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  • Leniu

    I was sceptical of the Leniu signing, believing that we got the wrong prop (Moses Leota). But Jesus Christ it's like he's become this unstoppable force this year, particularly after the Mam fiasco. His Origin form is nuts. Not everyone can perform on that high stage, particularly playing in the middle. But he was licking his lips. Relished it.

    Can't wait to see him run out for the Chooks again.

  • #2
    I wouldn't swap him for any other prop. He is frighteningly good.


    • #3
      He is amazing
      can’t bellieve we have only got 5 games of him so far for chooks
      loves the contract and contest and has quick footwork into contact
      would have loved to see him play longer minutes both origin games and also 2nd half if blues had more ball he would have continued with the hit ups


      • #4
        Oh he’s a goodie. Wait for him to lift in the big matches for us at the back end. He motivates and doesn’t back down at all.. loved seeing him charge in when DCE shoved Critta… he has his boys back and that will translate for us very well…. Hopefully

        Our pack next year remains near the very top, if not the top but we need to find the cattle out wide to polish it off.


        • #5
          I love what he brings to our pack!!

          let’s face it….. he is no Dallas Hood


          • #6
            100% agreed. We need to extend him asap.


            • #7
              One of the only times I've ever agreed with Andrew Johns about anything was Wednesday night when he was jizzing about Spencer's impact as a footballer.

              Long may he run in Roosters colours.


              • #8
                Would love to see him turn that into 60 minute games


                • #9
                  He's definitely bounced back exactly how we wanted him to. It's massive for our chances this year.
                  Born and bred in the eastern suburbs.


                  • #10
                    I've always rated him and thought he was under-utilised at the Panthers. What a positive career move he's made moving to the Roosters! We signed him for $525k. He would comfortably trade tomorrow for $800k plus. I love everything he brings to the table. I also think he handled the monkey gate fall out with integrity and sincerity which is why he's well respected by his peers and opposition players.
                    Last edited by Bates; 06-27-2024, 10:44 PM.


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by Vasco View Post
                      He's definitely bounced back exactly how we wanted him to. It's massive for our chances this year.
                      Exactly. He’s 8 games fresher than any of his opponents.
                      FVCK CANCER


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by rented tracksuit View Post

                        Exactly. He’s 8 games fresher than any of his opponents.


                        • #13
                          That effort where he just burst through the middle of two defenders through sheer strength and power, you just do not see that at Origin level.


                          • #14
                            Awesome player. Glad he’s playing for the roosters.
                            “Soon will the present day order be rolled up, and a new one spread out in its stead”- (Baha’u’llah)


                            • #15
                              Didn't think he'd play Origin after poor Ezra had a sook. Take my hat off to Maguire for picking him for NSW after only a couple of club games, and showing all how good he can be. Can only be good for the Roosters.
                              Sickie Lame .... King of Bestiality

