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Rothfield has a glass jaw

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  • Rothfield has a glass jaw

    Yep like most journalists, they can dish it out but not take it. Let's pepper him and his with questions about his own personal behaviour.

    Has he ever been drinking when at work?
    Has he lied about it?
    Does he have a drinking problem?
    Has he ever been over 0.05 the morning after.

    Stuff like that...

    Maybe we could ask the same questions of Rebecca Wilson too. Did they go this hard after Bird? Seymour? What about Sticky and the drinking culture when he was at the Sharks? How about Gow... Tony Zappia?

    I've made posts that have not been published... so much for News Ltd's commitment to free speech and their membership of the "Right To Know Coalition".

    Glass jaws and hypocrites. The lot of them.

  • #2
    Most of my posts never get published up there on News. Half the time there isnt even a send button on the comments box


    • #3
      I do like the dig at a him by Gallop on his statement re some of the media saying TC should go to gaol for a week.


      • #4
        yeah he vets the questions first and if he does let them through, there is always a pre scripted smartarse answer you cannot respond to.

        Delecto Oriens est odio Meridianus
        To love Easts is to hate Souffs

        Originally posted by Bill Shankley, Liverpool FC
        At a football club, there’s a holy trinity – the players, the manager and the supporters. Directors don’t come into it. They are only there to sign the cheques.
        Originally posted by Andy Raymond Commentating Souffs V Manly 18/04/09
        The fireworks at the Easter show are making more noise than the crowd tonight


        • #5
          Originally posted by Horry View Post
          I do like the dig at a him by Gallop on his statement re some of the media saying TC should go to gaol for a week.
          You would think they would

          "Know when to say No "

          maybe they don't watch TV


          • #6
            I hate the carnts.

            But I refuse to keep them in work by validating their existence by clicking on their sh!tty site. I never buy their dunny roll either.

            Its the only way to stop News. Stop reading their sh!t.

            They know zip about the game anyway, their stories are just that, stories. There is very little footy related stuff in their rants anyway. People complain about Ch 9er, News LTDs press is much worse IMO.

            As a club we should NEVER speak to The Tellucrapp EVER EVER again.


            The FlogPen .

            You know it makes sense.


            • #7
              Originally posted by pearcesworstnightmare View Post
              You would think they would

              "Know when to say No "

              maybe they don't watch TV
              I agree!!!!!!!!!


              • #8
                I agree backwards last year we went out our way to make our players available to the DT but they will always play favourites like us they have not got over super league.

                The independent commission is looking for leaders without super league baggage, maybe those covering the game should also. I too have stopped reading the tripe and I sure don't miss the Phillip Ronald Gould shit they go on with.


                • #9
                  Put your hand up if you would like to test it.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Billy Gunn View Post
                    I agree backwards last year we went out our way to make our players available to the DT but they will always play favourites like us they have not got over super league.

                    The independent commission is looking for leaders without super league baggage, maybe those covering the game should also. I too have stopped reading the tripe and I sure don't miss the Phillip Ronald Gould shit they go on with.
                    Nothing will ever be "independent" while News are involved mate.

                    Gallop will still be in charge, News will "appoint" who they need to control finances, nothing will change IMO.

                    The Tellucrapp have waited for this chance. They gave us all the awards last season and pumped us up as the best club since sliced bread. They gave us nowhere to go but down, then they waited for the inevitable.

                    It would almost be funny if it wasnt Easts.

                    The FlogPen .

                    You know it makes sense.


                    • #11
                      I'm assuming mine never got published either because I used the name Rupert Furryballs, or because I called Slothfield an "ugly, nasty little troll of a man, hellbent on attempting to completely destroy a young man's life. This crusade by your newspaper to harrass Mr Carney won't work. Get this through your thick heads ... The Media DO NOT speak for the people." *rant* rant*rant*.

                      It went on a bit but i felt better after writing it


                      • #12
                        p.s. its bloody good to see you back mr backwards


                        • #13
                          Rothcock and others get most of their info from forums like ours.

                          suddenly 'rumors' become 'facts' for toilet paper like the TeleCRAP

                          funny how 'negative' responses to his blog go missing, never published!
                          talk about "selective" journalism, don't let the facts get in the way of a good story!


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by crikey chris View Post
                            Rothcock and others get most of their info from forums like ours.

                            suddenly 'rumors' become 'facts' for toilet paper like the TeleCRAP

                            funny how 'negative' responses to his blog go missing, never published!
                            talk about "selective" journalism, don't let the facts get in the way of a good story!
                            That would be TOK still in the midst of his apprenticeship.

                            Would suck to turn up to work knowing your mentor is Rothfield.


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by Holmes View Post
                              Would suck to turn up to work knowing your mentor is Rothfield.
                              Would be like enrolling in a charm/finishing school, then turning up on day one to find the teacher is Sir Les Patterson !

