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Oldfield to Roosters for two years

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  • Originally posted by Greedy666 View Post
    Fred is one of the funniest farrkers on this forum imo.

    He gets a bite out of at least one person for almost every single post he makes.

    The dude is a genius.....and he's got a lot of silly mofo's on this forum on his string.
    I think everyone loves Fredo mate, it's those characters that make the forums so amusing, like Coggy.

    Doesn't mean he isnt punishment, often.

    I remember the days when we used to tease Bravo. Fredo was brilliant, I swear I could almost see the veins in Bravos neck straining, on Melons old site.

    Hey where did Bravo go??? Or did he just change nics, he was good at that???

    Are you Bravo Greeds??? No, Honkers is Bravo. That's piss funny, that is.

    The FlogPen .

    You know it makes sense.


    • Originally posted by stsae View Post
      Goodie, you know I always wanted to play with the big boys toys.

      I better get in quick and give Oldfield his new decoder.

      One Nation.

      before you steal that one as well.
      Alcohol never solved any life problems.....then again neither did milk.


      • Originally posted by Greedy666 View Post
        Fred is one of the funniest farrkers on this forum imo.

        He gets a bite out of at least one person for almost every single post he makes.

        The dude is a genius.....and he's got a lot of silly mofo's on this forum on his string.
        Lol. I like to think it actually works the other way too. I've been known to get a bite from him from time to time. It's all in good fun even when we disagree! And when he drives me nuts with his Smith obsession.


        • Originally posted by mightyrooster View Post
          No Fred will have nothing to contribute to this forum if both of the Smiths are shown the door.
          I will still be here keeping an eye on the next coach for you. I knyou that you don't put any focus at all on the coach, he's just a coach after all, it's not an important position.


          • Originally posted by stsae View Post
            I think everyone loves Fredo mate, it's those characters that make the forums so amusing, like Coggy.

            Doesn't mean he isnt punishment, often.

            I remember the days when we used to tease Bravo. Fredo was brilliant, I swear I could almost see the veins in Bravos neck straining, on Melons old site.

            Hey where did Bravo go??? Or did he just change nics, he was good at that???

            Are you Bravo Greeds??? No, Honkers is Bravo. That's piss funny, that is.

            Where is bravo? I miss him.

            I must have been right about him being a closet dragons fan deep down.


            • Originally posted by Greedy666 View Post
              Fred is one of the funniest farrkers on this forum imo.

              He gets a bite out of at least one person for almost every single post he makes.

              The dude is a genius.....and he's got a lot of silly mofo's on this forum on his string.
              I'm the voice for the normal fan.


              • Originally posted by fred68 View Post
                I will still be here keeping an eye on the next coach for you. I knyou that you don't put any focus at all on the coach, he's just a coach after all, it's not an important position.

                On the contrary I do place focus on the coach. It's just different to you.


                • Im happy with the squad. I know this sounds wierd but I wish we had a fullback in the calibre of Barba aka Sheck plays instead of count. We dont have a player in FG with footwork

