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  • #76
    Lol what would be funny is there was someone sitting back right now pissing themselves laughing at what they had achieved.


    • #77
      Originally posted by Mad_Rooster_In_Hong Kong View Post
      Ha ha mate, trust me, I contribute very little positive to society. You ought to see the morons I teach! Its funny because I wish I had the knowledge to move into the money markets. I have come to the conclusion that dumb people such as myself sell their time to make money while the really smart guys use their money to buy their time. I am hoping to be out of this industry within ten years. The grass is always greener ...
      Yeah mate i think guys who are good at moving money around are on track for an early retirement, commission earners like me who work in high tax jurisdictions and got in the game late spend more time talking enviously about their mates in HK and Singers who are killing it and reading Rooster forums and trying to figure out which second job to take to pay the mortgage in the heart of Roosters territory ha ha!


      • #78
        Established by who Hong Kong?......JT?

        Bwahahaha.....The bloke wouldn't know his arsehole from a pop-gun!

        Believe what you will mate. You asked, and i told you.


        • #79
          Originally posted by Greedy666 View Post
          Established by who Hong Kong?......JT?

          Bwahahaha.....The bloke wouldn't know his arsehole from a pop-gun!

          Believe what you will mate. You asked, and i told you.
          I thought you admitted it. Oh man now I do need a BEX. Maybe time to go home for a few cones. Dude the only reason I started giving you crap was that I thought you admitted to being Wuzup Rooster. Whoever that farker is sends me private hatemail from time to time. Whatever but its annoying.


          • #80
            Yeah, i did admit it.

            But what do i like doing best Hong Kong?....Play games maybe?

            JT was so adamant that he had figured something out, i just had to play along!

            Anyway, like i said, believe what you will mate.

            I'm sure Sherlock will be around soon to cement how good his detective skills are and how i can't fool anybody.


            • #81
              Lol dead set this is the funniest continuing saga I've read since, well the last one I guess.

              Since Teabags naming day probably.

              For the record I reckon Greeds is Greeds alone, he's much funnier than all those other so called fake Greeds.

              Continue, I need to see more of Hong Kong Fueys lamearsed supermarket asile replies. Un

              BTW have you all applied for the adults only section??? At least in there we can play, man style, well woman style for you Fuey.

              The FlogPen .

              You know it makes sense.

