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I don't think we will be getting Jacob Miller back

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  • I don't think we will be getting Jacob Miller back

    Robert Lui - Another domestic violence arrest.

  • #2
    I wonder if Beetroot face is going to crucify this bloke?
    Alcohol never solved any life problems.....then again neither did milk.


    • #3
      Originally posted by melon.... View Post
      I wonder if Beetroot face is going to crucify this bloke?
      It will be old news and forgotten tomorrow.
      Tigpies and St Scum koala bears lol.


      • #4
        The end result will be the usual one, the woman involved won't have the guts to go through with the complaint and so there is no evidence to convict.

        As a female this frustrates me immensely but it appears that's how footballers' partners act in this situation generally.

        Supporting the RW&B, through good times and bad times.


        • #5
          Unfortunately, too true NC.
          Have seen so many of these gutless pricks that think it is ok to beat up on their partner.
          One can only hope that the media get stuck into him, as he deserves.


          • #6
            And as the article says it's the SECOND time this has happened - both after his team have been knocked out of the finals. But as NC says the charges will no doubt be dismissed after his partner will probably refuse to follow through with the charges. Will be interested to see how the Telecrap deals with it all. It is a far more serious offense than the three Roosters players out drinking in the wee hours, but my bet is the Roosters story will be the one that gets the greater publicity overall. Not that I'm saying what Carney / Myles / FPN did was ok, it wasn't, but the 3 page spreads and one week of publicity saturation was way over the top for the act they committed.


            • #7
              Robert Lui is emerging as one of the great allround grubs of the NRL. Seriously if Rothfield doesn't start hounding this guy then he is not doing his job. Being a dopey boozehound is one thing but being a serial women beater is much worse. It will be interesting to see how this unfolds in the media.


              • #8
                At the end of 'Mad Monday' celebrations.

                Why did the club allow its players to get on the drink, if indeed it did?
                One would've thought, given all the dramas with Carney and others ......

                He should've learnt from last he seems to have blown his 'second chance'.
                He could've made a lot of money out of footy and set himself up for life.

                He shouldn't really be drinking alcohol at all given his descendency.

                Not to mention the alleged victim's plight.


                • #9
                  wow............... the EXACT same time as last year as well

                  fuk the bloke is a dumb mongrel


                  • #10
                    What are you on about today Bondi Boy? His descendency? You may be right but you can't say things like that and not expect to be shot down. You seem like the kind of guy that might be a big cricket fan. Isn't it time to get ready for the cricket season?


                    • #11
                      Alcohol abuse makes people, perfectly nice people when sober, dumb...anyone.

                      Whatever the outcome of this he should get himself into rehab and off the booze permanently.

                      If the alleged victim is the same girlfriend, she was pregnant 'last time'.

                      So that makes him a father.


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by bondi-boy View Post
                        Alcohol abuse makes people, perfectly nice people when sober, dumb...anyone.

                        Whatever the outcome of this he should get himself into rehab and off the booze permanently.

                        If the alleged victim is the same girlfriend, she was pregnant 'last time'.

                        So that makes him a father.
                        Thanks genius - as well as making him a father it probably also means he is a mother****er.

                        Why any of these so called athletes is more interested in alcohol over their careers as professional athletes is beyond me. I don't like alcohol much but each to their own. It hardly seems so wonderful that you would blow your career for it.


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by Mad_Rooster_In_Hong Kong View Post
                          What are you on about today Bondi Boy? His descendency? You may be right but you can't say things like that and not expect to be shot down. You seem like the kind of guy that might be a big cricket fan. Isn't it time to get ready for the cricket season?
                          Given the known results of alcohol abuse on certain peoples, kidney disease a major one...he really should not be drinking the introduced species that is alcohol.

                          Aboriginal people in the Top End experience renal disease at about 50 times the national average.


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by Mad_Rooster_In_Hong Kong View Post
                            Thanks genius - as well as making him a father it probably also means he is a mother****er.

                            Why any of these so called athletes is more interested in alcohol over their careers as professional athletes is beyond me. I don't like alcohol much but each to their own. It hardly seems so wonderful that you would blow your career for it.

                            Alcohol is an addictive drug.

                            'Mad Monday' team bonding...drink, drink, drink and be merry!

                            I was ostracised in the workplace for decades for not joining the drinking team and being 'one of the boys'.
                            ...and mocked by some in extended family.

                            It can be a tough gig being the 'rebel' who goes home and not to the pub..."You are anti-social".

                            One has to develop a mind of steel to the failed promotions, isolation by colleagues, and being consigned to the 'others' table at the Christmas party...not on the 'First class citizens', or 'Second class citizens' ones etc.

                            [The 'others' table was a hoot, all the 'rejects' and 'rebels' together, ...eating, laughing, drinking soft drink or a little alcohol if they had a 'designated driver' of today.]


                            AS the NRL fumbles another grubby scandal, insiders tell Claire Harvey .............has long been excused in elite sport as `male bonding'.

                            But professional footballers inhabit a world saturated with sex, booze, opportunity and risk. And old-timers of sport say there's a long-standing link between elite sport and .............

                            ``These are blokes who are familiar with bonding through their bodies,'' he says. ``They go through physical pain together. They train together, they get inked-up together, and the idea is that, through that, you form your belonging.


                            Last edited by bondi-boy; 09-20-2011, 12:57 PM.


                            • #15
                              I finally agree with you Bondi Boy. It all about peer pressure and fitting in to the mob mentaility. To me alcohol is a drug and a boring one at that. If I choose to take a drug there are better options available than alcohol. It is not my drug of choice however it is society's drug of choice. Not drinking in certain workplaces and even families does put one on the outer. However, what is wrong with that. I like it just fine. Unfortunately so many of these footballing knuckleheads are too young, dumb and full of cum to take such a stance. We need more blokes like Wayne Pearce (not the son though).

