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Finally new technology to tell weather it is a forward pass

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  • #16
    Originally posted by tony the wheel View Post
    No, you wouldn't have a clue professor

    Find out some more info about the thing before you descend into whinge mode
    I have all the information I need. The sensor is only on the ball which implies estimation is involved in comparing trajectory relative to the player. If you don't understand that simple concept, then you are the one without a clue.


    • #17
      Why would you be looking at anything regarding the player? All you need to know is if the ball is released backwards. And not backwards relative to the player, backwards relative to a reference grid that would be created according to points on the field. Not taking sides mate just trying to figure out what you mean. I must be one of those people without a clue that you're talking about lol.


      • #18
        Originally posted by Yak View Post
        A couple of things I'm struggling to understand is how GPS technology knows the time of release.
        I doubt it is using GPS technology. Even the military GPS' are only accurate to within a couple metres.

        Originally posted by Yak View Post
        Why would you be looking at anything regarding the player? All you need to know is if the ball is released backwards. And not backwards relative to the player, backwards relative to a reference grid that would be created according to points on the field. Not taking sides mate just trying to figure out what you mean. I must be one of those people without a clue that you're talking about lol.
        Read my other post regarding extending the arms and flicking the wrists. It would be possible to pass the ball forward.


        • #19
          I like NFL ...will they have something to see when a players foot has gone over the side...YBC...the Younis blind ****


          • #20
            Somehow I feel this is going to be used to screw the Roosters.


            • #21
              i'm a little disappointed, after reading the title thread, I thought the ball could also tell us if its about to rain !

     for helping with correctly detecting forward passes, then great. I'm sick of blatant forward passes being missed, and if this could help out the blind refs and touchies then I'm ok with it.
              Imagine how disjointed the game initially will become, when all the dummy half passes get picked up, until the No.9's realise they have to actually throw the ball backwards all the time !


              • #22
                with the amount of money being bet each week all available technology must be used to nullify cheating refs and well coached players! of course we have neither involved with our club!

