He still thinks the Melbourne Storm didnt cheat the salary cap and should of kept the players they brought into there system since teenagers.
Terry Kennedy fought back with something along the lines of "but its the rules, every other team has to play that way why should it be different"
Gould rambled on saying TK wont win this arguement and they didnt cheat the cap they were just paying the players what they were worth.
Gould is an absolute OLD GOOSE, he seriously cant be serious, they didnt only keep young talent and have huge depth in there team but then they bring in players like Brett Finch,Clint Newton,Anthony Quinn and pay overs to there top 4 so no other team could compete.
Its funny how now Adam Blair is leaving the first chance he gets because another team can compete with the money Melbourne would of paid illegally and he was brought into the system as a teenager.
GOULD UR NEVER WRONG!!!! pfffffffffft
Terry Kennedy fought back with something along the lines of "but its the rules, every other team has to play that way why should it be different"
Gould rambled on saying TK wont win this arguement and they didnt cheat the cap they were just paying the players what they were worth.
Gould is an absolute OLD GOOSE, he seriously cant be serious, they didnt only keep young talent and have huge depth in there team but then they bring in players like Brett Finch,Clint Newton,Anthony Quinn and pay overs to there top 4 so no other team could compete.
Its funny how now Adam Blair is leaving the first chance he gets because another team can compete with the money Melbourne would of paid illegally and he was brought into the system as a teenager.
GOULD UR NEVER WRONG!!!! pfffffffffft