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  • #61
    Well if you must know king kong, i am a chippy by trade but i don't do that anymore.

    There is most probably a cooling tower on top of your million square foot apartment building....and i probably built it!

    Now i know that's probably not good enough for you and Sherlock the millionaires but it pays for my bills and toys, so it will do me fine!

    Anything else you'd like to know?


    • #62
      Greedy don't think for one second that I look down upon anyone who works hard for a living. I may debatably be highly educated but I come from a very working class background. However anyone pays the bills is acceptable to me. People do what they have to do in life.

      By the way - If I was a millionaire I would not be living in this shithole to make money.
      Last edited by Mad_Rooster_In_Hong Kong; 10-04-2011, 05:14 PM.


      • #63
        Originally posted by Greedy666 View Post
        Anything else you'd like to know?
        Yes actually. If you are working so hard how is it that you have time to talk shit on here 24/7?


        • #64
          I am just glad there is some people left in the world doing something constructive that actually furthers society.

          I contibute zero to humanity by working in the money markets as does pretty much everyone I know


          • #65
            I'm actually 3 weeks ahead of schedule, so i'm still getting paid to come in even though i've got farrk all to's a hard life!

            Anything else?


            • #66
              Originally posted by Big_Morls View Post
              I am just glad there is some people left in the world doing something constructive that actually furthers society.

              I contibute zero to humanity by working in the money markets as does pretty much everyone I know
              Ha ha mate, trust me, I contribute very little positive to society. You ought to see the morons I teach! Its funny because I wish I had the knowledge to move into the money markets. I have come to the conclusion that dumb people such as myself sell their time to make money while the really smart guys use their money to buy their time. I am hoping to be out of this industry within ten years. The grass is always greener ...


              • #67
                Originally posted by Greedy666 View Post
                I'm actually 3 weeks ahead of schedule, so i'm still getting paid to come in even though i've got farrk all to's a hard life!

                Anything else?
                Sure. This is fun. Why are you such a carnt?


                • #68
                  P.S. I never said i worked hard!


                  • #69
                    Well, my dad's a carrnt, his dad's a ****, his dad's dad is a ****....well, you get the drift.


                    • #70
                      Originally posted by Mad_Rooster_In_Hong Kong View Post
                      Ha ha mate, trust me, I contribute very little positive to society. You ought to see the morons I teach! Its funny because I wish I had the knowledge to move into the money markets. I have come to the conclusion that dumb people such as myself sell their time to make money while the really smart guys use their money to buy their time. I am hoping to be out of this industry within ten years. The grass is always greener ...

                      Miracle of miracles, I found footage of MRHK teaching.


                      • #71
                        And haven't you heard Hong Kong?

                        Nice guys finish last.....that's why i'm a supreme carrnt!


                        • #72
                          Originally posted by Greedy666 View Post
                          Well, my dad's a carrnt, his dad's a ****, his dad's dad is a ****....well, you get the drift.
                          Fair enough. Listen man, all bullshit aside, I thought you were a pretty decent poster until all this crap started. Call me a suck all you want but I actually only come to these forums because I like to talk about the Roosters and footy. No doubt I argue with people but isn't that part of the fun? My only real issue with you is that you were sending me private hate mail as Wuzup Rooster. What was all that about?


                          • #73
                            Originally posted by John View Post
                            Miracle of miracles, I found footage of MRHK teaching.
                            ha ha you finally found me you bastard!!


                            • #74
                              Mate, i'm not wuzup rooster or adzta or anyone else for that matter.I've barely got enough material for myself.That's why the game started in the first place.

                              I was quite happy going back to talking footy until you and JT started stalking me again.

                              I hope that clears a few things
                              up for you.


                              • #75
                                Originally posted by Greedy666 View Post
                                Mate, i'm not wuzup rooster or adzta or anyone else for that matter.I've barely got enough material for myself.That's why the game started in the first place.

                                I was quite happy going back to talking footy until you and JT started stalking me again.

                                I hope that clears a few things
                                up for you.
                                Wooaahhh!!! Are you farking serious? Call me slow but I thought that had been well established. All fun and games aside do you seriously deny that you are all of those guys?

