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  • #46
    Originally posted by theGman View Post

    Keep up the good fight my fellow homosapiens.

    ​​Dont cave in to the woke PC brigade.
    Be you, be courageous, don't be afraid to speak your mind and express your beliefs in a reasonable manner.

    Of course if people are belligerent or derogatory then that's another matter however, we shouldn't have to hesitate and consider if what we're about to say will offend precious petals.
    Interesting - So we will have more Archie Bunker types frequenting the site than we do now


    • #47
      Originally posted by Rooster_6 View Post

      I think it’s just about respect, if you told me I was pronouncing your name wrong and told me how to pronounce your name I would do my best to try and pronounce it that way.
      True however, I believe some commentators feel they'll be unfairly scrutinised if they don't get it right.

      Rabbits Warren would often get it wrong despite best efforts and just get on with it without explanation or apology.


      • #48
        Originally posted by King Salvo View Post
        It's not hard to find out how to pronounce someone's name correctly, though. Obviously, folk don't see the comments from family members of the players on NSWRL TV when commentators pronounce the players names incorrectly.

        You may not care how your name is pronounced or think it's a big deal, but people do, as, after all, it's their family's history.

        To say it's PC based is ridiculous

        My Wife's Maidan name was Sharapova as in Maria Sharapova

        It's pronounced Sha - Ruh - Pow - Vuh not Shara - Pova

        The Pow is pronounced as Poe

        Thus Maria Sharapova is pronounced as - muh·ree·uh sha·ruh·pow·vuh
        So now your married to Maria Sharapova.Dam


        • #49
          Joey Hawaii is off to rugby, hee-hee.

          This pronunciation saga is most likely a product of the good ship inclusivity as it sails the sea of exclusivity. I have spent most of my life working and living abroad. In every country my name was pronounced very differently to how it is here. I found that slightly entertaining and never ever insulting or uncomfortable. I never once expected others to adopt an Australian accent when conversing with me, because that would have been selfish, misguided and arrogant to do so. When in Rome, and all that.

          I highly doubt that the driving force behind this fad is from the players that carry Oceanian names. It is probably the media that is the main instigator, confusing natural cultural pride with the pedantic crossing of t's and dotting of i's. Let's Call the Whole Thing Off (You Say Tomato, I Say Tomato).

          It's a good day to watch Penrith lose.


          • #50
            Originally posted by theGman View Post

            True however, I believe some commentators feel they'll be unfairly scrutinised if they don't get it right.

            Rabbits Warren would often get it wrong despite best efforts and just get on with it without explanation or apology.
            Oh for sure but there’s 5% of idiots in every single argument. Like you said intent matters, people are going to get it wrong from time to time and we shouldn’t ever make anything more of it than that.

            I just imagine as a family, as a father seeing your son run out onto the NRL field and hearing your family name below out over the TV must be one of the proudest and most fulfilling moments anyone can feel so there’s more reasons than just PC culture to get it right. Out of respect for those families and the individuals a far more compelling argument for mine.


            • #51
              Originally posted by King Salvo View Post
              It's not hard to find out how to pronounce someone's name correctly, though. Obviously, folk don't see the comments from family members of the players on NSWRL TV when commentators pronounce the players names incorrectly.

              You may not care how your name is pronounced or think it's a big deal, but people do, as, after all, it's their family's history.

              To say it's PC based is ridiculous

              My Wife's Maidan name was Sharapova as in Maria Sharapova

              It's pronounced Sha - Ruh - Pow - Vuh not Shara - Pova

              The Pow is pronounced as Poe

              Thus Maria Sharapova is pronounced as - muh·ree·uh sha·ruh·pow·vuh
     about punching above your weight.

              Congrats mate! You must be pretty tall yourself.
              #We Stand with ourJewish community#


              • #52
                Originally posted by theGman View Post

                Thanks and I mean it!

                I'm effin over this generation of softies and emotionally insecure types.

                Let's not allow the small fish slowly nip away and eat the big fish
                We can tell with some of the horrendous things you let go around here


                • #53
                  Originally posted by Jacks Fur Coat View Post

         about punching above your weight.

                  Congrats mate! You must be pretty tall yourself.
                  Same surname, but she does look somewhat like Maria. I did ask way back if she was related, but she isn't.

                  188cm and 98 kg's myself


                  • #54
                    Originally posted by Rooster36 View Post

                    We can tell with some of the horrendous things you let go around here
                    We do our best to moderate.
                    The thing i find is those who whine are often themselves culprits or antagonists.
                    Swings and roundabouts......

                    If you're unhappy or disillusioned my friend there's other more feral and horrendous platforms for you to frequent like reddit or leagueunlimited. Trust me....they make our forum seem tame and friendly.

                    Anyway, nobody's twisting your arm to tune-in champ!


                    • #55
                      Originally posted by MCMLXVI View Post
                      Joey Hawaii is off to rugby, hee-hee.

                      This pronunciation saga is most likely a product of the good ship inclusivity as it sails the sea of exclusivity. I have spent most of my life working and living abroad. In every country my name was pronounced very differently to how it is here. I found that slightly entertaining and never ever insulting or uncomfortable. I never once expected others to adopt an Australian accent when conversing with me, because that would have been selfish, misguided and arrogant to do so. When in Rome, and all that.

                      I highly doubt that the driving force behind this fad is from the players that carry Oceanian names. It is probably the media that is the main instigator, confusing natural cultural pride with the pedantic crossing of t's and dotting of i's. Let's Call the Whole Thing Off (You Say Tomato, I Say Tomato).

                      It's a good day to watch Penrith lose.
                      Well said.
                      Same wavelength.


                      • #56
                        Originally posted by theGman View Post

                        It's a piss take on the calibration/pronunciation of Islanders surnames......political correctness gone crazy IMO.
                        I could be mistaken but Josh Papalii must have started the correctness about 3 years ago bc up until then his surname was always simply pronounced Papa-lee.
                        Then all of a sudden I noticed the commentators pronouncing it Papa-lee-ee.....really?

                        I just find it pedantic.
                        There's no offence if someone mispronounces a name or surname if they're genuinely have a go and not doing it deliberately.

                        I wish I had a dollar for every time my surname was pronounced or said in dozens of different ways.

                        Toughen up people FFS.
                        I think it was Charnze Nicoll-Klokstad.

                        I still can’t work out how your get ‘Klookstar’ from it?

                        Its like CAT was pronounced Dog!
                        FVCK CANCER


                        • #57
                          Originally posted by theGman View Post

                          Keep up the good fight my fellow homosapiens.

                          ​​Dont cave in to the woke PC brigade.
                          Be you, be courageous, don't be afraid to speak your mind and express your beliefs in a reasonable manner.

                          Of course if people are belligerent or derogatory then that's another matter however, we shouldn't have to hesitate and consider if what we're about to say will offend precious petals.
                          Mate, no joke, this is the post of the year and why you are the most respected Mod on this site.

                          Sally take note.
                          FVCK CANCER


                          • #58
                            Originally posted by King Salvo View Post
                            It's not hard to find out how to pronounce someone's name correctly, though. Obviously, folk don't see the comments from family members of the players on NSWRL TV when commentators pronounce the players names incorrectly.

                            You may not care how your name is pronounced or think it's a big deal, but people do, as, after all, it's their family's history.

                            To say it's PC based is ridiculous

                            My Wife's Maidan name was Sharapova as in Maria Sharapova

                            It's pronounced Sha - Ruh - Pow - Vuh not Shara - Pova

                            The Pow is pronounced as Poe

                            Thus Maria Sharapova is pronounced as - muh·ree·uh sha·ruh·pow·vuh
                            No one cares what your wife’s called.
                            FVCK CANCER


                            • #59
                              Originally posted by theGman View Post

                              Thanks and I mean it!

                              I'm effin over this generation of softies and emotionally insecure types.

                              Let's not allow the small fish slowly nip away and eat the big fish
                              Nature has it the other way around mate. Every fish serves a purpose and is important though.
                              FVCK CANCER


                              • #60
                                Originally posted by King Salvo View Post

                                Interesting - So we will have more Archie Bunker types frequenting the site than we do now
                                Anything is better than more of your type on here.
                                FVCK CANCER

