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NRL on FOX is back... Although a new name is needed...

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  • #16
    you will need to wash your brain out. get that sokka crap out of you mind its footy season
    1911 1912 1913 1923 1935 1936 1937 1940 1945 1974 1975 2002 2013 2018 2019 2020


    • #17
      There's just something about Matthew Johns that gets on my nerves. If he had said 'dud call' one more time last night I was going to throw my beer at the TV. Very annoying man.


      • #18
        Originally posted by Pass the Ball View Post
        Ryan Phelan was hosting the soccer on Fox 1 last night..

        In other news, after celebrating the socceroos second and third goals, I think I have strained my hamstring and I am only 50-50 to take on Souths on Monday night... I will keep you all posted...

        The couch can be a dangerous place PB. I keep telling my wife that I am actually involved in the action....but she never believes me. Heres proof!
        Embrace the Hate! JC


        • #19
          Originally posted by Headless Chook View Post
          There's just something about Matthew Johns that gets on my nerves. If he had said 'dud call' one more time last night I was going to throw my beer at the TV. Very annoying man.
          I agree and they may as well change the name of the show to The Matty Johns Show because that was pretty much what it was IMHO.


          • #20
            Originally posted by John Corey View Post
            I think Ryan phelan did a great job leading that panel, mainly coz he knew his place and didn't think his opinion was more important than the rest of the panel who have played at the top level. That is the prob with warren smith IMO.
            To be fair, Smith kept his gob shut for the most part and left it to the rest to put forth their opinions.


            • #21
              Originally posted by Tom Ace View Post
              To be fair, Smith kept his gob shut for the most part and left it to the rest to put forth their opinions.
              I think we may have watched different shows as I think the whole show Mathew Johns shoved his opinion over the top of everyone and Smith sat there amazed at how his show got taken over by the ranting Mathew Johns.
              Spanner gone and never forgotten


              • #22
                If Matthew Johns is calling the league on Fox, I think I pass watching it.


                • #23
                  Originally posted by Jollyjock View Post
                  I think we may have watched different shows as I think the whole show Mathew Johns shoved his opinion over the top of everyone and Smith sat there amazed at how his show got taken over by the ranting Mathew Johns.
                  Either Johns didn't let him speak or he chose not to speak. Regardless, if it means we don't have to hear Warren Smith on his high horse all year (and stick to doing what he does best, calling games), then i'm all for it.


                  • #24
                    Both the Johns' boys are gronks. Why they are media darlings has got me bamboozled considering their past and indiscretions.


                    • #25
                      Phelen gone.

                      Freeman gone.

                      Pearce gone.

                      Raymond gone.

                      Now they just have to get rid of Daley but unfortunately it won't happen because Nine is still paying his wages.


                      • #26
                        From what I read somewhere Ryan Phelan is still hosting "Super Saturday" but that's it. Not sure who is on the panel for that in 2012 but I'm sure that will be clearer after Sat.

                        Matt Johns is not calling the footy, he is presenting NRL on Fox and Monday Night Footy, taking over Ryan Phelan's role on both.

                        I normally don't mind Matt Johns but he did seem very highly strung last night and basically bouncing off the walls. Maybe little bro JoE had slipped him something?

                        I much prefer rather Matt to Andrew, who is a total farkwit.

                        Supporting the RW&B, through good times and bad times.


                        • #27
                          The Footy Show is making NRL on Fox look like a masterpiece


                          • #28
                            I thought it was a shit show and I think Waz Smith is the worst possible host... how many shows has this look at me fool killed. Phelan leaves him for dust, Johns seemed angry and on something and I think Geyer is just boring as is Tallis. I thought last yrs show was a better mix. I am glad Del is gone, I would have went with Phelan Wiz Brandy and one other TBA
                            " A man can only walk as far as he can see"


                            • #29
                              Originally posted by rooster_booster View Post
                              The Footy Show is making NRL on Fox look like a masterpiece

                              My god FFS how can it be so bad how do they get it so wrong and yet it keeps coming back just like a bad curry. Sunday footy show is the only decent one........... is that HD one footy show on this yr??
                              " A man can only walk as far as he can see"

