The good old tried and tested formula for occasional short term success and long-term failure. This must be the Vision statement at the top of the Roosters Strategic-Business Plan.
Will we ever learn?
This creates the culture and shapes the results – on and off the field.
I have been a long-time critic of our policy of changing coaches as soon as times get tough. The quick fix. At the end of 2009 we needed a strong, experienced coach on a longer term contract who would instil discipline and not take rubbish. We got him. Took us to a Grand Final in the first year, rails fell off in 2011, got rid of the rubbish and finished year strongly and started 2012 similarly. There has also been a significant reduction in the off-field dramas and headlines for the wrong reasons – tick again, job done.
Mid 2012 things unravelling again. And, yet again, I point the finger at our upper level management. Players being given verbal “guarantees” about their position in the team from the Chairman. Big money being offered to sign a “sportsman” from another code, granting him his every wish, shedding our own players in the wake to accommodate him.
How can a coach and his players be expected to operate effectively and focus on building a winning culture for the club in this environment? Simple answer, they cannot.
The SBW circus has begun to affect our club even before it has even been announced officially – big time. What sort of message is this one-year, bend over backwards deal sending to other players in the club? Yes Smithy is a tough disciplinarian which some of the players do not like. Well they like it even less when management is giving the red carpet treatment to one new player.
It is so easy to blame one person or group – i.e. the coaching staff when things are going bad. It’s just a simple cop-out. Has the game left behind the more experienced coaches like Smith, Bennett and Sheens?…it’s possible, but it’s not what lies at the heart of our problems.
Nick I think it’s time to step aside. Yes we do need to re-build, but this time from the top of the tree.
Bring back Easts.
Will we ever learn?
This creates the culture and shapes the results – on and off the field.
I have been a long-time critic of our policy of changing coaches as soon as times get tough. The quick fix. At the end of 2009 we needed a strong, experienced coach on a longer term contract who would instil discipline and not take rubbish. We got him. Took us to a Grand Final in the first year, rails fell off in 2011, got rid of the rubbish and finished year strongly and started 2012 similarly. There has also been a significant reduction in the off-field dramas and headlines for the wrong reasons – tick again, job done.
Mid 2012 things unravelling again. And, yet again, I point the finger at our upper level management. Players being given verbal “guarantees” about their position in the team from the Chairman. Big money being offered to sign a “sportsman” from another code, granting him his every wish, shedding our own players in the wake to accommodate him.
How can a coach and his players be expected to operate effectively and focus on building a winning culture for the club in this environment? Simple answer, they cannot.
The SBW circus has begun to affect our club even before it has even been announced officially – big time. What sort of message is this one-year, bend over backwards deal sending to other players in the club? Yes Smithy is a tough disciplinarian which some of the players do not like. Well they like it even less when management is giving the red carpet treatment to one new player.
It is so easy to blame one person or group – i.e. the coaching staff when things are going bad. It’s just a simple cop-out. Has the game left behind the more experienced coaches like Smith, Bennett and Sheens?…it’s possible, but it’s not what lies at the heart of our problems.
Nick I think it’s time to step aside. Yes we do need to re-build, but this time from the top of the tree.
Bring back Easts.