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Reality Check

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  • Reality Check

    Games played by the team tonight...

    Mini = 245
    RTS = 1
    Kenny Dowall = 116
    Leilua = 57
    Moga = 8
    Anasta = 251
    Pearce = 124
    Arona = 28
    Cordner = 23
    Guerra = 38
    FPN = 98
    Friend = 87
    JWH = 63
    Seluini = 22
    Tasi = 26
    Aubusson = 108

    It is pretty well understood that the sweet spot for players is between 100-150 games. Players who go far beyond that are pretty rare.

    Out of 17 players tonight we have three in the sweet spot and two beyond (too far beyond in the case of these two)

    This to me says three things:

    1. It is no suprise that we are performing as we are given how this squad has been put together (the balance is wrong - far too little experience)
    2. We had no real chance this year
    3. There is a shitload of potential in this squad.

    Where we are right now sucks but anyone who believes we are not building is not looking deeply enough. The potential in this squad is clear.

    Patience, Chooks fans, patience.

    GO EASTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • #2
    Another bullsh1t patience thread.


    • #3
      patience and rebuilding can go get farked

      i want winning and premierships


      • #4
        I believed originally in the patience and building ideal but seriously, there are some really dumb footballers in this team, and we have signed them for years. How are we going to be better next year with the same squad, and no leader?


        • #5
          im sick of being the punching bag for other teams and the refs retiurement fund?


          • #6
            I think it's the OP that needs a reality check.

            A spoon should do the trick


            • #7
              I keep saying that we have too many players who are rubbish, I've been saying it for a number of years, but it seems I'm despised for saying it.


              • #8
                You know the sad thing our most experienced players are probably our shittest


                • #9
                  You really got the wrong end of the stick with the "reality check"!!! I am soooooooooooooo sick to death of the sugar coating and the excuses that go on in here!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! There is enough experience in our side to be performing far better than what we are and make the top 8, stop kidding yourself otherwise! I would love to know the bull$hit excuses for our experienced players playing $hit are???? Wouldn't have anything to do with Smiffy and Son of course?????????????? We are in trouble and need change desperately!!!! If Smiffy or Elliot are head coach next year then it will be YET ANOTHER wasted year!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
                  The year 2013 marks the beginning of the Roosters next 'decade of excellence', and it will prove to be more successful than the last!

                  Here's looking at you, kid.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by fitzy View Post
                    You know the sad thing our most experienced players are probably our shittest
                    So then what chance do our kids (and they are kids) have?


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by The Rooster Oracle View Post
                      You really got the wrong end of the stick with the "reality check"!!! I am soooooooooooooo sick to death of the sugar coating and the excuses that go on in here!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! There is enough experience in our side to be performing far better than what we are and make the top 8, stop kidding yourself otherwise! I would love to know the bull$hit excuses for our experienced players playing $hit are???? Wouldn't have anything to do with Smiffy and Son of course?????????????? We are in trouble and need change desperately!!!! If Smiffy or Elliot are head coach next year then it will be YET ANOTHER wasted year!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
                      Really, please demonstrate where the experience you speak of is in the above list of players and games?


                      • #12
                        I agree Oracle. Guys like FPN, Kennedy. Friend and BJ have been at the club for years. They have plenty of experience. Just not much of it good


                        • #13
                          Yep, the inexperiance excuse is a copout, our players are not good enough.


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by theticket View Post
                            So then what chance do our kids (and they are kids) have?
                            Ahhhhhhhhh now your onto something, our kids (along with all of our experienced players) have no chance with Smithy and Son and Elliot running the show!!

                            I just love it on here how certain people make out as though no other team in the NRL except us have any 18-21 year olds!
                            The year 2013 marks the beginning of the Roosters next 'decade of excellence', and it will prove to be more successful than the last!

                            Here's looking at you, kid.


                            • #15
                              we have a good squad. we are horribly coached. ive been reluctant to really give it to the coaches but tonight for me was the crowning glory. the titans this week and panthers last week were both horrible yet we still managed to lose both. our defence is shocking and as are our basic skills/structure. these things are purely coaching. thats why you see dumb options like the constant short-side raids being taken because the players have nothing and they need to hope that all or nothing plays such as this provide them with something. if smith was half a coach, with such a young talented squad he would be working hard on defence all year this year and on grinding and working hard. once we get that right we can worry about the attack. at the moment we have neither because we have a coach that on the one hand wants us to be entertaining yet wont instill any attacking structure and on the other hand, wont work on our defence. in short, we are a rabble as a result. i just hope that all our talent doesnt up and leave before we re-jig our coaching staff and get back on track

