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Who replaces BJ on Anzac Day

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  • #31
    I can't see BJ copping a suspension for that.

    If Sika Manu can put his knee into the back of FPN's calf (absolutely no excuse) they're not going to suspend BJ for trying to get Fergusson's arm off his jersey. Did anyone see Fergusson's sly laugh after the penalty was given, he knew exactly what he was doing.


    • #32
      Originally posted by Rooster_6 View Post
      I can't see BJ copping a suspension for that.

      If Sika Manu can put his knee into the back of FPN's calf (absolutely no excuse) they're not going to suspend BJ for trying to get Fergusson's arm off his jersey. Did anyone see Fergusson's sly laugh after the penalty was given, he knew exactly what he was doing.
      But we already established there is no consistency in the nrl


      • #33
        Originally posted by Julz View Post
        But we already established there is no consistency in the nrl
        There is consistency, 1 rule for us & 1 for everyone else.
        Originally posted by turk-283
        Kurt 79 - Kags 0..


        • #34
          Originally posted by Mr. Walker View Post
          So, so naive.
          Fish on!


          • #35
            The movement that causes injury in that situation is external rotation of the arm. For the most part BJ only applied force to flex Ferguson's elbow not externally rotate it. It was made to look worse because BJ's other arm was forcing Ferguson's torso downwards meaning movement of the arm was suddenly isolated. While BJ certainly controlled the direction Ferguson's arm was moving in, at no point did he actually take away Ferguson's ability to control his own arm by grabbing it with his hand. As has been said, if Ferguson lets go off BJ's jumper then Ferguson would regain control over the direction his arm is moving.

            It was obvious milking, firstly because he was smiling like an idiot afterwards, and secondly because the range of motion his shoulder got pushed into would not have caused pain. The elbow to the spine he was getting would have been more painful tbh.

            BJ will have a case to answer because the NRL will see this as a way of showing that they're "getting tough" on wrestling, when it's quite obvious that this was not a planned wrestling move to slow down the play the ball, it was a young bloke getting held by the collar that got pissed off and did something that was a bit stupid.


            • #36
              Originally posted by filthyralph View Post
              I loved hearing the refs explanation for the penalty and placing on report... "Ive thought about it and its going on report".

              Translation... Its an Easts player. Lets try and rub him out for a week or two.
              Where do you get your tinfoil hats from?


              • #37
                Originally posted by rooster_booster View Post
                Where do you get your tinfoil hats from?
                Woooohooooo... Its a double hookup!


                • #38
                  Originally posted by filthyralph View Post
                  I loved hearing the refs explanation for the penalty and placing on report... "Ive thought about it and its going on report".

                  Translation... Its an Easts player. Lets try and rub him out for a week or two.
                  Not sure about the last bit of your post but gees it's a bad look for the referee to say "I've thought about it and....". Is this bloke a referee or a philosopher?? Just make the call and spare us your philosophical musings.

                  The fundamental problem with NRL referees is they are so frigging wishy washy.


                  • #39
                    Originally posted by filthyralph View Post
                    Woooohooooo... Its a double hookup!
                    Mark that spot in the GPS!


                    • #40
                      Originally posted by chook 56 View Post
                      Mark that spot in the GPS!


                      • #41
                        Nothing in it. BJ never takes hold of Fergusons arms, it's his torso that applies the pressure.



                        • #42
                          People are acting like BJ bent his arm back or something.

                          He bloody bent it at the elbow, in the direction an elbow is supposed to bend FFS. Did no damage to Fergusson, nor was there any risk of damage.

                          Chicken wings or whatever you want to call them are when you deliberately try and hyper extend a players arm, be it at the shoulder or elbow. Nothing like what BJ did.


                          • #43
                            im on the fence as to how bad it is. i do believe this is his first offence however which should work in his favour. That said, with all the talk about wrestling and the like atm, its very untimely to have BJ fronting the judiciary for this type of thing as he may well be made an example of. We do need him on wednesday though. heres hoping....


                            • #44
                              Tagive or Henry


                              • #45
                                When is the judiciary?

