3) We out-bid a number of American clubs... enough said, we paid a LOT of money. Begs me to question why we didn't get an Aussie band... maybe an undescovered one with a passion for league?
                    4) Is sounds more like misplaced rave lyrics. They need a happy hardcore beat with some hot female voice "singing" the oh so cliche "time to fly" ... "touch the sky" rhyming combination. Might as well spread your wings, fly like a bird, walk a million miles, wait forever and a day and love you forever while they're at it (just to add in more cheezy cliche rave lyrics.) Then the chorus needs to be sung by a Hillsong choir, with a big black dude saying "r-r-r-remix" to point out that the voices have been played with by some German dude and some black guy has pushed play on a canned rave beats machine.

                    Seriously though... there's no roof on a League stadium (so you can't raise it), there's no slam dunks (so no flying... you're more likely to "get knocked down" if you fly like a baseball catcher or basketball player) and JoEEEEE has retired, so it's not a rave and there's no disco biscuits. Can it...


                    • #25
                      it's fundamentally shit, but does pick up a little as the song goes on

                      A mistake they've made is playing the audio over so many different video clips. They're using it to promote Origin, The Finals Series, Channel 9, as well as the comp in general. Too much different video - just keep it like Tina and have a long version and a short version - don't try and use it to promote everything


                      • #26
                        Shit Song...end of Story
                        Alcohol never solved any life problems.....then again neither did milk.


                        • #27
                          Tubthumping should be JWH's theme!


                          • #28
                            It's really not that hard to put music to NRL so I don't know why they struggle with it so much. Big hits and fast movement with loud noises.

                            Bogan rock if you want to keep it simple. Probably Australian. There's hardly an AC/DC song that doesn't fit well with Rugby League. With the kind of coin they were paying Bon Jovi they could have probably got Powderfinger to some out of retirement to custom write and perform something.

                            If you wanted to take a risk I'd say some really aggressive rap music. You don't even have to go to that extreme, something like Hilltop Hoods would do the job.

                            Channel 10 usually pick pretty good songs for their AFL ads. Even though the song and band are actually pretty woeful, that Thanks for the Memories song and in particular the part they used was pretty effective for a finals series whatever year they used it because it starts slow and explodes. The ad pretty much writes itself. Few guys walking around, few anguished faces and some highlights of teams slipping into the finals in the slow part action, goals and hits in the fast part. This sort of promo is easy to do with League too.

                            To use one of my examples above,

                            Pre game footage guys walking back and forth to the first verse of TNT (skip the "oi" bit).

                            Start Chorus- massive hit

                            Cue the Highlights


                            • #29
                              They could use some songs like these






                              or maybe this for an idea for half time entertainment



                              • #30
                                Mouth For War by Pantera is what i'd use!!

