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Roosters Marketing - How low can they go?

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  • #46
    Originally posted by Jacro View Post
    I didn't receive an email either. 2 missed calls from them last week, I answered when they called this morning.

    Phone call comes from 03-8692-0611.
    I've had hangups on my mobile from that number over the past few weeks.
    "Those who care about you can hear you, even when you are quiet" - Steve Maraboli


    • #47
      Originally posted by PKR View Post
      I haven't had any calls ..... but we are on the "Do not call register".
      That means nothing in Victoria apparently. I get telemarketers calling me during Friday night football down here all the time. I have a silent number and put it on the Do Not Call Register but they still manage to find me.
      "Those who care about you can hear you, even when you are quiet" - Steve Maraboli


      • #48
        Originally posted by redwhiteblue View Post
        That means nothing in Victoria apparently. I get telemarketers calling me during Friday night football down here all the time. I have a silent number and put it on the Do Not Call Register but they still manage to find me.
        Yeah, same.
        We only have the business number & that is exempt from the Do Not Call Register, anyway.
        Apparently the register is only voluntary for callers. What a joke.

        After we close the doors the calls go to message & we only answer if it is someone we know.

        When you work long hours the last thing you need is someone trying to sell you something that you neither want or need.
        Last edited by chook 56; 07-12-2012, 07:59 AM.


        • #49
          I'm pretty sure if you tell an insurer to stop contacting you and they continue they can face serious fines and penalities ... Btw Im a member and have not hat a call but I have had about 5 missed calls in the last 3 weeks from a blocked number.. Do they call from a private number ?


          • #50
            Originally posted by Easts4Life View Post
            I'm pretty sure if you tell an insurer to stop contacting you and they continue they can face serious fines and penalities ... Btw Im a member and have not hat a call but I have had about 5 missed calls in the last 3 weeks from a blocked number.. Do they call from a private number ?
            No it's from a Victorian number...typical...
            "Those who care about you can hear you, even when you are quiet" - Steve Maraboli


            • #51
              I just told them that I have my insurance already in place. They thanked me for my time and have not called back since

              No fuss really.


              • #52
                Originally posted by Danish View Post
                Don't know if anyone else is having this problem, but I am being HOUNDED every day for the past 2 weeks by telemarketers from some ****ing insurance company who has just signed on as a sponsor of the Sydney Roosters.

                Apparently as a "welcoming offer" they are giving special deals to all roosters members and I should have received an email about it (I didn't). I've told them I'm not interested, but that hasn't stopped them calling every day, usually 3-4 times.

                Looks like the club is now selling its member base's information to telemarketers for a few bucks. I have written an email to the club asking about this because if it is so, I will be cancelling my membership unless they can promise me my details will not be sold to another company ever again.

                Is anyone else experiencing this same problem or is it just me?
                Try doing what us dumb people do and ask them to hold the line while you get the person they are looking for and just leave the phone off the hook till they get sick of holding. They soon get the message and stop ringing.
                Spanner gone and never forgotten


                • #53
                  Originally posted by Kokora View Post
                  I'm with him. Seriously is it that bad that companies that are pumping some cash into the club are trying to sell you something?

                  If they call you and you don't want to buy just politely decline, even if it happens two or three times. At least the sellers are in Melbourne and employing some Aussies rather then in Mumbai.

                  I like junkmail too.
                  Junk mail has specials at the supermarkets pictures!
                  I save money.
                  I love junk mail.

                  What people are upset about is that the club has released their personal details to a third party without their permission.
                  Without their permission.
                  Whatever happened to the privacy laws?
                  It's not like this company is just calling people from the phone book.

                  Roosters marketing, Roosters membership...try phoning them.

                  "We're unable to take your call right now, ....." recorded message.

                  'Never' anyone there to answer the phone.


                  • #54
                    Originally posted by bondi-boy View Post
                    Junk mail has specials at the supermarkets pictures!
                    I save money.
                    I love junk mail.

                    What people are upset about is that the club has released their personal details to a third party without their permission.
                    Without their permission.
                    Whatever happened to the privacy laws?
                    It's not like this company is just calling people from the phone book.

                    Roosters marketing, Roosters membership...try phoning them.

                    "We're unable to take your call right now, ....." recorded message.

                    'Never' anyone there to answer the phone.
                    Good post BB


                    • #55
                      Originally posted by bondi-boy View Post
                      Junk mail has specials at the supermarkets pictures!
                      I save money.
                      I love junk mail.

                      What people are upset about is that the club has released their personal details to a third party without their permission.
                      Without their permission.
                      Whatever happened to the privacy laws?
                      It's not like this company is just calling people from the phone book.

                      Roosters marketing, Roosters membership...try phoning them.

                      "We're unable to take your call right now, ....." recorded message.

                      'Never' anyone there to answer the phone.
                      Apparently you didn't read the fine print when becoming a member, so I can't agree that this is a good post, it's inflammatory & inaccurate, much like the whole 6 pages of this thread!


                      • #56
                        Originally posted by Kokora View Post
                        I'm with him. Seriously is it that bad that companies that are pumping some cash into the club are trying to sell you something?

                        If they call you and you don't want to buy just politely decline, even if it happens two or three times. At least the sellers are in Melbourne and employing some Aussies rather then in Mumbai.
                        Bad enough if they're making a nuisance of themselves.

                        They could try selling Roosters members something like all the other companies have to do.
                        By advertising on the big screen at matches, and/or by email from the club in newsletters.

                        Aha, Mumbai.

                        I received a call from a nice Indian gentleman from one of our major telcos recently wanting me to renew my mobile phone contract.
                        It was also from an 03 number.

                        I could not understand most of what he was saying, very thick the call was a big waste of time.
                        I suspect his call was from India, re-routed thru Melbourne.
                        Many of the major corporations are now relocating their customer servce depts to the Philpppines...even cheaper wages than India.

                        An interesting read;


                        My Summer at an Indian Call Center

                        Lessons learned: Americans are hotheads, Australians are drunks—and never say where you're calling from.
                        —By Andrew Marantz
                        July/August 2011


                        • #57
                          Originally posted by Big Arty View Post
                          Apparently you didn't read the fine print when becoming a member, so I can't agree that this is a good post, it's inflammatory & inaccurate, much like the whole 6 pages of this thread!
                          Hmmm, then try;

                          "There is sometimes not anyone there to answer the phone and resolve questions at the time you ring."

                          Fine print?
                          So now members have to play the 'fine print' 'game'?
                          Not a wise 'game' to make them play, IMO.
                          Last edited by bondi-boy; 07-12-2012, 11:57 AM.


                          • #58
                            Originally posted by Big Arty View Post
                            Apparently you didn't read the fine print when becoming a member, so I can't agree that this is a good post, it's inflammatory & inaccurate, much like the whole 6 pages of this thread!
                            I can see where you are coming from BA, but try get them to delete that bit of the fine print.....good luck.
                            I should have the right to say yes or no to my details being on-sold.

                            And to hide a lot of this "fine" print is just plain wrong. It should be bolded at the top of the application with an option of yes or no.

                            This whole topic is a sore point with me because we have put up with hundreds of hours of wasted time answering phone calls the WE DID NOT ASK FOR.
                            We have had to disconnect the phone of a night before we go to bed.....yes phone calls/faxes still trying to come through into the early morning. All because of companies on selling our details to anyone that will pay their fee.

                            And good luck trying to get you details off the data base. They are sold & on-sold again & again.

                            Want a tip on how to get it stopped?
                            Get you phone number changed and never give that number to ANYONE that isn't a good friend or relative.


                            • #59
                              Originally posted by bondi-boy View Post
                              There is 'never' anyone there to answer the phone and resolve questions at the time you ring.

                              Fine print?
                              So now members have to play the 'fine print' 'game'?
                              Not a wise 'game' to make them play, IMO.
                              Yes they are very busy & rarely can you speak to someone, but I didn't have any trouble contacting Lauren Johnson last week by phone & email, to assist with the Junior's Coaching Clinic, she was a fantastic help & I can't sing her praises loud enough. When you become a member, just like any other business arrangement there are disclaimers & legal "fine print", that if you don't read you have no leg to stand on. Personally I could never be bothered reading these type of documents, so when I get phone calls from businesses trying to make a living, I just tell them I don't take these type of calls, no big deal guys!!

                              Just an idea, how about we start to get behind our great club & cut the f@#%ing winging!!


                              • #60
                                Originally posted by chook 56 View Post
                                I can see where you are coming from BA, but try get them to delete that bit of the fine print.....good luck.
                                I should have the right to say yes or no to my details being on-sold.

                                And to hide a lot of this "fine" print is just plain wrong. It should be bolded at the top of the application with an option of yes or no.

                                This whole topic is a sore point with me because we have put up with hundreds of hours of wasted time answering phone calls the WE DID NOT ASK FOR.
                                We have had to disconnect the phone of a night before we go to bed.....yes phone calls/faxes still trying to come through into the early morning. All because of companies on selling our details to anyone that will pay their fee.

                                And good luck trying to get you details off the data base. They are sold & on-sold again & again.

                                Want a tip on how to get it stopped?
                                Get you phone number changed and never give that number to ANYONE that isn't a good friend or relative.
                                Mate, I hear you, you sound deeply affected by telemarketers, you should change your number like you say, disconnect the fax, no real big deal, is it? Really??

