Originally posted by Bates
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Andrew Johns. Cooper Cronk and Jonathon Thurston have the opposite opinion of the way Nathan Cleary plays and they do know a touch more than R6 and you about that position one has to say. You don't listen to their commentary when they wax on lyrical about his game- during the game and post game. Johns is always banging on about how Cleary " creates the play and makes things happen"
Remember the term VFT - Vision , Feel (for the game) and Time - Cleary has nailed this skill and Sam Walker is yet to. - All that "creativity" will be wasted unless you have VFT as a half
The perfect balance
In the modern game, where everything is so structured, a player like Cleary is so important.
Penrith's main man can execute a game plan better than anybody, but it's his ability to play off the cuff and create something out of nothing that makes him the complete package.
“There’s this argument about manufactured and robotic vs ad-lib, and the best-case scenario sits in the middle of it," Cronk said.
"I think Nathan knows what he is about to do before he does it, because he knows the cues from the opposition.