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New coach?

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  • New coach?

    Do we stick with our current coaches "youth policy" and be patient for another 1-2 painful seasons or do we bring in someone else who will take control and put our club on a disciplinary leash like Hasler has with the dogs? You wouldn't see dogs doing ridiculous impossible offloads, they're too scared of their coach. But it seems like our team has no respect for Smith. Call it inexperience all you want but if there's a game plan and the team don't follow it, it has nothing to do with inexperience, it has everything to do with not listening to the coach. He has no power over our team that's why our team don't listen.

    You can call it inexperience all you want but at the end of the day it's the inexperienced ones who listen to the coach more, and the experienced ones who try to control the game. Inexperience doesn't blind the players from the coaches words.

  • #2
    Daniel Anderson. NOW!


    • #3
      Retorical question.
      Obviously we need a new coach. Our players want out and he still chooses Friend over Mitchell and has only STARTED to make good recruitments. He hasnt developed our juniors that was to Taylors credit hes just promoted them to first grade he cant select our team and has no gameplan and has lost the players support. RIdiculous.


      • #4
        Originally posted by John View Post
        Daniel Anderson. NOW!
        Haha if we sign him than half our team would quit within three months, in particular our Polynesian players.

