Why would you want Malcolm Noad at Easts? What do you actually know about him? How many other potential candidates have you considered? Do you remember how many Dogs didn't renew contracts under his watch or how about the players that were recruited to the Dogs under his watch? I'd love to hear your responses to these questions, thankyou.
No announcement yet.
"Cannot remain a captain under this scenario"
The slimy Malcolm Toad at the Roosters, no thanks! We don't need an ex News, ex-Scumdog reject to run our club.
As for the next captain, whilst Mini would be sentimental fave, it's just not logical when you consider he'll probably leave at the end of 2013 so would only be short term. We tried that with Ricko and it really didn't work out for us now did it. We need to pick a bloke who will be at the club long term.
Maubs is the one I'd choose to lead us forward. He has brains and intellect as well as brawn, so could handle the on-field and off-field commitments better than most at our club.
NCSupporting the RW&B, through good times and bad times.
Originally posted by novice chook View PostThe slimy Malcolm Toad at the Roosters, no thanks! We don't need an ex News, ex-Scumdog reject to run our club. Correct
As for the next captain, whilst Mini would be sentimental fave, it's just not logical when you consider he'll probably leave at the end of 2013 so would only be short term. We tried that with Ricko and it really didn't work out for us now did it. We need to pick a bloke who will be at the club long term.
Maubs is the one I'd choose to lead us forward. He has brains and intellect as well as brawn, so could handle the on-field and off-field commitments better than most at our club.
Wasn't Noad the guy who accused us of having no juniors and buying our team and came up with the Bulldogs motto of "Bred Not Bought"?
I'd like to see Kennedy as our captain. A bit young maybe but already shows leadership qualities and is a very bright spark.
Maybe dual captains with MK and Maubs. Or let's trump the bunnies and have 6 captains. MK, Maubs, JWH, Pearce, Cordner and Mini.
What about Greenberg ? I know he wouldnt really leave the Dogs, but if we could, would you ?
Personally I would have a leadership group with Aubs as C. but I would have MK and JWH leading the forwards and Pearce and Mini leading the backs.
Aubs could well and truly be the front man for the team, but in the heat of the game - then and there - I would have Pearce and Mini telling the backs what to do and have MK, Aubs and JWH sending a rocket if needed to the forwards.
Originally posted by dj_sta View PostWhat about Greenberg ? I know he wouldnt really leave the Dogs, but if we could, would you ?
Personally I would have a leadership group with Aubs as C. but I would have MK and JWH leading the forwards and Pearce and Mini leading the backs.
Aubs could well and truly be the front man for the team, but in the heat of the game - then and there - I would have Pearce and Mini telling the backs what to do and have MK, Aubs and JWH sending a rocket if needed to the forwards.
Originally posted by Big Arty View PostWhy would you want Malcolm Noad at Easts? What do you actually know about him? How many other potential candidates have you considered? Do you remember how many Dogs didn't renew contracts under his watch or how about the players that were recruited to the Dogs under his watch? I'd love to hear your responses to these questions, thankyou.
Keeping in mind he was not there when SBW walked out, of the players which he let go which players have gone onto better things? The only one I can think of is asotasi. The rest of them went on to be cap thiefs there latest edition still at our club. Noad adopted a policy of commitment to the club as well as giving a player what he is worth.
He was never a puppet to anyone of the board members, unlike our muppet. Part of the reason why he left was because of this if my source is correct. I haven't considered any potential candidates arty because I am not in a position to hire anyone, I was just throwing up a name as a fan. He aslo respected those who deserved respect. Read the telecrap as much as you please, everyone at the club respected him and I know that because I know bulldogs fans who are very close to the club. The only one who acknowledge his public hatred of Noad was Mason, and Noad was right about him.
Anyway this has gone far off topic. No to Anasta as captain.
Originally posted by Rooster2013 View PostI said it before, former bulldogs ceo, Malcolm Noad, is who we should go after.
I'm sick and tired of hearing the whole, he's nick's puppet story. IMO everyone makes their job what they want. Either they can choose to "follow protocol" as you have said or make brave decisions even if those above them do not agree. If they fail then they fall on their own sword at least and if they succeed then they make something of their chances. When an employer hires someone, they have to make individual decisions without running after every problem to their boss.
Many times after a club like the bulldogs for example have played poorly, they have openly appologized to the fans in the media for their performances. When was the last time our ceo did that?
I find it hard to believe that as mickey Lane said noyce told him: "Everyone at the club holds braith in the highest of regards", especially after he was basically told to go out and look for another contract. Smith has sent through many subliminal messages in his press conferences to show his dismay with Bwaiff being at our club. A few weeks ago when he said that mini had played himeself into a new contract, that was as big a sign as any that bwaiff is not favoured by smith.
I go back to the first point I made on this forum, If bwaiff was any other player then he'd be at newtown or even worse gone completely. Regardless whether he is a nice bloke his skill level is attrocious this season.
Show me examples of how Greenberg or any other CEO is doing any better a job than Noyce is???
Explain what the CEOs role is at a football club???
Show where Noyce is doing his job badly or to the detriment of the club???
Your whole post is cliche laden shit. You've said nothing there. You even talked about subliminal messages, that's hilarious. Where are the facts??? What is your actual point??? Do you blame Noyce for Bwaiff remaining as captain even though the coach gives many subliminal messages to the contrary???
The FlogPen .
You know it makes sense.
Originally posted by stsae View PostNodal LMFAO that's loco. He's an ex-News LTD flunky shifted into the Boggs club to smooth over the Oasis salary cap scandal. He was HATED by the Boggs faithful, coaches, players and fans alike.
Show me examples of how Greenberg or any other CEO is doing any better a job than Noyce is???
Explain what the CEOs role is at a football club???
Show where Noyce is doing his job badly or to the detriment of the club???
Your whole post is cliche laden shit. You've said nothing there. You even talked about subliminal messages, that's hilarious. Where are the facts??? What is your actual point??? Do you blame Noyce for Bwaiff remaining as captain even though the coach gives many subliminal messages to the contrary???
As for the players who hated Noad, the only documented player is Mason. Folkes, Ryan, Patten and SBW were all on good terms with him.
Anyway CBF arguing anymore easts backwards, Anasta for captain yes, or no???????
Originally posted by Rooster2013 View PostSeriously we've walked down this path before and all that ends is that you make a stubborn claim that Noyce hasn't done anything wrong.
As for the players who hated Noad, the only documented player is Mason. Folkes, Ryan, Patten and SBW were all on good terms with him.
Anyway CBF arguing anymore easts backwards, Anasta for captain yes, or no???????
People have a personal vendetta against the bloke cos of his ugly melon I'm sure. It's loco.
No-one liked Nodal. Otherwise where is he now. He was shifted into that job cos NewsRL wanted one of their men inside that joint to gloss the salary cap scandal over. He was always an outsider and was never wanted in the role there, hes a company News man. Ask anyone associated with that club. In fact Imadog is an insider at the Boggs, I'm sure he will respond soon enough with his thoughts about Nodal.
As for Bwaiff youse are all wasting your fingers typing shit. He won't get arsed till the end of the season. The reasons are there for all to see. I don't even bother speculating on such bullshit anymore, it's pointless, I'm preaching to the converted.
See I never wanted him from day one. I voiced my opposition on various occasions to the bloke, not based on his looks or media persona, based on his lack of ability. The posts exist, if you can be arsed looking, both here and at Melons site. Many I argued with at the time about Bwaiff are the same noisy ones making posts just like this one.
I have zero love for Noyce. All I ask is, when some attack the bloke, what's the reasoning behind such hatred??? I can see why people hate coaches and reffs and players, but hating a CEO who appears to be doing his job well, seems pretty stoopid to me. Sure if the club was struggling financially or struggling to retain players or struggling with negative media etc. I'd be the first to complain about the CEO. But when problems have arisen in those areas, his job description, he seems to have addressed them well enough.
Subliminal messages, at least you made me.
The FlogPen .
You know it makes sense.