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Ratu Tagive in the Bulldogs NSW Cup side on the wing???

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  • #16

    try this, surely you aint banned from these guys too!


    • #17
      Originally posted by Horry View Post

      try this, surely you aint banned from these guys too!
      Lol, thanks Horry, no I've never graced the Tigpies house but I'm sure they'd find a reason to exclude my lovable joy joy happy posting style.

      And I know now why you just didn't explain it to me, very confusing reasoning. They are both Ratus, cos of birthrites and tribal customs, but Peni has changed back and forth between both names over the years cos of his family situations and beliefs.

      I must say seeing him live he is one big unit and I was impressed with what he did. Hope he recovers soon and gets back the back line looked unusually tall and fast with him there.

      Thanks again mate.

      The FlogPen .

      You know it makes sense.


      • #18
        Originally posted by supermario View Post
        What are the Odds of having 2 fijians witht he same first and last name and both playing on the wing !

        I had to take a triple take when i saw the dogs NSW cup line up and saw Ratu Tagive on the side, I thought Peni (first name is Ratu) had left !
        This thread is posted in the wrong section, you need to show some leadership and ban your self (2weeks) lol
        " A man can only walk as far as he can see"


        • #19
          Wasn't there two Jeremy Smiths a few years back ?


          • #20
            There still are Hawkeye.



            The other one, Jeremy James Smith, is playing for the Dragons.

            I sense a Ray Warren blither coming if they ever play against each other.
            Last edited by John; 05-17-2012, 09:25 AM.


            • #21
              ratu is some sort of title of royalty/nobility in fijian (hence the same name). I think that the bulldogs version is related to Peni and ironically he also played most of his junior footy with us.


              • #22
                Originally posted by Hawkeye View Post
                Wasn't there two Jeremy Smiths a few years back ?
                Don't think they were Fijian Wingers but I get your point


                • #23
                  There are also 2 Todd Carneys..

                  One that played for us last year, and then there is the one carving up for Cronulla this year..


                  • #24
                    Originally posted by pass the ball View Post
                    there are also 2 todd carneys..

                    One that played for us last year, and then there is the one carving up for cronulla this year..

